How to build a lucid dreaming mask.pdf

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virtual reality the natural way
How to build a lucid dreaming mask
A complete guide to building
an LED mask for use with
mindpower software’s:
Lucid Dreamer’s Tool-kit.
Important: Legal Disclaimer
It should be noted that this guide purely suggests the components and building
techniques that may be deployed in the construction and use of a Lucid Dreaming
induction mask. It in no way guarantees the safety, reliability or functionality of individual
mask constructions based around the suggestions outlined within.
Any individuals wishing to construct their own mask based around the guidelines defined
within this guide do so at their own risk and in the understanding that any mishap
(including but not limited to: damage to themselves or damage to their PC hardware or
software) in construction or use of the finished device is their responsibility.
People suffering from Photosensitive epilepsy should avoid using LED masks.
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virtual reality the natural way
Step #1 Equipment and components
Step #2 Mounting the LEDs in the mask
Step #3 Preparing the Parallel cable
Step #4 Wiring the LED anodes (+)
Step #5 Wiring the LED cathodes (-)
Step #6 Testing your wiring
Step #7 Connecting the parallel cable to the mask
Step #8 Adding an in-line resistance box
Step #9 Enclosing your components
Appendix #1 Circuit Diagram
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virtual reality the natural way
Lucid dreaming is a recognised phenomenon that is practiced by many
thousands of enthusiasts (or 'oneironauts') around the world today.
Have you ever noticed the way a dream appears to run like a 'movie' of
which you are merely a viewer?
Lucid Dreaming is the ability to become 'conscious' in the dream by taking
control of your actions and interacting with your surroundings.
In a Lucid dream you will have full control over your actions and behavior.
While in this state of 'Lucidity' you will be able to do anything, meet anyone
or go anywhere that you please.
The techniques that are required to develop the lucid dreaming ability can
often take many weeks to perfect, and as such many people strive to find a
short-cut to take them into the virtual reality dreamscape as regularly and
predictably as possible.
The instructions outlined in this manual describe how to build an LED mask
for the purpose of inducing the lucid state while dreaming. The mask once
built can be connected via a parallel cable into a nearby PC or laptop, and
controlled through the Mind-Power software Lucid Dreamer’s Tool-kit which
may be purchased from .
The ‘Lucidity Inducer’ interface of the Lucid Dreamer’s Tool-
kit can be used to control the LED timing and flash sequences
of the mask, the construction outlines of which are described
in this manual.
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Step #1 - Equipment and components.
There are a number of ways to construct the lucid induction mask for use with the Lucid Dreamer’s
Toolkit. In fact, aside from the criticality of the wiring, the physical mask construction can be based
around a number different design options and the builder can choose from a number of suitable
materials to meet their individual requirements / preferences.
Component check list
Here is a check list of the components and equipment required to build your mask. Details
on each component are shown in the following pages.
Mask (see options on following pages)
9v (PP3) battery
Parallel cable (with connectors)
Battery terminal lead
2 x Green (bright) 2.5V 30mA LEDs
3 x 50 Ohm resistors - 1/2 Watt
4 x Red (bright) 2.5V 30mA LEDs
Mouse pad - foam with plastic coating*
Equipment wire (4 different colours)
Super Glue*
6 x LED housings
Soldering Iron and solder
*components for encasing componentry, recommended but not essential for building a
functional mask.
The Mask
A number of different mask types are available for adaption into a lucid induction device. There are three
main considerations when choosing your mask type:
1. Comfort, don’t forget you will need to sleep wearing the device. So select something with a comfortable
strap and with a comfortable face fit. Prefereably with a foam or soft material contact between the mask
and your face. Important: Do not choose a mask that covers your nose or in any way constricts your
breathing during sleep.
2. Choose a mask that has a complete strap for holding it in place during sleep. Devices constructed from
some safety goggles or spectacles that only have ‘ear arms’ for support are likely to come dislodged in the
night without additional modification.
3. Choose a mask that can be drilled easily, ideally with a Perspex or plastic lens. The components need to
be fixed to the side of the mask away from your eyes to prevent any contact during your sleep. They also
need to be sealed from behind to prevent them being dislodged. So if you can find a mask with a double
skin with at least 1cm of clearance this is ideal, but you may end up spending a lot of money to do this.
Some ski masks meet this criteria but at some expense.
So what sort of mask could be used?
Here are some suggestions:
Ski masks
Soft straps and comfortable face fits
make ski masks a good choice. Also
the tinted lenses are ideal for hiding
unsightly wiring.
Available from: on-line or retail
sporting goods stores.
Ski Mask
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Step #1 - Equipment and components.
The Mask (..cont)
Motorcross goggles
Similar to ski goggles, but sometimes cheaper.
Available from: Motorcycle accessory stores
Safety goggles
Safety goggles - if you can find the right type - are
perhaps the most cost effective solution available. This is
because you do not pay the premium usually associated
with sports wear.
Safety goggles
But be careful, there are countless varieties available and
some are not suitable for adaptation into a the lucid
induction mask. If using safety goggles be sure to find
ones that have a soft face fitting with a robust elasticized
head strap. Some varieties of welding goggles may also
be suitable, but check that the lenses are not constructed
from glass.
Available from: DIY stores, but for the best selection try
safety equipment specialists .
Swimming goggles
Swimming goggles can be ok in some instances. Avoid
anything that covers your nose or restricts breathing.
Also the rubber straps found on these goggles can
sometimes be uncomfortable for sleeping and could pull
your hair in the night. These however could be replaced
for an elastic alternative.
Swim mask
The advantage of swimming goggles is that they are
quite small, but you will need a good size lens to
accommodate your LEDs (3 per eye) so most small sports
goggles are inappropriate.
Larger swim ‘masks’ designed for watersports (see
illustration) are suitable and fairly low cost.
Available from: Diving / swimming sports equipment stores
Military goggles
These are sometimes available from army surplus stores
and can often be suitable. Tank goggles are not dissimilar
from ski goggles and are quite industrious. Army surplus
stores are often a good source for aviation goggles, the
same goggles often sported by classic motorcycle
enthusiasts. These often have a very soft and comfortable
face fit but be careful that the lenses are not glass!
Aviation goggles
As with most things, the greatest variety is
available when shopping on line. With many
brands and designs being available that are
not unavailable through retail stores. Even a
search under ‘goggles’ in ebay will usually
provide variety of low cost options.
Available from: Army surplus / paintball supplies
Should you house the components inside or outside the mask?
When choosing a mask try to work out where you are going to hide the wiring.
If there is enough depth inside the goggles you can always build compartments inside the lenses to house
the LEDs and wires. This makes for a nicer looking finished design, but be careful to allow plenty of room for
your eyes and eyelids. You should have at least a centimeter of clearance. If this is not possible you should
think about building the components on the outside of the mask and externally housing them.
Suggestions on external component housing are covered in step #9.
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Step #1 - Equipment and components.
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