Astral Projection And Lucid Dreaming - Method - From Dusk Till Dawn.pdf

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SUNEYE Method I - From Dusk to Dawn - Version 3.3 by Joe Russa (SUNEYE)
Method I
From Dusk to Dawn
Version 3.3
by Joe Russa a.k.a. SUNEYE
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SUNEYE Method I - From Dusk to Dawn - Version 3.3 by Joe Russa (SUNEYE)
Part Page
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................... 3
Copyright Information ............................................................................................... 3
History ......................................................................................................................... 5
Factors ......................................................................................................................... 8
Techniques Involved .................................................................................................. 12
The Method ................................................................................................................ 21
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SUNEYE Method I - From Dusk to Dawn - Version 3.3 by Joe Russa (SUNEYE)
I and/or anyone associated with this document, directly and/or indirectly, are not
responsible for the effects and/or results, either positive and/or negative, from
participating in its content. You try, use, and/or experiment with the information in this
document at your own risk. Even though the method(s) in this document have been tested
without any negative results, this disclaimer protects me and/or anyone associated with
me, directly and/or indirectly, from liability.
Copyright Information
This document © Copyright 2000, Joe Russa a.k.a. SUNEYE. All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise for
the purpose of personal gain through profiting, re-selling, or any means by which money
is exchanged for the use or ownership of this book. Our lawyers are ready to act at the
first sight of infringement and SUNEYE will not hesitate to pursue legal actions.
Copyright protection laws prohibits author's information from being pirated and used
without permission. You can be convicted of a federal crime and sued for damages - and
even though monetary damages may or may not be obtained, conviction of a federal
crime is certain.
We spent years of researching perfecting our methods for your benefit. If you find our
research of value and if anyone you know is interested in finding more information about
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SUNEYE Method I - From Dusk to Dawn - Version 3.3 by Joe Russa (SUNEYE)
our methods, it would mean very much to our research team and I if you forward them to
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SUNEYE Method I - From Dusk to Dawn - Version 3.3 by Joe Russa (SUNEYE)
Like most people reading this book, I was always fascinated by the paranormal. As a
teenager, I read every book on astral projection and lucid dreams I could get my hands
on. I was a regular at the library (even though they had limited information) and spent all
of my allowances in buying books.
It became an obsession that I could not control. One day, what I have been wanting more
than anything else, occurred, I astral projected.
One night, I was meditating in the hopes that I would be able to astral project. I have been
trying for three months with no success. I put the alarm clock to wake me at 4 o'clock in
the morning to try a technique that I read in a book. I continued with my meditation, and
eventually, fell asleep.
I woke up early in the morning from the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I noticed that I
was not awakened by the sound of the alarm. I was really disappointed and became sad
that I would never be able to experience the adventures that I have been reading.
After a couple of minutes of feeling sorry for myself, I still felt kind of sleepy, so I
fluffed up my pillows and went back to sleep. To make a long story short, I finally had
my first out-of-body experience.
Years have passed by and many things occurred during this period. I had many astral
projections and lucid dreams, but they never were controlled and occurred when I least
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