KLAUS KINSKI biography(English).pdf

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•Born: 18 October 1926
•Birthplace: Zoppot (now Sopot), Poland
•Died: 23 November 1991 (heart failure)
•Best Known As: Star of Werner Herzog's
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Name at birth: Nikolaus Gunther
Klaus Kinski was a Polish
character actor of international cinema,
known mostly for playing eccentric
madmen in Werner Herzog's Aguirre , the
Wrath of God (1972) and Fitzcarraldo
(1982) . Kinski began his theater career
after World War II and got into the movies
in the late 1940s. During his career he
appeared in hundreds of movies, most of
them bad. His sturdy brow, reptilian grin
and wild-eyed ferocity meant he usually
played a villain on the big screen, and his
unbridled performances lit up the screen with an intensity critics might call overacting. His most
famous films were made with Herzog and include Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1978) , Woyzeck
(1979) and Cobra Verde (1988) . The height of Kinski's celebrity came in the early 1980s and
coincided with the popularity of his daughter, model and actress Nastassja Kinski. Klaus became
known to American audiences by way of art house showings of Herzog's movies, and from Kinski's
appearances in The Soldier (1982) , Android (1983) and The Little Drummer Girl (1984, starring
Diane Keaton) . Some of his other movies are Dr. Zhivago (1965) ; For a Few Dollars More (1965) ;
Zoo zéro (1979) ; and Buddy Buddy (1981, starring Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon).
Kinski, a Pole, was forced into the German army during World War II and spent the remaining
months of the war in a British prison camp... Herzog released a documentary in 1999 on his
tumultuous relationship with Kinski, titled My Best Fiend.
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* Kinski Paganini (1989)
* Nosferatu a Venezia (1988)
Films with W.Herzog
* Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1972 Aguirre, gniew boży)
* Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979 Nosferatu wampir)
* Woyzeck (1979 Woyzeck)
* Fitzcarraldo (1982 Fitzcarraldo)
* Cobra Verde (1987 Cobra Verde)
* Morituri (1948)
* Decision Before Dawn (1951)
* Um Thron und Liebe (1955)
* Ludwig II (1955)
* Kinder, Mütter und ein General (1955)
* Hanussen (1955)
* Geliebte Corinna (1956)
* Waldwinter (1956)
* A Time to Love and a Time to Die (1958)
* Der Rächer (1960)
* Die Toten Augen von London (1961)
* Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen (1961)
* Bankraub in der Rue Latour (1961)
* Die Kurve (1961) film TV
* Die Seltsame Gräfin (1961)
* Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee (1962)
* The Counterfeit Traitor (1962)
* Der Rote Rausch (1962)
* Die Tür mit den 7 Schlössern (1962)
* Das Gasthaus an der Themse (1962)
* Die Mondvögel (1963) film TV
* Der Zinker (1963)
* Die Schwarze Kobra (1963)
* Der Schwarze Abt (1963)
* Das Indische Tuch (1963)
* Scotland Yard jagt Dr. Mabuse (1963)
* Kali Yug, la dea della vendetta (1963)
* Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Witwe (1963)
* Piccadilly null Uhr zwölf (1963)
* Der Letzte Ritt nach Santa Cruz (1964)
* Wartezimmer zum Jenseits (1964)
* Die Gruft mit dem Rätselschloß (1964)
* Winnetou - 2. Teil (1964)
* Das Geheimnis der chinesischen Nelke (1964)
* Das Verrätertor (1964)
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* Neues vom Hexer (1965)
* The Dirty Game (1965)
* Estambul 65 (1965)
* The Pleasure Girls (1965)
* Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)
* Doctor Zhivago (1965)
* Circus of Fear (1966)
* Le Carnaval des barbouzes (1966)
* Our Man in Marrakesh (1966)
* Das Geheimnis der gelben Mönche (1966)
* El Chuncho, quién sabe ? (1967)
* Die Blaue Hand (1967)
* The Million Eyes of Sumuru (1967)
* Five Golden Dragons (1967)
* Ad ogni costo (1967)
* Mister Zehn Prozent - Miezen und Moneten
* Coplan sauve sa peau (1968)
* Ognuno per se (1968)
* L'Uomo, l'orgoglio, la vendetta (1968)
* A qualsiasi prezzo (1968)
* I Bastardi (1968)
* Człowiek zwany Ciszą (Il grande silenzio,
* Sono Sartana, il vostro becchino (1969)
* Cinque per l'inferno (1969)
* Marquis de Sade: Justine (1969)
* Dos veces Judas (1969)
* Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte
* A doppia faccia (1969)
* La Legge dei gangsters (1969)
* Il Dito nella piaga (1969)
* Paroxismus (1969)
* Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht (1970)
* E Dio disse a Caino (1970)
* Count Dracula (1970)
* La Peau de torpedo (1970)
* Appuntamento col disonore (1970)
* I Leopardi di Churchill (1970)
* La Belva (1970)
* Giù la testa... hombre (1971)
* L' Occhio del ragno (1971)
* Per una bara piena di dollari (1971)
* Lo chiamavano King (1971)
* La Bestia uccide a sangue freddo (1971)
* Prega il morto e ammazza il vivo (1971)
* La Vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo (1971)
* Nella stretta morsa del ragno (1971)
* Il Venditore di morte (1971)
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* Il Mio nome è Shanghai Joe (1972)
* Il Ritorno di Clint il solitario (1972)
* Eroi all'inferno (1973)
* Occupation (1973) serial TV
* La Mano spietata della legge (1973)
* Rivelazioni di uno psichiatra sul mondo perverso del sesso (1973)
* La Morte ha sorriso all'assassino (1973)
* Lifespan (1974)
* Chi ha rubato il tesoro dello scia ? (1974)
* La Mano che nutre la morte (1974)
* Le Amanti del mostro (1974)
* Le Orme (1975)
* L'Important c'est d'aimer (1975)
* Il Ritorno di Shanghai Joe (1975)
* Un Genio, due compari, un pollo (1975)
* Das Netz (1975)
* Jack the Ripper (1976)
* Nuit d'or (1976)
* Mivtsa Yonatan (1977)
* Madame Claude (1977)
* Mort d'un pourri (1977)
* La Chanson de Roland (1978)
* Zoo zéro (1979)
* Haine (1980)
* La Femme enfant (1980)
* Schizoid (1980)
* Les Fruits de la passion (1981)
* Venom (1981)
* Buddy Buddy (1981)
* Love and Money (1982)
* The Soldier (1982)
* Android (1982)
* The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud (1984)
* Faerie Tale Theatre - Beauty and the Beast (1984) epizod TV
* The Little Drummer Girl (1984)
* The Hitchhiker (1984) epizod TV
* Code Name: Wild Geese (1984)
* Revenge of the Stolen Stars (1985)
* Creature (1985)
* Kommando Leopard (1985)
* El Caballero del dragón (1985)
* Crawlspace (1986)
* Timestalkers (1987) film TV
* Nosferatu a Venezia (1988)
* Kinski Paganini (1989)
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