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This book is meant to increase your knowledge of human
sexuality. Because everyone is different, a physician must diagnose
conditions and supervise the treatment of individual health and
sexuality problems. The information here is designed to help you make
informed choices about your health. It is not intended as a substitute
for any treatment prescribed by your doctor.
Secrets of Total Satisfaction
We believe that an active and healthy sex life, based on mutual
consent and respect between partners, is an important component of
physical and mental well-being. We also respect that sex is a private
matter, and that each person has a different opinion of what sexual
practices or levels of discourse are appropriate. Rodale Press is
committed to offering responsible, practical advice about sexual
matters, supported by accredited professionals and legitimate scientific
research. Our goal-regarding sex and all other topics-is to publish
information that empowers people's lives.
by the editors of MEN'S HEALTH Books
Copyright 1998 by Rodale Press, Inc.,
Emmaus, PA 18098.
Third Printing 1998
Becoming a Master
When it comes to the male ego regarding sexual expertise, we all hope
to hear our names attached to some sort of proper tide of prowess: Earl
of Eroticism, Duke of Desire, Lord of the Laying Lambada. (Or maybe
just to hear our women refer to us as studs would be nice.) Problem is,
having a tide of sexual distinction is not a natural born right. To
become a master of anything, you have to learn the art, study the
science. By putting your knowledge together with real-life practice,
you gain invaluable experience. This is what the maestros of
movement, the Don Juans of our day, know to be true.
So here is how we envision you earning your master's degree.
First, you need to prime your body for optimum performance. Sure, it's
important to stay fit and eat healthy; you know that already. That's
why, in the first section of this guide, we give you a few more
applicable pointers from the sex exercise and nutrition experts we
consulted. Now, when we call this section "Basics," we're not talking
about high school sex ed class - no, this is definitely the graduate level
course. But just like any elite athlete, you need to physically prepare
yourself for the performance prior to focusing on technique.
Next, we offer advanced classes in the art of seduction. To be
an unforgettable lover, you need to know where and how to touch her
to get her panting for you. In this section you'll learn how to improve
your foreplay approach, know for certain how to hit the right spots
every time, and romance her with sensual massage.
Finally, to be the best lover she's ever had, you have to know
the rules of lovemaking, the hottest positions, and how to deliver a kiss
that makes her knees buckle. So becoming a sex expert is about dis-
covering the secrets to mutual, complete satisfaction. It's easier than
you think-in fact, it's unbelievably easy - and a heck of a lot more fun
than, say, inorganic chemistry. Now all you have to do to become a
master in your own right is study this manual in preparation for one
delightful test after the next. Happy learning!
Training Your Love Muscles
You already know that with a regular workout routine you can
become trim and toned in no time. This is the first step toward actually
getting sex. (A nice car and a powerful deodorant help, too.) When
you keep your body in shape, your energy is up, as is your libido. Now
it's time for some "love muscle" training.
Unless you know some sexual positions the rest of us haven't
heard of, bulging neck muscles aren’t going to make a whole world of
difference between the sheets. You need to add some exercises and
stretches that target the parts of the body called into play during
lovemaking. The following moves will help boost your performance
when the time is right.
Cramp-Proof Calves
For your legs, the issue is flexibility, not
strength. During orgasm, men sometimes overflex
their calf muscles. "Didn’t you ever get a knot in
one of your calves during sex?" asks Eric Gron-
bech, Ph.D., a professor of physical education at
Chicago State University, who studies the link
between fitness and libido. Either of the following
two stretches will help.
Classic runner's stretch. Stand about 4
feet from a wall. Shift one leg forward about 8
inches, bending it at the knee, while keeping the
back leg straight. Now reach out and rest your hands against the wall
at about chest height, leaning into it as you keep your back leg straight,
heel flat on the floor. As you lean forward, you should feel the stretch
in your back leg, from your heel to the back of your knee. Hold the
position for a count of 20, then relax, switch legs, and repeat.
Bedtime calf stretch . Lie flat on your back on the bed with
one leg bent, foot flat against the mattress. Straighten the opposite leg
To get
through an
session, what
you need first
and foremost
is stamina.
and raise it as far as you can until it's pointing at the ceiling. Hold the
leg steady and exhale as you slowly flex your foot, aiming your toes
down toward your chest. Hold the stretch, relax, then lower your leg
and repeat with the other one. Complete this stretch three times.
extend them behind your head as far as you can, still keeping your
wrists crossed. Your elbows should be behind your ears. Hold the
stretch for a count of 10, then relax. Repeat three times.
Back Bracers
"It's not uncommon for men to get severe muscle spasms
during sex," says Mitch Bogdanffy, exercise physiologist at the Texas
Back Institute in Plano. Sex can be hard work. It feels better than
busting up concrete, but your back muscles don't know the difference.
Sex related backaches are especially common when you're near
climax, the point of maximum muscle tension.
Bogdanffy recommends a hot bath or shower before sex to
increase bloodflow to your lower back. Although not exactly con-
ducive to spontaneous sex, doing a few stretches before you get into
bed (or wherever) might help.
Back stretch. Lie on your back and slowly bring your knees to
your chest. Grab your knees and hold them against your chest for a
few breaths, relaxing throughout the movement.
One garden-variety type of back pain occurs when the disks
between your vertebrae are squashed from the everyday stresses and
strains your body is putting on them. The disks can expand and touch
nerve endings, resulting in a backache. What to do: Elevate your legs
for 10 to 15 minutes. Try lying down on the floor with your feet
propped up on the seat of a chair. This position will take the pressure
off the sciatic nerve and relax those hot twinges of minor backache.
Remember, the woman-on-top and side-to-side sexual
positions are your best bets for having sex without suffering.
High-Performance Hips and Groin
Don't forget to hit below the belt. As the key
pivot point in the thrusting motion, your hip joint and
the muscles that support it must remain flexible.
Butterfly stretch. To loosen the groin, lie flat
on your back in bed with both legs bent, feet flat on the
mattress. Reach down and pull your heels toward your
buttocks. Now, using your hands to guide them, turn
your ankles so the soles and heels of your feet touch
together. Your knees will angle out to the sides.
Exhale. Let the natural weight of your legs push your
knees toward the bed. When your knees are as far apart
as possible, hold the stretch for a count of 10.
Hip stretch. Lie flat on your back with your
legs dangling off the end of the bed. Pull one knee toward your chest,
locking your hands over your upper shin. Inhale and pull the knee
closer. Hold the stretch for a count of 10, relax, and repeat with your
other leg. Complete this exercise three times.
Ship-Shape Shoulders
Most people associate shoulder injuries with such activities as
hurling baseballs and breaking down doors. But sex takes its toll.
"Especially in the missionary position, when the man tries to support
his weight on his elbows," says Dr. Gronbech. "All that stress ends up
in the shoulders."
Shoulder stretch . Sit up in bed, hold your arms above your
head, and cross your wrists. While inhaling, straighten your arms and
Brave Heart
To get through an evening-long lovemaking session, what you
need first and foremost is stamina. Unlike in most full-contact sports,
you can't call timeout during lovemaking while the team trainer
administers oxygen. To build endurance, your best bet is low-impact
Sex can be
work. It
feels better
busting up
but your
back mus-
cles don't
know the
aerobic exercise. Go for three sessions a week of 20 to 30 minutes
each. Swimming, stair-climbing, rowing, and running are all fine
In addition to building stamina, there's another benefit to
aerobic exercise: A growing body of research indicates that several
different forms of intense aerobic exercise may powerfully enhance a
man's sex drive. In a study out of the University of California in San
Diego, a group of healthy but inactive middle-aged men undertook a
nine-month exercise program. They worked into it gradually, but by
the sixth month the men were doing sustained aerobic exercise
(pushing their hearts up to 75 to 80 percent of their maximum aerobic
capacity) for a full hour at least three times a week. For comparison,
another group of men walked at a moderate pace instead of adopting
the more intense exercise.
According to detailed diaries kept by the men in both groups,
those in the intense-exercise group reported a 30 percent increase in
their frequency of intercourse, a 26 percent increase in the frequency
of orgasms, and a 50 percent increase in the frequency of
One note of caution: If cycling's your choice for an aerobic
workout, keep in mind that it could affect your equipment. Too much
cycling can compress the nerves under the penis, called the pudendal
nerves. The result can be numbness, and repeated episodes can lead to
reduced sensation and, in extreme cases, impotence.
Solving the problem may be as simple as adjusting the position
of your seat. For example, if you cycle with the tip of your seat
pointing upward, change it so it's exactly level for a while (or at no
more than a 5-degree incline). Also make sure your seat itself isn’t set
too high. A wider saddle may help. Or ask your local bike shop about
anatomical saddles or some form of extra cushioning.
Before you get to foreplay, you've got to know if you're even
on the playing field with your subject of interest. Do you make the
move, or drop back 8 yards and punt? Here are some tips to help you
decipher her signals.
Eye contact. It's generally a good sign if a woman actually
looks at you when she speaks-much better than if she stares
unblinkingly at her fingernails or her shoes and mumbles. Two people
conversing look at each other about 60 percent of the time, according
to Michael Argyle in his book Bodily Communication . So if you catch
her looking at you more than that 60 percent of the time, chances are
she's more interested in you than in what you're saying.
Smiling. A broad smile is a sign of real enjoyment. But be on
the lookout for a smile that shows only the upper teeth. It's a polite
smile-or one that shows a woman is uncomfortable.
Movement. A woman who shifts her body around as she
speaks to you may be sending a message. "Movement attracts
attention," says Colleen, a 35-yearold legislative assistant. "If I'm
adjusting my posture, it means I'm attracted." She might, she says,
"even roll [her] hips a little" if she's talking to you.
Leaning toward you. Leaning in, tilting her head to one side,
speaking in a softer voice-these all may indicate interest.
Giggling. Laughing in a charming, feminine way is a positive.
On the other hand, if she lets out a guffaw, it probably means she just
wants to be considered one of the guys.
Flushed face. That's a good sign, because your bloodflow
increases when you're attracted to someone. "Her pupils may dilate,
too," says Judee Burgoon, Ph.D., professor of communication at the
University of Arizona in Tucson. But, she cautions, pupils also dilate
when you're hungry, so make sure she's thinking beefcake, not
Touching you. Julius Fast, author of Body Language, says
women sometimes touch men during conversation. Laying a hand on a
shoulder or forearm, or playing with a tie-both are flirtatious signs of
Touching herself. If she's flipping her hair, fixing her clothes,
playing with jewelry-those are all positive signs. "She may affect a
gesture in which one hand touches her breast in a near caress. She may
stroke her thighs as she talks," says Fast. That's the basic lexicon of
body talk.
You Are What You Eat (or Drink …)
A healthy diet goes hand in hand with regular exercise to help
ensure that when you're ready, you'll get optimum performance from
all your parts. Avoid big-time fat and cholesterol (as in egg yolks).
Anything that will, over time, clog up the plumbing of life will clog up
the plumbing of love. If circulation is hampered by fat deposits in your
blood vessels, your penis won't get as much blood, either, and you
could have erection or sensation problems. Following are a few more
performance basics to keep in mind.
Go ahead and enjoy your coffee . Over the years a vast array
of studies have explored the connection between caffeine, sex, and
reproduction. Researchers have looked into whether caffeine causes
birth defects or increases the risk of breast cancer. And for the most
part, your steaming cup of java has been cleared of reproductive
wrongdoing, as long as you drink only a cup or two.
But what about sexual performance? Another group of studies
has shown that caffeine can deliver a performance-boosting jolt to
sperm cells, increasing both their velocity (speed) and motility (live-
liness). But don't imagine that Folger's Mountain Grown will become
the next fertility drug-in these studies, massive amounts of caffeine
were applied directly to semen samples wriggling in Petri dishes.
Practically speaking, the only value of this finding is to suggest a way
of improving the chances of in vitro fertilization.
Go easy on the booze . Alcohol has its sexual ups and downs,
most of them downs. For one, it's the greatest performance-squelcher
of all. After two, maybe three glasses of wine, your skill curve begins
to plummet like a mud hen hit by a Sidewinder. A general rule of
thumb is that the a-mount of alcohol it takes to affect your driving (for
an average-size man, anything more than two drinks in an hour) will
also affect your libido. On the other hand, one glass of champagne by
candlelight, with some moody piano concerto in the background, could
mist her eyes with passion, and she may end up racing you to the
bedroom. The tiny bubbles can work magic, but remember, you don't
want to be anesthetized for sex.
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