ĆWICZENIA present simple.doc

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1.      Stwórz krótką formę czasowników:


Np. I am- I’m

a)      You are-...........................

b)     He is- ...............................

c)      She is- ..............................

d)     It is- ..................................

e)      Does not-...........................

f)       Do not- ..............................

g)      Was not-.............................

h)     Were not- ..........................

i)       They are- ............................

j)        We are- ..............................


2.      Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim czasownikiem w czasie present simple.


a)      The sun................ (rise) in the east and.................. (set) in the west.

b)     I usually................ (get up) at 6 a.m.

c)      Betty often................ (come) here at the weekends.

d)     He never.................... (watch) TV in the morning.

e)      Jenny never................ (go) to the cinema alone. She usually............... (take) her sister or one of her friends.

f)       How often............. the plane............. (fly) from Warsaw to London?

g)      I.................. (not like) ice- cream.

h)     He................... (not go) to work by car.


3.      Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim czasownikiem w czasie present continuous.


a)      Helen.................... (live) with her mother now.

b)     The weather................ (get) worse.

c)      Mark and Caroline.................... (not get) divorced next months.

d)     We................ (cancel) the party.

e)      You................ (cut) bread now.

f)       ............. he.................... (smoke) a cigarette and ...................... (talk) on the phone?

g)      I........................... (learn) English at the moment.

h)     I.............................. (go) to doctor tomorrow.


4.      Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim czasownikiem w czasie present simple lub present continuous.


a)      Please, be quiet! I...................... (read) a book.

b)     Look! The sun................ (shine) again.

c)      What.......... you............... (do)? I’m looking for my keys.

d)     I’m fed up with you, Jack! You................... (never put) anything back where it belongs!

e)      What time....................... you usually .................... (get up)?

f)       Normally, I............................ (go) to work by car, but today I..................... (go) by bus.

g)      At present we........................ (not need) any other employees.

h)     I............................ (always cook) dinner.


5.      Podaj poprawne formy czasowników w formie –ing

For example:

                                          Enter-   entering



Begin- ................................

See- ....................................

Travel- ................................

Have- ..................................

Put- .....................................

Post- ....................................

Let- ......................................

Prepare- ...............................















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