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Chapter 14 ———
What actually happened
after the Flood
This chapter is based on pp. 665-719 of Origin of Life (Volume
Two of our three-volume Evolution Disproved Series). Not included
in this chapter are at least 80 statements by scientists, plus spe-
cialized articles. You will find them, plus much more, on our
website: evolution-facts.org.
The oldest historical r e cords of mankind in our possession
wer e written by Moses . These are the books of Genesis and Job.
In the first of these is given the history of the world from about
4000 B.C. on down to about 1900 B.C. In the first two chapters
of Genesis we find an account of Cr e ation W e ek , when our world
and everything in it were made. In Genesis 6 to 9 we ar e told
about the worldwide Flood that occurr e d about 2348 B.C. (1656
A.M. [anno mundi], or about 1,656 years after Creation).
The ef f ects of that gigantic Flood of waters wer e so dra-
matic that we find many evidences of it today . It is impossible
to pr o perly study origins and ear t h science without an under -
standing of the effects of the Flood . For this reason, we are includ-
ing it in this chapter.
W e will begin by considering r o ck strata and fossil r e mains
as an effect and evidence of the Flood .
Following this, we will view several non-strata and fossil
ef f ects of the time befor e the Flood, during the Flood, and a
period of time immediately after the Flood ended.
In this chapter, we will obtain a better understanding of the
Science vs. Evolution
effects of the Flood. We will also see more clearly how those ef-
fects pr o ve, not uniformitarianism, but catastr o phism. Ther e
was a worldwide Flood! It alone can explain so many geographi-
cal featur e s on our planet today .
UNIFORMITARIANISM— A basic principle of evolution for over
a century has been the theory of uniformitarianism, which teaches
that “all things continue as they were from the beginning” (you
will find 2 Peter 3:3-7 interesting reading).
When evolutionists gaze upon the immense ocean, the millions
of fossils and thick coal seams in the sedimentary rocks, the sea
shells on top of the highest mountains, the deep canyons with small
rivers, vast dried-up lake beds, and thrust-up mountain blocks,—
they declare that it all came about by the same fairly gentle pro-
cesses and natural forces that are operating today.
“This is the great underlying principle of modern geology and is
known as the principle of uniformitarianism . . Without the prin-
ciple of uniformitarianism there could hardly be a science of geol-
ogy that was more than pure description.”— *W.D. Thornbury, Prin-
ciples of Geomorphology (1957), pp. 16-17.
Thoughtful scientists admit that the uniformitarian theory
explains nothing about the age of fossils, r o ck strata, the age of
the earth, or anything else :
“The idea that the rates or intensities of geological processes
have been constant is so obviously contrary to the evidence that one
can only wonder at its persistence . . Modern uniformitarianism . .
asserts nothing about the age of the Earth or about anything else.”—
* James H. Shea, “Twelve Fallacies of Uniformitarianism,” in Geo-
logy, September 1982, p. 457.
“Uniformitarianists find it particularly difficult to apply their
principle, namely: (1) the cause of mountain-building; (2) the ori-
gin of geosynclines; (3) the origin of petroleum; (4) the cause of
continual glaciation; (5) the mechanics of overthrusting; (6) the cause
of peneplains; (7) the cause of worldwide warm climates; (8) the
nature of volcanism producing vast volcanic terrains; (9) the nature
of continental uplift processes; (10) the origin of mineral deposits;
(11) the nature of metamorphism; (12) the origin of saline deposits;
(13) the nature of granitization; and (14) the origin of coal mea-
sures. Not one of the above phenomena has yet been adequately
explained in terms of present processes.”— H.R. Siegler, Evolution
or Degeneration—Which? (1972).
Effects of the Flood
See chapter 12, Fossils and Strata, for much more information
on this.
CATASTROPHISM— In contrast, the concept called cat a s-
trophism teaches that a terrible crisis occurr e d at some earlier
Geologic evidence on all sides is clear that it was a catas-
tr o phe of such gigantic pr o por t ions that r o cks wer e twisted,
mountains wer e hurled upward, water was pulled out of the
ear t h, and the ver y atmospher e was dramatically af f ected. As
a consequence, thousands of volcanoes erupted and vast gla-
ciers moved downward fr o m poles which had earlier been
warm .
“[*Bretz] has been unable to account for such a Flood but main-
tained that field evidence indicated its reality. This theory repre-
sents a return to catastrophism which many geologists have been
reluctant to accept.”—* W.D. Thornbury, Principles of Geomor-
phology (1954), p. 401.
The evidence is so profound that many secular scientists are
indeed turning away from uniformitarianism.
“In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded
than Lyell [who first widely championed uniformitarianism over a
century ago]. The geologic record does seem to require catas-
trophism: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped
out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagi-
nation upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is ex-
tremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can rea-
sonably infer but cannot see. The catastrophists were [in contrast]
the hard-nosed empiricists of their day.”—* Stephan Jay Gould,
“Catastrophes and Steady State Earth,” in Natural History, Feb-
ruary 1975, p. 17. [Gould is a professor at Harvard University,
teaching geology, biology, and the history of science.]
“Conventional uniformitarianism, or ‘gradualism,’ i.e., the doc-
trine of unchanging change, is verily contradicted by all post-Cam-
brian sedimentary data and the geotectonic [earth movement] his-
tories of which these sediments are the record.”—* P.D. Krynine,
“Uniformitarianism is a Dangerous Doctrine,” in Paleontology,
1956, p. 1004.
“Often, I am afraid the subject [of geology] is taught superfi-
cially, with Geikie’s maxim ‘the present is the key to the past’ used
as a catechism and the imposing term ‘uniformitarianism’ as a
smokescreen to hide confusion both of student and teacher.”—
Science vs. Evolution
*Stephen Jay Gould, “Is Uniformitarianism Useful?” in Journal
of Geological Education, October 1957, p. 150.
Although this section duplicates portions of our earlier chap-
ter, Fossils and Strata, the duplication is considered necessary; for
we will now correlate the fossil and strat a evidence with the world-
wide Flood . Without doing so, it would be more difficult to prop-
erly assess the relationships, implications, and impact of the Flood.
FOSSILS AND ROCK STRATA— Above the molten rock at the
center of our planet is a mantle of black basalt, from which flows
the lava which issues forth out of volcanoes. Above that basalt is to
be found the light-colored, coarse-grained crystals we call granite.
This is the basement rock of the world and undergirds all of our
continents. At times this granite is close to the surface, but fre-
quently a large quantity of sedimentary rock is above it.
The sedimentar y r o ck that overlays the granite was obvi-
ously laid down by a gigantic Flood of waters, and is charac-
terized by strata or layers. The strata ar e composed of water -
borne sediments, such as pebbles, gravel, sand, and clay .
“About three-fourths, perhaps more, of the land area of the earth,
55 million square miles [142 million km 2 ], has sedimentary rock as
the bedrock at the surface or directly under the cover of the mantle-
rock . . The thickness of the stratified rocks range from a few feet to
40,000 feet [121,920 dm] or more at any one place . . The vast bulk
of the stratified rocks is composed of shallow-water deposits.”—
* O.D. von Engeln and *K.E. Caster, Geology (1952), p. 129.
W i thin that strata is to be found billions upon billions of
fossils . These are the remains—or the casts—of plants and animals
that suddenly died. Yet fossilization does not normally occur to-
day; for it r e quir e s sudden death, sudden burial, and gr e at
pr e ssur e.
“To become fossilized a plant or animal must usually have hard
parts, such as bone, shell or wood. It must be buried quickly to
prevent decay and must be undisturbed throughout the process. ”—
* F.H.T. Rhodes, H.S. Zim, and *P.R. Shaffer, Fossils (1962), p.
The sedimentar y strata (also called fossil-bearing strata or
Effects of the Flood
“the geologic column”) wer e laid down at the time of the Flood .
There are no fossils in the granite, for that rock was formed
prior to the Flood.
We would not expect to find fossils in granite since the astound-
ing information given in chapter 3, Origin of the Earth, reveals
granite to be “creation rock,” antedating the Flood. We there learned
that, back in the beginning, granite came into existence in less than
three minutes!
of fossils in the sedimentar y r o cks is enormous .
“At this spot [in Wyoming] the fossil hunters found a hillside
literally covered with large fragments of dinosaur bones . . In short,
it was a veritable mine of dinosaur bones . . The concentration of
the fossils was remarkable; they were piled in like logs in a jam.”—
* Edwin Colbert, Men and Dinosaurs (1968), p. 151.
Scores of other instances of immense “fossil graveyards” could
be cited. V a st quantities of plants and animals wer e suddenly
buried . So many fossils exist that one researcher made a carbon
inventory,— and found that at the present time—most of the car-
bon in our world is locked within the fossils in the sedimentary
There must have been an immense quantity of living plants and
animals before the worldwide Flood occurred. Evidence indicates
that back then our world had no deserts, high mountains, few or no
oceans, and plants and animals flourished even near the poles. So
the world would have been filled with vegetation and animal life.
ral catastr o phe occurr e d earlier in histor y, for most of the spe-
cies which have ever lived ar e no longer alive !
“Natural selection not only brings new species into existence—
if it does—but also eliminates species, and on a colossal scale. It is
calculated that 99 per cent of all the species which have ever ex-
isted are now extinct. So perhaps it may be more instructive to dis-
cover why species vanish than why they appear.”— *G.R. Taylor,
Great Evolution Mystery (1983), p. 86.
“There is no need to apologize any longer for the poverty of the
fossil record. In some ways it has become almost unmanageably
rich, and discovery is outpacing integration.” —*T.N. George, “Fos-
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