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steam-engine models - 8
Continued from 16 May 1957, pages 700 to 702
In this instalment EDGAR T. WESTBURY discusses governors and control gear
plicates matters because there is a
definite difference between the action
of a spring and that of gravity, but
in practice governors fitted with
springs work quite well. The governor
illustrated in Fig. 38 has a com-
pression spring fitted on the centre’
shaft, which exerts pressure between
the fixed upper yoke from which the
weight arms are suspended, and the
lower sliding yoke carrying the grooved
collar which operates the control lever.
This design has several features in
common with the governor of the
Tangye engine previously referred to,
but the method of articulating the
links is somewhat different. Instead
of forking the top ends to embrace
the ball, the latter is made hollow
and the link is made ball-ended to
fit inside it; in either case the pivot
pin passes diametrically through the
centre of the ball.This is a very neat
arrangement, but it decreases the
weight of the ball substantially so that
it must be made larger to produce the
same centrifugal effect.
To transmit the movement of the
sliding yoke to the governor lever
with the minimum friction, a horse-
shoe-shaped thrust collar is fitted to
the groove,with extended pivots
engaging the eyes of short arms which
straddle the yoke and are pinned
to the lever shaft. These details are
illustrated in Fig. 39. The governor
shaft runs in a long vertical bearing,
in a bracket mounted on the engine
frame, and is bevel-geared to the
EVERALL of the engine designs
in this series have included
governor gear, which is a
necessary fitting for engines which
have to maintain a fairly constant
speed under varying load conditions
and, in fact, practically any engine
which is not under the constant
supervision of the driver.
Nearly all steam-engine governors
are of the centrifugal type, based on
the original pendulum governor of
James Watt, and, in the earlier engines
at least, were usually made as a self-
contained unit, located at a con-
venient position on the engine to be
driven by belt or gears, and for
connecting up to a throttle control
valve. I have described governor
mechanism in connection with the
Unicorn and Tangye engines as well as
in a separate artical [ MODEL ENGINEER ,
27 October 1955] dealing with a
governor unit suitable for the Vulcan
beam engine or other early types.
Although the basic principle of the
governor is very easy to grasp-
indeed, it is obvious to anyone who
has observed the forces exerted in
rotating masses-a full explanation of
the theoretical considerations involved
in its design would take up far more
space than could be spared here.
Advanced text books on mechanics
usually devote one or two pages of
mathematical formulae to the pheno-
mena of centrifugal force (for example,
see Ganot’s Physics, para. 55), but
I propose to deal only with simple
practical applications of the governor
in the examples illustrated by Mun-
As first designed by James Watt, the
rotating ball weights of the governor
not only produced the positive operat-
ing effort, under the effect of centri-
fugal force, but also the negative or
restoring effort, under the effect of
gravity; no extra weights or springs
were used, and the vertical shaft
arrangement was essential for its
operation. Muncaster states that in
this form it cannot be recommended
for small engines, and my own ex-
perience supports this view; the reason
of course is that in a small size; the
gravitational effect is reduced to a
much greater extent than the friction
in the working parts.
The action of a governor relying
on the weight of the balls alone to
restore the control on reduction of
speed would be very erratic or
“ sticky.” Some governors, such as
the Porter type, have an additional
moving weight, which slides on the
centre shaft and supplements the
restoring force, but even this is limited
in its effects and has been found
inadequate in small sizes. It is also
necessary in most cases to increase
the positive effort by running small
governors at higher speed than the
full-size types.
The obvious method of increasing
the restoring effort is by fitting some
ind of spring. In theory, this com-
Left, Fig. 39: De-
tails of the link
pivots and thrust
collar for the ver-
tical-shaft governor __
Right, Fig. 40: A
horizontal spring-
loadedgovernor suit-
able for high-speed
30 MAY 1957
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drive shaft which runs in a long
horizontal bearing.
For high-speed engines, such as
those used for driving electrical
generators, it is often found con-
venient to fit the governor directly
on the end of the main shaft, thus
avoiding the necessity for either belt
or gear drive, and making a compact
arrangement. In this case spring
return is an obvious necessity, and it
is also desirable to reduce the number
of working parts in the mechanism,
thus cutting down wear, friction and
any tendency to rattle. The governor
(Fig. 40) fulfils these conditions, as it
entails the use of only two pivoted
joints and a single sliding member,
with a totally-enclosed central com-
pression spring. This type is suitable
for the engine shown in Fig. 28.
It will be seen that as the balls
move outwards under the effect of
centrifugal force, the bell crank levers
to which they are attached press
against a fixed thrust washer, causing
the entire governor assembly to move
bodily to the left. The grooved collar
on the sleeve operates the governor
lever through a thrust collar, as in
the previous example, though this is
not shown. In the drawing, the shaft
extension which carries the governor
is shown as screwed into the end of
the main engine shaft, but there are
practical objections to this arrange-
ment, and I would suggest modi-
fying it.
Apart from the risk of the extension
unscrewing if he shaft ran in a clock-
wise direction or in the event of sudden
acceleration or stopping, there might
be difficulty in ensuring true running
of the extension shaft. It would be
better to make this integral with the
shaft or devise some more positive
scheme of fixing and alignment.
It is hardly necessary to add that
the governor assembly should be
symmetrical and in balance at all
speeds; this is of special importance
not only when it is fitted on a shaft
extension as in this case, but also
where it projects a long way above a
single vertical bearing as in the
previous example.
The design of the control gear which
regulates engine speed under the
influence of the governor is of equal
importance to that of the governor
itself. The simplest method of
governing is by means of a throttle
or restricting valve, which may be of
any type so long as it is capable of
being operated with the minimum
effort; it does not need to be capable
of shutting completely, as it is gener-
ally a supplement to the main engine
stop-valve, which should be quite
steamtight when closed.
The type of throttle valve shown in
Fig. 41 is commonly used in full-size
practice and is recommended by
Left, Fig. 38: A
spring-loaded ver-
tical-shaft gover-
nor, bevel-geared
for belt or direct
Right, Fig. 41:
Details of the
sliding piston-
type throttle
valve for gover-
nor control
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MODELS . . .
governor. Sometimes, in order to
obtain sufficient amplitude of move-
ment at the valve rod or spindle from
a relatively small governor movement,
multiplying levers are used in the
connecting mechanism, and the effec-
tive force is, therefore, reduced in
inverse ratio to the increased move-
ment. Thus the governor power must
be adequate to cope with this.
If, however, either the effective
weight or speed of a governor is
increased, it will come into operation
at a lower speed and thus, if the engine
speed is to remain the same, equili-
brium must be restored by increasing
the strength of the return spring or
counterweight. Erratic action or
“ hunting ” (alternate rise and fall of
engine speed) may be caused by
friction in the control gear or by
faulty governor design-this includes
too great a multiplication of lever
movement-so that the control valve
moves over too great a range with a
slight increase of speed. Steadiness of
control is sometimes improved by
fitting a damping device, such as an
air or liquid dashpot. Speed range
can be adjusted by varying the spring
tension, or fitting an external spring
which can be adjusted while running.
Although a governor is often
assumed to be capable of keeping the
engine speed exactly constant, this
is not so in practice because the
governor cannot effect any change in
the throttle position until some change
of speed has taken place. There must
obviously be some margin of error in
any type of governor, depending on its
design and control linkage, but more
still on workmanship and elimination
of friction. For most stationary
engines of small size, a margin of
five per cent. deviation from the set
speed is fairly reasonable, but for
special purposes, such as generating
electricity, closer accuracy is necessary,
and the permissible variation may be
less than one per cent. in some cases.
Geared or positively-coupled gover-
nors are preferred for accurate control,
as belt-driven governors may be
liable to variable slip-and their
reliability may be open to question.
Cases have occurred where broken
governor belts have caused serious
accidents, sometimes with loss of life.
Nevertheless belt driven governors
gave good results on steam-engines
for many years.
throttle valve, which results in lower-
ing the working pressure of the steam
before it enters the engine cylinder.
To obtain the best efficiency the steam
should be admitted at full pressure,
but cut off earlier in the piston
stroke so that it can be used ex-
pansively and its energy utilised to the
best effect. This is done in most
large engines by using governors which
vary the timing of the valve gear.
The governors themselves may be of
normal type though they are some-
times of special design; they may
operate on the normal slide or piston
valve through linkage comparable to
that of reversing gear, or on “ trick ”
valves with elaborate porting arrange-
ments. Corliss and drop-valve engines
have trip devices which close the steam
admission valve suddenly at different
cut-off points under governor control.
A very simple and effective ex-
pansion governor is that fitted directly
on the engine shaft-often in the
flywheel-and controlling a movable
eccentric, not only by reducing the
throw but also advancing the timing.
If only the throw and, consequently,
the valve travel were reduced, it
would certainly result in earlier cut-
off, of steam,and, therefore, be
effective in speed control; but it
would be uneconomical because the
admission point would be retarded
or, in other words, lead reduced in
the same proportion. To compensate
for this, therefore, the eccentric is
advanced as its stroke is reduced.
As expansion governors are a
specialised type in which only a
limited number of readers are likely
to be interested, I do not propose to
describe them further. But for the
benefit of those seeking further in-
formation: it may be noted that they
were fully dealt with by Muncaster
in a series of articles in Vol. XXVI
(January to June 1912) of MODEL
Muncaster for small engines. It is
similar to that specified for the
Tangye engine, but I have found it
more difficult to employ successfully
than types which have a rotary move-
ment, such as barrel or butterfly valves.
The reason for this is that it takes less
effort to rotate a shaft in a packed
gland than to slide it bodily through
the gland, as in this case.
However, the example illustrated
is certainly capable of working suc-
cessfully on the larger models for
which it is obviously intended, having
a bore diameter of 3/8in. Steam must
be admitted from the left-hand
(horizontal) branch, the vertical pas-
sage being connected to the engine.
It is fitted with a liner having three
ports which open into an annular
passage, so that pressure is even all
round the valve and there is no
tendency to press it against one side
of the liner. The sliding piston should
be a smooth, easy fit in the liner, the
two parts preferably being of dis-
similar metals, such as steel and cast
iron, or brass and hard bronze, to
give good wearing properties. A hole
must be drilled through the piston
to balance the pressure on the upper
surface, otherwise it will be difficult
to move owing to inequalities in this
respect or through the trapping of
steam or warer. Care must be taken to
fit the cover, with its central gland,
in exact concentric register with the
liner, and the piston and rod also
concentric with each other.
To be concluded
The “ power ”of a governor may
be defined as the positive effort which
it is capable of exerting on the control
valve. It must obviously be capable
of overcoming any frictional or other
resistance encountered in the control
gear, and it is desirable to have a
margin of power in hand to ensure
reliable action. The power can be
increased in two ways: by increasing
the weight of the balls, and by in-
creasing the rotational speed. Large
slow-sped engines call for heavy
governor weights unless the governor
is geared up. But in high-speed
engines a governor which appears
much too small may be just as effective.
It should be noted that the force
available to operate the control gear
is influenced by the means by which
motion is transmitted from the
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While throttle governing is effective,
and is probably the most satisfactory
method on small engines where rigid
steam economy is not the first con-
sideration, it tends to waste steam
by the wiredrawing effect of the
30 MAY 1957
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