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Drop-stitch shrug
Design by Meema spadola
I wanted to use an open stitch pattern
for this shrug to show off the luscious
color and sheen of this silk-merino
yarn. I settled on a drop-stitch pattern
that has an organic feel, reminding
me of tree bark or even-flowing
water. The way the shrug fits on the
body means that the pattern appears
vertical on the sleeves and horizontal
across the back. To simplify the task
of working increased stitches into the
unsymmetrical pattern, I let the ribs
become the border.
FinisheD size:
About 8" (20.5 cm) wide at center back with ribbing
relaxed and 57” (45 cm) long from cuff to cuff.
Alchemy Synchronicity (50% silk, 50% merino, 0 yd
[0 m]/50 g): #04F vermilion, 6 skeins.
Size 5 (3.75 mm). Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
Markers (m); tapestry needle.
Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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Drop-stitch schrug
33 2 sts and 27 2 rows = 4" (0 cm) in drop-stitch patt
with ribs relaxed; 38 2 sts and 27 2 rows = 4" (0 cm) in
k2, p2 rib with ribs relaxed.
maintaining 3 edging sts at each side as established, and
working inc’d sts in k2, p2 rib—72 sts; 05 patt rows
completed (including set-up row), ending with Row 8 of
patt; piece should measure about 5 4 ” (38.5 cm) from
beg. Mark each end of last row for sleeve seam. Work Rows
9–2 of patt once, then rep Rows –2 fourteen times,
then work Rows –9 once more—286 patt rows completed
(including set-up row); piece should measure about 4 3 4
(06 cm) from beg. Mark each end of last row for sleeve
seam. Beg with next row (Row 0 of patt), dec st each
side inside edging markers every 8 rows 3 times, then
work even to end with Row 5 of patt—46 sts rem; 390
rows completed (including set-up row), ending with Row
0 of patt; piece should measure about 56 3 4 ” (44 cm)
from beg. Next row: (RS) Sl pwise wyf, p2, sl m, k, *p2,
k, drop next st off needle and allow it to ravel down to
yo six rows below, k, p2, k2; rep from * to 3 sts before
m, p2, k, sl m, p2, k—42 sts. On the next row, BO all
sts in patt.
sKill level:
stitch GUiDe:
Drop-Stitch Pattern with Edging: (CO a multiple of 8 sts
+ 4 + 6 sts for edging; increase to a multiple of 9 sts + 4
+ 6 sts for a edging to work Rows –2)
Note: The shrug has 3 edging stitches worked outside the
markers at each side.
Set up row: (RS) Sl purlwise with yarn in front (pwise
wyf), p2, place marker (pm), k, *p2, k, yo, k, p2, k2;
rep from * to last 6 sts, p2, k, pm, p2, k.
Rows 1, 3, and 5: (WS) Sl pwise wyf, k2, slip marker (sl
m), p, *k2, p2, k2, p3; rep from * to last 3 sts before
m, k2, p, sl m, k3.
Rows 2 and 4: (RS) Sl pwise wyf, p2, sl m, k, *p2, k3,
p2, k2; rep from * to 3 sts before m, p2, k, sl m, p2,
Row 6: Sl pwise wyf, p2, sl m, k, *p2, k, drop next
st off needle and allow it to ravel down to yo six rows
below, k, p2, k, yo, k; rep from * to 3 sts before m,
p2, k, sl m, p2, k.
Rows 7, 9, and 11: Sl pwise wyf, k2, sl m, p, *k2, p3, k2,
p2; rep from * to 3 sts before m, k2, p, sl m, k3.
Rows 8 and 10: Sl pwise wyf, p2, sl m, k, *p2, k2, p2,
k3; rep from * to 3 sts before m, p2, k, sl m, p2, k.
Row 12: Sl pwise wyf, p2, sl m, k, *p2, k, yo, k, p2,
k, drop next st and allow it to ravel down to yo six
rows below, k; rep from * to 3 sts before m, p2, k,
sl m, p2, k.
Repeat Rows –2 for pattern (do not repeat set-up
Weave in loose ends. With yarn threaded on a tapestry
needle, sew sleeve seams from CO and BO ends to markers,
or as required to achieve desired fit. -
MeeMA SPADOLA is an editorial advisor for I nterweave
CO 42 sts. Work set-up row of drop-stitch patt with edging
—46 sts. Do not rep set-up row. Rep Rows –2 for patt,
and at the same time , beg with Row 8 of patt (RS row),
inc st at each side inside edging markers every 8th
row 3 times, keeping center 40 sts in drop-stitch patt,
Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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