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{3004}{3039}Quiet, folks.
{3054}{3165}I hereby christen you Windy Miller.|Look out for your eyes.
{3270}{3340}- AI, where is Windy?|- I haven't seen him since last night.
{3342}{3375}Anybody here seen him?
{3377}{3407}- No!|- Look out!
{3429}{3477}Put it up over the lights.
{3586}{3665}- Little previous, ain't you, Jim?|- It won't be long, brother.
{3742}{3771}You did?
{3870}{3953}- You got anything to say, Bud?|- Sure, I'm guilty, Judge.
{3954}{4055}I've been away so long from towns and|people, I just didn't know what I was doing.
{4057}{4101}I was with Sherman down in Georgia.
{4205}{4285}- How long's this fella been in jail?|- Since this morning, Your Honor.
{4293}{4378}- What time this morning?|- 3:00, I reckon.
{4646}{4725}I sentence you to 11 and a half hours in jail.
{4742}{4803}Sentence to set back to 3:00 this morning.
{4813}{4881}- Now hightail it out of here.|- Thank you, Judge.
{4917}{4951}What's next?
{4964}{4999}Dan Thomas...
{5027}{5073}and Tod Ramsey.
{5079}{5124}You boys get up there.
{5266}{5367}You're charged with trespassing|on private property...
{5378}{5424}of farmer O. V. Martin.
{5431}{5527}And of stealing a hog, which was recovered|at the point of a musket.
{5529}{5625}Don't you Johnny Rebs know|it's against the law to go stealing of?
{5627}{5708}It wasn't against the law|for Sherman down in Georgia.
{5710}{5774}- What he means...|- I know what he means.
{5816}{5899}- How do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?|- Not guilty.
{5914}{5961}- What's that?|- Not guilty.
{5981}{6050}Why, Constable, you said the farmer|caught them red-handed.
{6052}{6094}He sure did, Your Honor.
{6096}{6143}We took the pig, Judge...
{6145}{6208}but we're not thieves. We were hungry.
{6210}{6254}We hadn't eaten for several days...
{6256}{6333}and we got kind of tired|of people closing doors on our faces...
{6334}{6394}just because we have|the wrong kind of uniform on.
{6396}{6473}Have you got anything to say|before sentence is pronounced?
{6475}{6559}We only came up to work on the railroad,|and we found that finished.
{6561}{6606}We're on our way to Texas.
{6608}{6716}Texas? It's a mighty good place|for the likes of you two.
{6839}{6956}You, Lee, and Beauregard,|and the rest of that rebel riffraff...
{6963}{7009}can get together down there...
{7010}{7089}and maybe you can start|another secession movement.
{7090}{7127}You dirty Yankee!
{7129}{7156}Danny, wait a minute.
{7158}{7233}You can't do that in this court.|What's the matter with you?
{7301}{7337}Order in the court.
{7339}{7394}You young whippersnappers.
{7418}{7521}I find you both guilty.|I'm gonna fine you $50 apiece.
{7531}{7626}And as for you,|I'm gonna make an example out of you.
{7630}{7692}I'm gonna hold you for contempt of court...
{7694}{7745}and fine you another $50.
{7750}{7821}We haven't got $50,|let alone him having $100.
{7822}{7877}Take them away. Next case.
{7892}{7917}Bats Delaney.
{7919}{7954}Take your hands off them.
{7955}{8013}Here's the fine for both of them.
{8084}{8152}That's a little bit irregular, Mr. Miller.
{8154}{8210}Everything's irregular|in this two-by-four court.
{8212}{8276}Including your remark|about Lee and Beauregard.
{8278}{8354}There's $20 for the fine of Bats Delaney.|Come on, Bats.
{8356}{8434}- He ain't entered his plea.|- He pleads guilty.
{8444}{8525}That $20, and the fine's only $10.
{8530}{8619}Take the change and get some of the stink|out of this place.
{8621}{8650}Come on.
{8695}{8734}Court's dismissed.
{8736}{8769}Come on.
{8785}{8843}- Mr. Miller?|- What do you want?
{8858}{8918}- We'd just like to thank you.|- Yeah, thanks a lot.
{8920}{8963}Don't give it a thought.
{8968}{9017}What outfit you boys with in the war?
{9018}{9081}Jeb Stuart's cavalry,|army of Northern Virginia.
{9082}{9109}I might've known it.
{9111}{9195}Nobody but a Virginian or a Texican|would jump a judge in his own court.
{9197}{9254}We'd like to work that money off,|if you'd let us.
{9255}{9315}Ain't often a stranger will|do you a favor like that.
{9317}{9381}I ain't no stranger|where a Johnny Reb is concerned.
{9382}{9425}I'm a Texican myself.
{9438}{9481}You boys still hungry?
{9502}{9577}I got the same appetite|I brought to town with me three days ago.
{9579}{9633}Bats, take them down|to Camp 18 and feed them.
{9635}{9673}And keep your nose out of that jug.
{9674}{9719}You boys look me up at the fight tonight.
{9721}{9805}Come on, I gotta get rid|of them high-collar dudes from Chicago.
{9824}{9873}Who is that one-man cyclone?
{9875}{9929}You mean you ain't never heard|of Windy Miller?
{9931}{10002}No, we never did.|But from now on, we're for him.
{10003}{10055}Where's that food he was talking about?
{10057}{10080}Come on.
{10092}{10097}{y:i}Oh, don't you remember|{y:i}sweet Betsy from Pike
{10097}{10204}{y:i}Oh, don't you remember|{y:i}sweet Betsy from Pike
{10208}{10302}{y:i}Who crossed o'er the mountain|{y:i}with her lover Ike
{10307}{10397}{y:i}With two yoke of oxen,|{y:i}a big yeller dog
{10404}{10496}{y:i}A tall Shanghai rooster,|{y:i}and one spotted hog
{10500}{10601}{y:i}Oh, sing, goodbye Pike County|{y:i}Farewell for a while
{10602}{10711}{y:i}We'll come back again|{y:i}when we've panned out our pile
{10723}{10818}{y:i}They soon reached the desert,|{y:i}where Betsy give out
{10822}{10907}{y:i}While down in the sand|{y:i}she lay rolling about
{11035}{11101}Come on, let's have the fighters in here!
{11180}{11217}Ladies and gentlemen...
{11218}{11287}we beg your indulgence|for a few more minutes.
{11289}{11358}We can't start this fight|till Windy Miller gets here.
{11359}{11414}He's being detained at the hotel|on business.
{11416}{11441}What business?
{11442}{11517}The railroad's finished, ain't it?|Start that fight.
{11552}{11589}Get Windy here in a hurry.
{11591}{11641}- Get your fighters in the ring.|- All right.
{11643}{11681}Quiet, now.
{11682}{11748}The fighters will be right in the ring.
{11768}{11810}Get them out of here.
{11894}{11965}This is all right.|I think I'm gonna like this town.
{11967}{12030}Yeah. Plenty going on here, huh?
{12512}{12602}Introducing the pride of Camp 19.
{12610}{12679}The best track layer west of the Mississippi:
{12681}{12711}Dutch Henry!
{13074}{13156}Introducing the pride of Camp 18:
{13161}{13198}Matt Sawyer!
{13477}{13546}- What's the matter with you?|- My leg, it's busted.
{13548}{13588}Somebody get a doctor.
{13590}{13634}Get a doctor, somebody.
{13698}{13765}A fine time you picked to be a high-jumper.
{13767}{13809}Get him out of here.
{13848}{13887}We got to have a fight.
{13889}{13946}There's Windy now. Come on.
{13963}{14027}Don't you worry, folks,|don't you worry for a minute.
{14029}{14107}We'll have a fight|if I have to take him on myself.
{14138}{14217}- Come here.|- Hey, big fella. I'll take you on.
{14373}{14461}- Excuse me. May I get through, please?|- Go on back and sit down.
{14462}{14539}- I'd like to get through to the ring.|- Go on back and sit down.
{14541}{14576}- Wait a minute.|- Just a minute.
{14578}{14636}You want to make something of it?
{14854}{14902}Hey, you Jeb Stuart boy!
{14914}{14950}Come over here.
{15050}{15110}How would you like|to pick up $200 in a hurry?
{15112}{15168}I'd even spend some time|to pick up that much money.
{15170}{15244}Start getting out of your clothes,|you're gonna fight Dutch Henry.
{15246}{15305}No. Wait a minute. I'm no fighter.
{15307}{15356}Win or lose, $200 in cash.
{15683}{15713}I'll do it for $50.
{15746}{15783}We owe you the rest.
{15791}{15839}You've got a good memory.
{15846}{15898}- I'll bet it on you.|- Thanks.
{15905}{15966}- What's your name?|- Dan Thomas.
{15972}{16020}We'll tell them Texas Thomas. Get ready.
{16022}{16061}All right, get him ready.
{16103}{16136}You're crazy to do this.
{16138}{16201}Henry's a professional fighter.|He'll beat your ears down.
{16203}{16274}- We got $50 to take us to Texas, haven't we?|- Yeah.
{16276}{16324}- Hold on to it.|- All right.
{16327}{16386}I told you folks we were gonna have a fight.
{16388}{16463}Introducing the champion|of the Lone Star State:
{16471}{16506}Texas Thomas.
{16639}{16716}Do you think that this is another one|of Windy's tricks?
{16763}{16838}Work him around to this corner.|We'll take care of him.
{16965}{17035}This is going to be a decision fight, gents...
{17043}{17114}according to the London Prize Fight rules.
{17131}{17194}There'll be no biting in the clinches.
{17231}{17278}When a man goes down...
{17290}{17330}that ends the round.
{17337}{17434}If he can't come to the center of the ring|and toe the mark inside of 30 seconds...
{17446}{17476}he loses.
{17523}{17578}- Are you ready, Texas?|- Yeah.
{17585}{17634}- Are you ready, Henry?|- Yep.
{17636}{17670}Let her rip.
{18638}{18698}Let me at him. Leave me at him.
{18719}{18764}What's going on here?
{18780}{18825}He grabbed Dan's foot.
{18829}{18887}You do that again|and I'll take you apart myself.
{18889}{18952}Get back there and let's get this fight going.
{18978}{19041}I'll bet you all thought it was real,|didn't you, folks?
{19042}{19127}Just a little entertainment I put on|between the rounds.
{19166}{19209}What did you let him see you for?
{19211}{19268}Round two coming up. Time.
{19339}{19430}Where's Tex? Where did he go?|Anybody see him?
{19459}{19506}Windy, here he is.
{19544}{19602}Come on, get up here and fight.
{19654}{19710}I'm all right, Tod. Don't worry.
{19720}{19769}Good boy, Tex. Go get him.
{20358}{20401}Wait a minute, Danny.
{20416}{20476}Wait a minute, Danny. Come on.
{21190}{21247}More water. Some more water.
{21365}{21425}Round four. Time!
{22285}{22341}How long is he gonna keep getting up?
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