The Wild Bunch - CD 1.eng.txt

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{1725}{1766}Turn him over.
{1800}{1834}Oh, no!
{3030}{3096}"Do not drink wine nor strong drink...
{3120}{3180}"...thou, nor thy sons with thee...
{3180}{3225}"...lest ye shall die.
{3225}{3300}"Look not thou upon the wine|when it is red...
{3315}{3420}"...and when it bringeth his color|in the cup, when it moveth itseIf aright.
{3420}{3488}"At the last it biteth like a serpent...
{3495}{3540}"...and stingeth like an adder."
{3540}{3580}Now, folks...
{3765}{3810}...that's from the Good Book...
{3810}{3855}...but in this town...
{3855}{3909}'s five cents a glass.
{3930}{3976}Five cents a glass.
{3990}{4072}Does anyone really think|that is the price of a drink?
{4110}{4176}The price of a drink? Let him decide...
{4185}{4245}...who has lost his courage and pride...
{4245}{4329}...who lies a groveling|heap of clay not far removed....
{5715}{5759}All's quiet, sir.
{5775}{5816}Let's fall in.
{6105}{6142}Follow me.
{6540}{6585}I beg your pardon.
{6600}{6660}-I'm so sorry.|-Allow me, ma'am.
{6660}{6690}Thank you.
{6690}{6723}May I?
{6735}{6772}Thank you.
{6975}{7030}Thornton, wake up! Soldiers!
{7290}{7350}I don't care what you meant to do...
{7350}{7411}'s what you did I don't like.
{7530}{7605}You inconvenienced this lady,|and made a fool of yourself...
{7605}{7653}...and this railroad.
{7665}{7732}Now, I want you to apologize to this....
{7740}{7787}Yes, can I help you?
{7995}{8046}If they move, kill them.
{8160}{8203}ls he with them?
{8220}{8258}He's there.
{8265}{8310}Hold your fire! Get down!
{8310}{8361}Wait till they come out.
{8385}{8427}I can nail him.
{8505}{8545}I said, wait!
{8565}{8610}What if they go out the back?
{8610}{8683}It's covered.|You two-bit redneck peckerwood.
{9121}{9169}I solemnly promise...
{9196}{9241}...God helping me....
{9241}{9309}"I solemnly promise, God helping me..."
{9331}{9418} abstain from all distilled,|fermented malt liquors...
{9421}{9481}...including wine, beer and cider...
{9481}{9561}" abstain from liquor,|wine, cider and beer."
{10246}{10334}People marching down the street.|They'll pass by the horses.
{10351}{10381}We'll join them.
{10381}{10429}The Temperance Union?
{10576}{10606}They should have been told.
{10606}{10636}Told what?
{10636}{10725}How long can anybody in this manure pile|keep his mouth shut?
{10936}{10995}"Yes, we'll gather at the river
{11041}{11100}"The beautiful, beautiful river
{11146}{11212}"Gather with the saints at the river"
{11386}{11423}No, three!
{11566}{11624}Maybe more, there, on the roof.
{11671}{11701}Get down.
{11701}{11743}Son of a bitch!
{11791}{11821}Bounty hunters?
{11821}{11866}Hell, I wouldn't know.
{11866}{11908}Buck, with Abe.
{11926}{11969}I kill them now?
{11971}{12032}Hold them here as long as you can.
{12046}{12133}I'll hold them till hell freezes over|or you say different.
{12496}{12554}When I kick him out, blast him.
{12556}{12586}We'll run for it.
{12586}{12634}Give me that shotgun.
{12691}{12750}"The beautiful, beautiful river
{12766}{12830}"Gather with the saints at the river
{12856}{12918}"That flows by the throne of God"
{15090}{15126}Let's go!
{15570}{15613}Good luck, boys!
{16170}{16231}They're blowing this town to hell!
{16620}{16660}You're trash!
{17295}{17345}Now, you just hush now.
{17550}{17614}They was playing Gather at the River.
{17640}{17685}You know that one?
{17700}{17735}Sing it!
{17745}{17802}"Shall we gather at the river
{17835}{17899}"Where bright angel feet have trod"
{18525}{18593}"River that flows by the throne of God"
{20085}{20130}Come on, you lazy bastard!
{20130}{20168}I'm coming!
{20280}{20346}They've cleared out, for Christ's sake!
{20355}{20398}Let's go, T.C. !
{20628}{20672}Put some more on!
{21003}{21039}Let's go!
{21840}{21877}Take him !
{21900}{21937}He's mine!
{22050}{22080}He's mine!
{22080}{22117}He's mine!
{22140}{22215}I shot this one!|Look at the size of that hole!
{22215}{22290}You just dig out that bullet|and see if it ain't my .06!
{22290}{22320}You know I shot him.
{22320}{22389}You'd claim the whole thing, wouldn't you?
{22425}{22491}-Daddy! Daddy!|-Did he have any money?
{22545}{22603}Damn, I can't get his belt off!
{22680}{22730}You stupid, damn fools!
{22740}{22800}Why did you shoot this employee|and let the others get away?
{22800}{22875}I didn't! My first shot|killed this man right here!
{22920}{23018}He shot that employee while I dropped|this bandit and them others too.
{23040}{23085}I must've killed all three of them.
{23085}{23147}What were we doing up on that roof?
{23205}{23235}Black liar!
{23235}{23289}Don't talk like that to me.
{23340}{23377}I'm sorry.
{23400}{23464}Come on, T.C., help me get his boots.
{23565}{23625}I think this will do pretty good.
{23655}{23746}Next time, plan the massacre carefully,|or I'll start with you.
{23760}{23837}Why didn't you kill Pike|when you had the chance?
{24195}{24250}Feathers flew like a turkey!
{24270}{24321}They shouldn't have run.
{24525}{24604}How'd you like to kiss|my sister's black cat's ass?
{25035}{25096}This is better than a hog-killing!
{25125}{25173}Get them out of here!
{25275}{25368}We're holding you and your railroad|responsible for this carnage!
{25380}{25425}lnnocent people are dead!
{25425}{25520}Women dying and mangled because|you used our town as a battlefield!
{25530}{25605}The railroad is going to pay|for our loss of blood!
{25605}{25664}We were trying to catch outlaws!
{25665}{25710}You lured them in here!
{25710}{25799}The railroad has been blabbing|about a big payload for weeks!
{25815}{25863}We represent the law!
{26549}{26594}Pike, is that you?
{26594}{26624}I can ride.
{26624}{26662}I can ride.
{26684}{26739}I can't see, but I can ride.
{26864}{26904}I can't ride.
{26909}{26946}Finish it.
{27674}{27751}You boys want to move on,|or stay and give him...
{27779}{27809}...a decent burial?
{27809}{27839}He was a good man.
{27839}{27884}We should bury him.
{27884}{27914}He's dead!
{27914}{27974}He's got a lot of good men|to keep him company!
{27974}{28015}Too damn many!
{28064}{28118}I think the boys are right.
{28124}{28208}I'd like to say a few words for the dear,|dead departed.
{28244}{28303}Maybe a few hymns'd be in order!
{28319}{28364}Followed by a church supper...
{28364}{28407}...with a choir!
{28409}{28468}You crazy bastards, both of you!
{28759}{28789}Bishop, Engstrom...
{28789}{28834}...the Gorch brothers!
{28834}{28924}Amounts to a total of $4,500|and you let them ride out on you!
{28969}{29029}When the hard-money value|of these men you killed...
{29029}{29095}...less my commission, adds up to $500!
{29134}{29224}Any one of those pelts would've|not only cleared you with the company...
{29224}{29284}...but given you money to raise hell with!
{29284}{29337}We'll do better next time!
{29359}{29449}We'll do anything you say,|but we'd appreciate liquor money tonight.
{29449}{29538}There won't be any tonight!|You go after them in ten minutes!
{29554}{29620}Get them ! Get Pike and you'll be rich!
{29629}{29674}If one of you tries to quit on me...
{29674}{29734}...I'll pay a bonus of $1 ,000...
{29749}{29806} the man that kills him !
{30139}{30188}Let's pack it up then!
{30319}{30394}-Why should I let you go with them?|-We've been over that.
{30394}{30469}You might join them again.|You'd like that, wouldn't you?
{30469}{30558}What I like and what I need|are two different things. Listen.
{30589}{30664}I don't want to go back to prison,|never again.
{30664}{30724}It's got to be my way!|I need some good men!
{30724}{30769}You saw what happened out there!
{30769}{30844}Use what you have and see|that it doesn't happen again...
{30844}{30904}...or I'lI see you spend the rest of your life|behind bars.
{30904}{30949}Try to run, I'll be after you and so will they.
{30949}{30979}I gave you my word.
{30979}{31032}We'lI see what it's worth!
{31039}{31078}Six minutes.
{31099}{31129}Tell me...
{31129}{31174} does it feel...
{31174}{31224}...getting paid for it?
{31234}{31341}Getting paid to sit back and hire your|killings with the law's arms around you?
{31354}{31418}How's it feel to be so goddamn right?
{31459}{31511}You dirty son of a bitch!
{31519}{31602}You've got 30 days to get Pike|or 30 days back to Yuma.
{31609}{31671}You're my Judas goat, Mr. Thornton.
{31714}{31789}I want all of them back here,|head down over a saddle.
{31789}{31865}Thirty days to get Pike|or 30 days back to Yuma.
{32429}{32489}I don't see nothing so lindo about it.
{32489}{32552}Just looks like more of Texas to me.
{32564}{32608}You have no eyes.
{33344}{33406}Got a haIf hour of light. Let's go.
{33755}{33802}Hello, little fella.
{34835}{34895}-Them other fellas--|-They're not coming!
{34895}{34925}-None of them?|-No.
{34925}{35022}-But I got horses and saddles for them.|-We'lI need them, they won't.
{35870}{35923}Now, about the sharing up.
{35930}{35987}lt will be the same as always.
{36005}{36096}Me and Tector don't think that|he ought to get the same amount.
{36110}{36200}He's just starting out,|and this is our opening for a new territory.
{36200}{36230}That's right.
{36230}{36336}I figure a share to that old goat for|watching the horses is a share too much.
{36455}{36499}So, we decided...
{36515}{36559} ain't fair.
{36575}{36682}If you two don't like equal shares,|why the hell don't you just take all of it?
{36785}{36860}Why don't you answer me,|you damned, yellow-livered trash?
{36860}{36905}Now, Pike, you know--
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