[Conspiracy - 911 Wtc] Spencer, Leonard - The Attack On The Pentagon.pdf

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The Attack on The Pentagon
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The Attack on The Pentagon
by Leonard Spencer
z Introduction
z The Seismic Evidence
z The Eyewitness Reports
z Damage and Debris
z The CCTV Frames
z Piecing It All Together
Of all the terrorist incidents that took place on September 11, the one that underlines most starkly the poverty of the
official account is undoubtedly the attack on the Pentagon. While the strikes on the Twin Towers in New York
require a little investigative digging before their true and disturbing nature is uncovered, in the case of the Pentagon
it isn't necessary to look at a single scrap of evidence from the scene of the crime. Even the most cursory review of the
events leading up to the attack soon makes it abundantly clear that an unanticipated attack of this kind could not, in
reality, happen at all.
The Pentagon, in common with the nearby White House, is one of the best-protected public buildings in the USA. It is
equipped with its own battery of surface-to-air missiles and the airspace above it is the subject of a permanent overfly
ban in respect of commercial aircraft. Its security personnel are trained and equipped to respond swiftly to attempted
acts of aggression, including attacks by aircraft. Indeed the Pentagon was particularly aware of the dangers posed by
an attack of this kind; only a few years earlier a disgruntled citizen ruffled a few feathers by flying his light plane into
a Pentagon wall, an incident that led to a thorough review of the building's emergency procedures. On September 11
however, not a single anti-aircraft missile was fired in the Pentagon's defence. So was the attack so sudden and
unexpected that Pentagon staff simply didn't have enough time to take necessary action? Well no. Let's look at that
American Airlines Flight 77, the plane we have been led to believe hit the Pentagon (though the recent findings of
Gerard Holmgren suggest it may never have left the ground), supposedly departed from Washington's Dulles airport
at 8.20 am. With the exception of a yet to be explained looped deviation at around 8.46, it flew normally towards its
intended destination of Los Angeles until around 9.00 when it did a 180° turn near the Ohio state border and began
heading back towards Washington. A minute or two later its transponder signal ceased. At around 9.05 West Virginia
flight control noticed an eastbound plane entering its radar space with no radio contact and no transponder
identification. By now of course two apparently hijacked planes had already crashed into the World Trade Center in
New York. This third plane had changed course and switched off its transponder just like the first two. And it was
heading straight for Washington, the US capital and home of the White House and the President! Over twenty
minutes later therefore three fighter jets were scrambled to investigate the mystery plane. Unfortunately they were
scrambled from Langley AFB in Virginia rather than the nearby Andrews AFB in Washington so were still over a
hundred miles short of their target when 'Flight 77' eventually hit the Pentagon.
It's pretty unbelievable stuff but your disbelief has to be suspended for a while longer yet. Having made its way back
to Washington unchallenged for over half an hour, the plane was picked up by Washington ATC for the first time at
9.33. By this time it was flying well in excess of 400 mph and on a trajectory that put it directly on course for the
White House. Before getting there however the plane suddenly executed a left-hand descending turn, turning almost
a complete circle and dropping 7000 ft in two and a half minutes. This complex manoeuvre levelled out perfectly in
line for a direct hit on the Pentagon and it flew the last few hundred yards just a few feet above the ground, clipping
trees and lamp poles before ploughing into the Pentagon at an estimated speed of 480 mph.
The official commentary on what happened at the Pentagon does not encourage us to ponder why fanatical terrorists
would allow Flight 77 to fly for forty minutes or so away from their target before getting round to taking control of
the plane, nor how they were then able to fly the plane over two hundred miles, at a time of such high alert, without
being intercepted. It offers little by way of coherent explanation as to why, when a response was finally authorized,
F-16s were scrambled from an airbase 130 miles away when fighters were ready and waiting at a base less than ten
miles from the capital, nor why not a single missile was fired in the Pentagon's defence. There is a deafening silence
as to how the plane was able to achieve its final dazzling manoeuvre, even though that high-speed descending turn
was well beyond the capabilities of both its alleged pilot (who could scarcely control a Cessna) and indeed of a
commercial Boeing 757. Yet this mixture of B-movie hokum and blundering incompetence that would make the
Keystone Cops blush is still accepted by many as a sober and accurate exposition of events at the Pentagon. To my
mind however one of the most telling indications that the attack on the Pentagon was a carefully contrived internal
military operation is that it happened at all.
It is not really surprising that events at the Pentagon have generated considerably more debate and analysis than all
the other incidents on September 11 put together. It is also the case however that, easy as it is to point out the gaping
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holes and inconsistencies in the official account of what happened, arriving at a satisfactory alternative hypothesis —
one that takes into account and explains all the known facts of the case — has proved a particularly elusive task. Over
two years since the debate and analysis began there are few issues on which the sceptics have achieved anything
approaching a consensus.
The reason for this is straightforward enough. It's because the sum total of genuine hard evidence in the public
domain is rather small, much smaller than is the case for the attacks on the Twin Towers. There is considerably less
evidence than one might reasonably expect of an incident that occurred in broad daylight in the centre of the capital
of the USA. In particular there is no photographic or video record of the plane itself or of its impact with the
Pentagon. The true character of these crucial details remains a matter of speculation. Although the Pentagon attack
was witnessed by hundreds of people — from their cars, from the sidewalks, from the windows of surrounding office
blocks and apartment buildings — it seems none of them pointed a camera at the incident in the moments leading up
to impact. There were no documentary crews in the area fortuitously to catch the event on tape and nor was the
world's media in attendance. Images and footage of both the plane and the impact do however exist. As befits a
building as well protected as the Pentagon it is monitored by a large number of security cameras, several of which
undoubtedly captured both plane and impact. Curiously, with the exception only of five rather dubious and
inconclusive CCTV frames (which I shall consider in some detail later), none of this footage has been released into the
public domain.
So what evidence is available? It falls into four main categories. Firstly there is the interesting (and rarely considered)
seismic evidence as provided by Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. There are the numerous
eyewitness reports supplied by those individuals present at the scene. There is the evidence, photographic and
otherwise, recording the damage and debris caused by the plane, the explosions and the subsequent fire. Finally
there are those five frames of security camera footage, the closest we have to a record of the impact itself.
Much of this evidence is inconclusive and some of it is apparently contradictory. Because it is also incomplete it
throws up a very intriguing paradox. Before attempting a review of the main evidence as it currently stands, I'd like
to underline this basic paradox because it lies at the heart of all the enquiries into the Pentagon attack.
It is encapsulated clearly and succinctly by the following photograph. It shows the facade of the Pentagon after the
attack but before a section of it collapsed. It was taken at time when the fire truck on the left had stopped spraying
foam at the damage, thus giving us a reasonably clear view of the building's facade at the point of impact, which is
indicated by the arrow. Reels of electrical cable (this section of the Pentagon was being renovated at the time) lie
undamaged and largely undisturbed immediately in front of the impact point.
Clearly a Boeing passenger jet travelling at over 450 mph has not penetrated the building at this point. There is no
scar or entry hole that could possibly support this scenario. Neither is there any wreckage to be seen in front of the
building. Precious little wreckage was found inside the building either. The plane — or whatever it was that hit the
Pentagon — seems to have vaporized prior to impact and vanished into thin air. Planes are not generally believed
able to do this.
A moment before the impact, a suitably placed observer at the scene should have seen something like this, a to-scale
simulation of a Boeing 757 about to strike the Pentagon:
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How could a plane of this size travelling at 480 mph cause so little damage and vanish so completely? It's probably
time to take a look at the evidence.
The Seismic Evidence
In the case of the other three incidents, the seismic studies produced by Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory have proved to be a reliable and often quoted source of some hard 9-11 facts, not least of which has been
the precise time of each event. Its findings in respect of the Pentagon attack are cited less frequently. The findings are
available at: http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/publications/download/911pentagon.pdf . Of the Pentagon attack the
scientists conclude:
"There appears to be strong seismic signals around 09:38:52 at station MVL (Millersville, Pa; ∆ = 139 km),
but the signals are too high frequency (5-10 Hz) and too high amplitude (328 nm/s at 139 km). Hence, it
appears to be noise perhaps due to electrical disturbances. Otherwise, there are no clear and consistent
seismic wave arrivals in this time window".
Despite a major signal at 9.38 in the Washington area, this is not believed to be a genuine seismic reading. We might
conclude therefore that the events at the Pentagon generated no seismic activity whatsoever. Yet a major impact or a
big explosion would certainly be expected to register. Taken at face value, the seismic study informs us that there was
no substantial impact and no big explosion. I am ill-qualified to question the author's judgement regarding the
possible 'electrical disturbances', but cannot help wondering what may have given rise to these disturbances, if that is
what they were.
The seismic data is potentially very valuable, but on this occasion I believe the Earth Observatory has let us down in
one crucial respect. The problem concerns the time window alluded to in the final sentence of the above quote. For
some reason the Earth Observatory decided to analyse only data that related to the period 09.36.30 to 09.39.30, a
rather narrow window of three minutes. Although most authorities now agree that the Pentagon attack occurred
within these times, this has not always been the case. In the first few months after the incident it was not uncommon
to see the time given as 09.42 and some reports even quoted as late as 09.45. It is unfortunate and frustrating that the
Observatory chose not extend its study to cover a wider time window that incorporated these times. A twenty minute
window between 9.30 and 9.50 would have been satisfactory. That it did not do so means that we must take these
findings with caution.
The Eyewitness Reports
Eyewitness reports are notoriously unreliable. On the one hand they can be intentionally misleading. Without
wishing to cast aspersions on the honesty of any single witness that day, it is a point of fact that a large proportion of
the witnesses to the Pentagon attack were, not surprisingly, military officials and other Pentagon personnel. More
surprising perhaps is that so many employees of mainstream media organisations were also in the area that day.
Eyewitness reports can also be unintentionally misleading. This is particularly the case when the event witnessed is
sudden, short-lived and singular in nature, which is certainly the case with the Pentagon attack. In these
circumstances many people have difficulty accurately processing in their own minds what they have seen and may
unconsciously rearrange or embellish events to make their subsequent account sound more rational and plausible.
True to form, the eyewitnesses of the Pentagon crash offer an almost comical mishmash of contradictory accounts.
Some for instance claim that the plane hit the ground and turned cartwheels before hitting the building, others that it
made a clean strike. Some believe they could see passengers through the plane's windows while others are convinced
the window blinds were down. Some say the plane impacted with a huge, ear-splitting explosion, others say they
heard very little and could only feel the shockwaves.
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The wide discrepancies between the different accounts mean we should resist the temptation to give preference to
any one report over another. In the absence of other corroboratory evidence it is not possible to determine which
eyewitness reports are the most reliable, even though some may sound more plausible than others. The eyewitness
reports do nonetheless form a valuable source of evidence because there are so many of them. Over 150 eyewitness
reports are in the public domain and this is enough for them to submit to basic statistical analysis. The more
unanimously eyewitnesses agree on certain details, the more trust we can usually place in the reliability of those
One matter on which the eyewitness reports provide important guidance is the basic question of the size of the plane.
Disregarding hearsay reports, I have found 157 eyewitness statements relating to the Pentagon attack. A near-
exhaustive list is collated at http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ericbart/witness.html . Of these, 111 were made by witnesses
who actually saw the aircraft and, of these, 49 give some indication of the size of the plane they saw. All but three
describe it as being a large or medium sized passenger jet and many could make out the American Airlines livery. Of
the three who said the plane was small, one, Steve Patterson, has not been heard of since and is not known at the
address he gave, while another witnessed the incident from a tower block several miles away in Rosslyn, Virginia. A
total of 43 people saw both the plane and the impact. All agree that the plane they saw was the one that hit the
Pentagon. No-one says the plane flew over or past the Pentagon, and some witnesses, particularly those on the upper
floors of high-rise buildings, had a panoramic view of the whole thing. Against unanimity like this and in the absence
of compelling material evidence to the contrary, it is difficult to argue that anything other than a medium to large
sized passenger jet flew into the Pentagon that day. I shall look at that material evidence in some detail later.
A number of smaller details recur with persuasive regularity in the eyewitness reports. One is that the plane hit lamp
poles, trees and even a traffic sign as it approached the building, an observation that is confirmed by photographs of
the material damage. Interestingly, many of those who saw these impacts noted also that afterwards the plane
returned with uncanny precision to its original course, the engines gunning up perfectly to regain speed and the
controls employed to correct roll, pitch and deviation. Five witnesses report seeing the plane emit a brief flash just
before it struck and several more say that they heard two or more distinct explosions on impact. Ten saw a second
plane circling round the scene during and after the attack and the Pentagon has subsequently stated that a military C-
130 was in the vicinity.
Although I said earlier we should resist the temptation to favour one witness statement over and above another,
there is nonetheless one witness whose testimony I believe deserves particular mention. Actually this witness wasn't
an eyewitness at all because she did not see the incident directly. Nevertheless her account is of particular
significance because her exposure to the incident was not as a shocked and surprised observer. It took place within
the context of her everyday professional work. Danielle O'Brien was on duty that day as an air traffic controller at
Dulles Airport and tracked the approaching Flight 77 on radar as it entered Washington airspace. Of the incoming
plane she reported to ABC News :
"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us
experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane....And it went six, five, four. And I had it
in my mouth to say, three, and all of a sudden the plane turned away. In the room, it was almost a sense
of relief. This must be a fighter. This must be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital, and
to protect our president, and we sat back in our chairs and breathed for just a second".
So while the overwhelming majority of eyewitnesses were convinced they saw a regular Boeing passenger jet,
professional air traffic controllers were convinced they were tracking a military plane. If this puzzling contradiction is
to be resolved we must turn our minds to the other evidence.
Damage and Debris
Photographs of the Pentagon and the activity around it in the
immediate aftermath of the attack paint a curiously tranquil scene.
Three or four fire engines make light work of the initial blaze. Shirt-
sleeved investigators go quietly and methodically about their
business. The lawn appears pristine and verdant, spared for some
reason the blazing skeleton of a Boeing 757, the huge trenches
gouged out by its engines, or indeed anything else that might suggest
that a hundred tons of passenger jet travelling at over 450 mph and a
few feet above the ground had recently passed that way.
Yet although much has been made of the absence of aircraft
wreckage resulting from the Pentagon attack, it is not true to say that
there was none at all. There was for instance the much-discussed
fragment of fuselage (shown right) that appears to bear the American
Airlines logo. The origin of this piece of wreckage is unclear but it is
difficult to believe that it had recently been ejected from the midst of
a massive explosion and fireball. It has no burn or scorch marks whatsoever. It is too pristine and looks, frankly, as
though it has been cut out with a can opener. Whether it ever formed part of the fuselage of the plane that hit the
Debris on the Pentagon lawn
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Pentagon is open to question. There was other wreckage however and some of it is visible in the same photograph.
Several eyewitnesses speak of a shower of white confetti-like debris that rained down after the explosion and some of
this can be clearly seen in background. The identity of this wreckage is uncertain, but there seems too much of it for it
to have been surreptitiously introduced after the impact.
Photographs from within the Pentagon show occasional nondescript piles of
rubble and there is even a picture of aircraft engine parts supposedly found inside
the building (left). If this item of debris was deliberately planted then someone
made an elementary mistake because the parts shown have little in common with
those of the much larger Pratt and Whitney turbofan used on Boeing 757s. It
probably would have been a good idea also to ensure that two engines were
found and not just the one, but perhaps that's being pedantic.
According to the White House of course, the incident at the Pentagon offered up
far more evidence of the plane than this. It claims for instance that, unlike in the
case of the other three planes, an intact black box recorder was found in the rubble
and that this yielded nothing more interesting than 'basic flight data'. It claims too
that body parts of each and every person on the passenger list were found and
that DNA analysis was used to identify these body parts. On the other hand, to
my knowledge neither of these highly significant 'finds' has been confirmed by the release of corroboratory evidence
so we are required to take the White House's word for it. Why have the black box recorders not been released to the
civilian authorities? Were those body parts returned to the next of kin for burial and if so why have there been no
funerals for the alleged people onboard?
The material damage to the fabric of the Pentagon itself and its environs offers up far more substantial evidence of
what really took place on September 11 in Washington. That damage however was so minimal that, if the official
account of what happened is true, we must pay fulsome tribute to the architects and engineers responsible for the
building's near-miraculous design and construction. It is remarkable that in New York two Boeing passenger jets
were able to reduce to dust two of the largest and strongest buildings in the world, yet in Washington a similar plane
in a comparable attack could inflict only a modest fire and minor structural collapse on a considerably smaller
building. This point is tacitly conceded by the American Society of Civil Engineers whose Pentagon Building
Performance Study concludes in its executive summary:
"The BPS team recommends that the features of the Pentagon’s design that contributed to its resiliency in
the crash — that is, continuity, redundancy, and energy-absorbing capacity — be incorporated in the
future into the designs of buildings and other structures in which resistance to progressive collapse is
deemed important".
Which is to say that the ASCE is as surprised as everyone else that the building sustained so little damage in the
incident, in marked contrast to the catastrophic performance of the World Trade Center. The ASCE's full report on
the damage to the Pentagon can be found at http://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build03/PDF/b03017.pdf .
The Pentagon was hit on the side facing north east. Damage was
confined to two sections (or wedges) of the building — Wedge 1,
which took the brunt of the impact, and the adjoining Wedge 5.
As already demonstrated, the photographic record shows that the
initial damage to the Pentagon's facade was minimal. The plane
appears to have entered the building through a ground floor
doorway, yet the glass in windows immediately adjacent
remained intact. About half an hour after the impact and with the
fire well under control, a small section of the building, measuring
around 24 metres across, collapsed. Photographs taken of the
collapsed section show that offices on either side sustained
astonishingly little interior damage, given their proximity to the
impact and fireball. In this picture (right) note the pristine walls
and the immaculate wooden stool and open book. How odd that
several Pentagon employees who survived the blast in this section
of the building speak of the incredible heat, so intense that it melted window panes.
Undamaged offices immediately
adjacent to impact point
Behind the outer ring of Wedge 1, the Pentagon suffered very distinctive damage. As the first of the photographs
below shows, fire spread extensively along the outer ring of the wedge and along the entire length of the main
dividing sections running crossways. The fire was clearly less extensive in the rings contained within this area. Aerial
photographs showing the inner wall of C Ring however do reveal three interesting exit holes, as shown in the second
of the photographs below and in closer detail in the two that follow. The exit hole I have labelled number 1 is widely
documented and discussed. Some have suggested that it was caused by the plane's port engine propelling itself like a
missile through the building, though it seems too large to have been caused by the engine that was found. Others
have argued that it is far more reminiscent of an exit hole caused by a real missile. The other two exit holes have been
Engine parts found in the Pentagon
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