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  Name: …………………………………….. Date: ……/……/……


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A) What do you know about Australia?                  B) Read the text. Check your ideas.

Write down two things about:


The climate in Australia is usually very warm, so Australians love sport and other outdoor activities. Swimming, scuba-diving, surfing and cricket are very popular.

-          The people


A lot of Australia’s animals, like the kangaroo, the koala and the platypus are unique. Australia also has some very poisonous snakes and spiders. At school children have to learn first aid for snakes and spiders bites. Along the north-east cost is the Great Barrier Reef. This is the largest coral in the world

-          The animals

-          The climate

-          The cities

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.

However, less than 20 million people live there. The first people in Australia were Aborigines, but today they are only 1.5% of all Australians.

Most of the people are descendants of British settlers. In recent years a lot of people have come from other European countries and from Asia.


The largest city is Sydney with its famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House. The 2000 Olympics were held in Sidney. The capital is Canberra.


Most Australians live in the south east corner between Sydney and Melbourne. This is because 0% of the country is dry. Australians call this dry area “the outback”.

There are some huge farms here with millions of sheep and cattle.

The children on these farms can't go to school because the nearest town is too far away. They study at home and they talk to their teacher by radio.

Australia is a rich country. Its farms produce meat, fruit, vegetables, wool, cereals and wine. There are lots of mines, too. They produce gold, silver, iron, diamonds, cooper and many other things.

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