Wicca Advanced.pdf

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Wicca Advanced:
A Second Year within
the Craft
Pino Longchild
© This work is copyright of Pino Longchild, 2007. No part of this book may be
reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author.
A huge debt of gratitude goes to Deirdre Hebert who extremely generously
volunteered to read and edit the entire manuscript. I don’t know what I would
have done without her keen eye for all manner of grammatical corrections, the
changes she made to cumbersome phrases, her pointing out of factual errors and
her suggestions on how to make some of the sections clearer.
Cassandra Carmentisis, Asphodel (aka Beith), the moderator and mentor teams
(both past and present) on the www.magickaschool.com Forum are deserving of
mention as well, for without their sterling work I would not have had the time to
devote to writing that I have needed. They have all helped create a very successful
On-line community and I am very grateful for all they have done.
I would also like to acknowledge those students at Magicka School who have
written to me from time to time, pointing out inconsistencies and things that were
vague in the On-line course of Wicca Advanced .
Finally, great thanks are also due to my wife, Chantal Santos, with whom I
discussed many of the ideas within the book.
Please Note: All dates are given using the convention CE (Common Era,
equivalent to Anno Domini or AD) and BCE (Before Common Era, equivalent to
Before Christ or BC).
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