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Unit 2 test

Test B

Listening                                            Score: ____/5

1 Wysłuchaj nagrania i podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

1 The girls saw / didn’t see the robbery.

2 The robber was  tall / short and well-built.

3 He had brown / dark glasses and a hat.

4 His trousers and jacket were black / blue.

5 He had long / short dark hair.             


Reading                             Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie dopasuj nazwy przestępstw (A–F) do opisów sytuacji (1–5). Jedna nazwa przestępstwa została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego opisu.             


A robbery

B murder

C mugging

D kidnapping

E burglary

F forgery

1 ____ Three young men stopped Tom in a busy street and they told him to give them his mobile phone and all his money. Tom gave them his wallet and ran away. Luckily, Tom’s wallet was empty and it was very old.

2 ____ Some criminals wanted to get a ransom. They waited in front of a millionaire’s daughter’s school. They saw a rich-looking blonde girl. They said something to her and pulled her into their car. The other schoolgirls screamed but the criminals drove away.



3 ____ The Wilsons were going to a concert on that day. They told everybody because they were happy. An hour after they had left the house two people jumped over the gate, broke a window and got into the house. They were looking for some money when they heard a car in the street. It was the Wilsons’ car. There was no concert because the artist had flu.

4 ____ Two men and a woman entered a small bank. The woman said she wanted to put a lot of money into a bank account. The bank manager was talking to the woman when he saw that the men were holding guns. They told him they wanted five thousand pounds very quickly. At that moment two police officers entered the bank.

5 ____ The police caught a group of teenagers who were making perfect copies of fifty-pound notes. The police were informed by the owner of a local shop who was surprised to see the boys paying for three small chocolate bars with a fifty-pound note.



Uzupełnij tabelkę.

Noun (crime)

Noun (criminal)




1 ...


2 ...




3 ...


4 ...



Score: ____/4

Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami.

1 You have to have a special license to carry a gun or any kind of w _ _ _  o _.

2 The police interviewed the w _ _ _ e _ _ who saw the crime.

3 The j _ _ _ e decided that the criminal would be sent to prison for five years.

4 The r _ _ _ _ _ s got into the bank and stole £1,000,000.

5 The police are going to a _ _ _ _ t several people in connection with the forgery.

6 The evidence was used during the t _ _ _ l .

Score: ____/6


5 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie.

It 1 _____________ (snow) so we 2 _____________ (not see) the accident very well.

3 _____________ you _____________ (meet) anybody while you 4 _____________ (wait) in front of the bank?

The young man 5 _____________ (hear) the woman scream while he 6 _____________ (cross) the road.

The bank clerk 7 _____________ (count) the money when somebody 8 _____________ (point) a pistol at him.


Score: ____/8








6 Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdania.

1 I remember he was wear a black jacket and jeans.


2 Was he having short hair?


3 The victim was lie on the floor.


4 The witnesses didn’t told the police everything they knew.


5 The man had about forty years old.


6 How did the kidnapper look like?


Score: ____/6

7 Wstaw when, while albo during.

1 I had a serious accident ________ my stay in France.

2 ________ the clerk was writing the cheque, a strange looking man entered the room.

3 ________ the kidnapping, the girl managed to make a call on her mobile.

4 I was listening to the radio ________ I heard the news.

5 I hope to have some rest  ________ the holidays.

6 ________ the criminal was identified, he was sent to prison.

Score: ____/6




Wyobraź sobie, że obrabowano bank znajdujący się w twojej okolicy. W dniu przestępstwa widziałeś tajemniczego mężczyznę w pobliżu banku. W ok. 100 słowach napisz, jak wyglądał.





Total score: ____/50


























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