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Unit 8 test

Test B

Listening                                            Score: ____/5

1 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Następnie dopasuj poniższe zdania do odpowiednich osób. Wpisz właściwe litery w luki.

1 _____ talks with Alice about sport and fashion.

2 _____ helps Alice when she’s in trouble.

3 _____ talks to Alice about school problems.

4 _____ has been Alice’s friend since they were children.

5 _____ has often spent summer with Alice and another relative.

A Lily

B Alice’s mum

C Emily

D Anna

E Alice’s boyfriend, Tom

Reading                             Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj tekst obok. Następnie dopasuj podane nagłówki (AF) do fragmentów tekstu (15). Jeden nagłówek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do żadnego fragmentu.             

A For those who need love and those who want to find a friend

B Our members

C When the relationship doesn’t work

D Who created the page

E Who may be interested in visiting the page

F Life outside the webpage





1 ____ Broken up with your boyfriend? Fallen out with your girlfriend? Looking for the love of your life? Feeling lonely or sad? Here comes your chance. Register on our website and stay with us until you find somebody you really like.

2 ____ In the last four years, over 5,000 people have registered and stayed with us. Most of them are about twenty years old but there are also some younger and older ones who like our website. Some of them are shy, some were disappointed with their ex-partners and some just think it’s a good idea to start a new relationship.

3 ____ Many of our fans are not actually looking for a partner. They find it interesting to chat to others who feel lonely or upset at the moment and discuss their problems. They started a pal club and a site called Some of our members are registered on both pages.

4 ____ Usually, people like to go out together after a few weeks of emailing and chatting on the internet. If they get on well, they continue meeting and sometimes even start a serious relationship.  So far, more than 240 of our members have got engaged and 84 of them have got married. This makes us very happy.

5 ____ Life is not always a fairy tale. Six couples have got divorced. We also know of some couples that have separated. We are keeping our fingers crossed for them to make up. But, if they split up for good, there is always a chance to meet new friends.





Dopasuj czasowniki do definicji.

A go out with somebody

B get divorced

C get married d

D make up

E fall out

1 Argue and stop a relationship ____

2 Stop arguing and be friends again  ____

3 Begin a legal relationship as man and wife ____

4 Have a romantic relationship ____

5 End a marriage formally ____

Score: ____/5

Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy w zdaniach.

1 Good f _ _ _ _ _ s help you when you are in trouble.

2 He’s my e _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ d. We got divorced last year.

3 Chris got engaged. His f _ _ _ _ _ e’s name is Fiona.

4 Maria and Jack are a c _ _ _ _ _. They have been going out for a year.

5 Tom is my c _ _ _ _ _ g _ _. We work together.

Score: ____/5


5 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, aby powstały zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym.

1 you / have / better / would / marks / if / worked / you / harder.


2 a / for / often / I / walk / would / be / fit / I / went / if.


3 would / football / I / watch / match / if / the / liked / I.


4 were / you / rich / would / be / you / happy / if?


5 money / some / what / if / found / you / would / you / it / with / do?


Score: ____/5

6 Połącz części zdań.

1 I would be fitter ____

2 If my family didn’t move to the city, ____

3 I wouldn’t go out with Tom ____

4 If my friends lied to me, ____

5 My parents would be angry ____


A I would break up with them.

B if I practised more sport.

C if I failed my exams.

D we would travel to school by train.

E if I were you.

Score: ____/5








7 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami.

have    sell    ask    eat    go

1 You’d better ______________ these things on the internet.

2 You should ______________ your mum to let you join the club.

3 You ought to ______________ for a walk more often.

4 If I were you, I’d ______________ a hot bath.

5 You’d better ______________ more fruit.

Score: ____/5

8 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań.

1 I want to _________________ with her. (pogodzić się)

2 _________________, I’d open the windows more often. (na twoim miejscu)

3 If the weather was nicer, I _________________ for a walk. (poszedłbym) 

4 _________________ Russian, I’d go to university in Moscow. (gdybym mówiła)

5 _________________ if you want to catch the train. (pospiesz się)

Score: _____/5


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Total score: ____/50


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