McMillan - CORBA Programming Unleashed (1998).pdf

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CORBA Programming Unleashed: Table of Contents
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CORBA Programming Unleashed
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Suhail Ahmed
ISBN: 0672310260
Publication Date: 12/28/98
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Chapter 1—CORBA 2.0: An Architecture for
More Than One ORB?
Architecture and Protocols
The General Inter-ORB Protocol
Environment-Specific Inter-ORB Protocol
The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
Anatomy of an IOR
The Chicken-and-Egg Problem
A Simple IOR Registry
The IORegistry IDL Details
Compiling the IDL
iBus IORRegistry Transmitter
IORRegistry Server Implementations
The IORRegistry Client-Side Implementation
The IORReceiver Class Implementation
The OrbixIORTuner Implementation
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Chapter 2—IIOP and E-Commerce
CORBA and Java
Cookies Cannot Cut It for Long
Analysis and Design of the SOAR System
Analysis and Design of SOAR in a Nutshell
What SOAR Should Do
The SOAR Reservations
The Flight Interface Implementation
The ReservationEvent Class and Interface
The ReservationServer Implementation
The ReservationServer GUI
The SOAR Search Engine
The TimeTable Implementation
The TimeTableEvent Class and Interface
The SOAR Factory
Implementing the Factory::Object Interface
The FactoryServer
The SOAR Payment Server
Implementing the Bank::Payment Interface
The PaymentServer GUI
The SOAR Client
The SearchClient GUI
The ReservationsClient GUI
The PaymentClient GUI
The Invoice GUI
The SOARClient Applet
Chapter 3—The Portable Object Adapter
The Rationale Behind POA
Using POA
Getting Hold of the POA
Implementing a POA Application
Interface Implementation
The HangarServer Implementation
The Hangar Deactivation Class
The Hangar Server GUI
The HangarClient
Chapter 4—CORBA Object References and
Smart Pointers
Object Reference Mapping in C++
CORBA Memory Management for Object
Object References as Parameters
Object References and Reference Counts
Incrementing and Decrementing the Reference
The Difference Between T_ptr and T_var
Implementing the Object Module
The Server Implementation
The Client Implementation
Chapter 5—IDL/Java Mapping
Reserved Names in Java IDL Mapping
Mapping of IDL Types to Java
IDL Module
IDL Interfaces
Internals of Interfaces
Constructed Types in Interfaces
struct Types
Enumeration Type
Union Type
Template Types
Array Type
Example Illustrating Differences Between Array
and Sequence
The SequenceArrayExample Implementation
The SequenceArrayExampleClient
Operations with Constructed IDL Types
Example Implementation of the params Interface
The params Client Implementation
IDL Exceptions
Chapter 6—CORBA C++ Memory
IDL Operations
Memory Management for Basic Types
Memory Management for Template Types
Ownership of Memory
Memory Management for Strings
The CORBA::String_var Type
Server-Side Memory Management for Strings
Client-Side Memory Management for Strings
Memory Management for Sequences
Managing an in Sequence
Managing an out Sequence
Managing an inout Sequence
Memory Management for Arrays
Managing an in Array
Summary of C++ Parameter Types
Memory Management Heuristics
Chapter 7—The Naming Service
Why Use the Naming Service?
What Is in a Name?
The Naming Service API
Creating Contexts
Binding Names
Deleting Context and Names
Resolving Names
Using the Naming Service
Implementing the Hangar Interface
The Hangar Server Implementation
The Hangar Client Implementation
Chapter 8—The Trader Service
Trader Service Interaction
Design Rationale for the Trader Service
Main Components of the Trader Service
State of CORBA Trader Implementations
The CUTrader Implementation
The Trader Server Implementation
Using the CUTrader
A CUTrader Exporter
The CUTrader Importer
Chapter 9—The Event Service
The Power Nine Problem
Reducing Interface Dependencies
The Supplier-Driven Event Model
The Consumer-Driven Event Model
The Delegated Event Model
Semantics of Delegation-Based Event Models
Event Types
Untyped Events
Typed Events
Implementing a CORBAEvents-Based Application
Implementing Untyped Push Models
The Push Supplier
push Event Client Implementation
Implementing Typed Push Models
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