APress - Bluetooth For Java (2003).pdf

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Bluetooth for Java
Bluetooth for Java
by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
Apress © 2003 (352 pages)
The authors of this text describe how to develop wireless Java
applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This
includes an API overview of the Java library, development of
Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and
Table of Contents
Bluetooth for Java
Chapter 1 - Introducing Bluetooth
Chapter 2 - Bluetooth 1.1
Chapter 3 - Before You Get Started
Chapter 4 - Understanding the Java Bluetooth API
Chapter 5 - Bluetooth with J2ME MIDP
Chapter 6 - Creating a Bluetooth Print Server with JPS API
Chapter 7 - Java and OBEX
Chapter 8 - Using a Bluetooth Simulator
Chapter 9 - Bluetooth Security
Chapter 10 - Wireless Embedded Systems with the Micro BlueTarget
Chapter 11 - Enterprise Bluetooth Applications with the Ericsson BlipNet
Chapter 12 - Bluetooth and Jini
Appendix A - javax.bluetooth
Appendix B - javax.obex
Appendix C - Java Bluetooth Development on the PalmOS Platform
Appendix D - BlipNet 1.1 API
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
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Back Cover
Bluetooth is a technology for wireless communication. It is similar in functionality to the way laptops connect to the
Internet from home/office, but is typically used for short burst communications instead of a continuous connection.
Because of this difference, Bluetooth is more typically found supported in wireless phones and personal devices.
Bluetooth for Java is not an overview of Bluetooth. In the book, Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony describe how to
develop wireless Java applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This includes an API overview of the
Java library, development of Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and walkthroughs for
development with some of the different tools available. Programs will not be just J2ME (micro devices) based, but
will also be for J2SE (client/desktop).
Apress © 2003 (352 pages)
The authors of this text describe how to develop wireless Java
applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This
includes an API overview of the Java library, development of
Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and
Table of Contents
Bluetooth for Java
Chapter 1 - Introducing Bluetooth
Chapter 2 - Bluetooth 1.1
Chapter 3 - Before You Get Started
Chapter 4 - Understanding the Java Bluetooth API
Chapter 5 - Bluetooth with J2ME MIDP
Chapter 6 - Creating a Bluetooth Print Server with JPS API
Chapter 7 - Java and OBEX
Chapter 8 - Using a Bluetooth Simulator
Chapter 9 - Bluetooth Security
Chapter 10 - Wireless Embedded Systems with the Micro BlueTarget
Chapter 11 - Enterprise Bluetooth Applications with the Ericsson BlipNet
Chapter 12 - Bluetooth and Jini
Appendix A - javax.bluetooth
Appendix B - javax.obex
Appendix C - Java Bluetooth Development on the PalmOS Platform
Appendix D - BlipNet 1.1 API
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
Bruce Hopkins is an early adopter of Java technology, and has used it in a wide variety of applications, ranging from
embedded systems to enterpise applications. He currently works as a technical architect at Redwood Solutions, an
IT services firm in Livonia, Michigan.
Ranjith Antony is the technical lead for Atinav, an early Bluetooth "provider"/adopter.
Bluetooth for Java
by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
About the Authors
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Bluetooth for Java
by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
Apress © 2003 (352 pages)
The authors of this text describe how to develop wireless Java
applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This
includes an API overview of the Java library, development of
Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and
Table of Contents
Bluetooth for Java
Chapter 1 - Introducing Bluetooth
Chapter 2 - Bluetooth 1.1
Chapter 3 - Before You Get Started
Chapter 4 - Understanding the Java Bluetooth API
Chapter 5 - Bluetooth with J2ME MIDP
Chapter 6 - Creating a Bluetooth Print Server with JPS API
Chapter 7 - Java and OBEX
Chapter 8 - Using a Bluetooth Simulator
Chapter 9 - Bluetooth Security
Chapter 10 - Wireless Embedded Systems with the Micro BlueTarget
Chapter 11 - Enterprise Bluetooth Applications with the Ericsson BlipNet
Chapter 12 - Bluetooth and Jini
Appendix A - javax.bluetooth
Appendix B - javax.obex
Appendix C - Java Bluetooth Development on the PalmOS Platform
Appendix D - BlipNet 1.1 API
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
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Technical Reviewer: Andrew Stringer
Editorial Directors: Dan Appleman, Gary Cornell, Simon Hayes, Karen Watterson, John Zukowski
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Bluetooth for Java
Copyright © 2003 by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
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the information contained in this work.
Bluetooth for Java
by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
The source code for this book is available to readers at http://www.apress.com in the Downloads
Apress © 2003 (352 pages)
The authors of this text describe how to develop wireless Java
applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This
includes an API overview of the Java library, development of
Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and
First and foremost, I dedicate this book to the Lord Jesus Christ, without whom I could not have written
this book. I also dedicate this book to my loving wife, Schrell, and my two wonderful children, Lydia and
Bruce Jr.
—Bruce Hopkins
Table of Contents
Bluetooth for Java
Chapter 1 - Introducing Bluetooth
Chapter 2 - Bluetooth 1.1
Chapter 3 - Before You Get Started
Chapter 4 - Understanding the Java Bluetooth API
Chapter 5 - Bluetooth with J2ME MIDP
Chapter 6 - Creating a Bluetooth Print Server with JPS API
Chapter 7 - Java and OBEX
Chapter 8 - Using a Bluetooth Simulator
Chapter 9 - Bluetooth Security
Chapter 10 - Wireless Embedded Systems with the Micro BlueTarget
Chapter 11 - Enterprise Bluetooth Applications with the Ericsson BlipNet
Chapter 12 - Bluetooth and Jini
Appendix A - javax.bluetooth
Appendix B - javax.obex
Appendix C - Java Bluetooth Development on the PalmOS Platform
Appendix D - BlipNet 1.1 API
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
—Ranjith Antony
About the Authors
Bruce Hopkins is a 6-year Java veteran with experience in distributed computing and wireless networking.
He has an electrical and computer engineering degree from Wayne State University in Detroit and has
interest in robotics, microcomputing, and electronics. He has worked in Java since JDK 1.0a, and his
research studies include distributed computing, clustering, encryption, and pervasive computing. He
currently works as an independent consultant in the Metro Detroit area.
Ranjith Antony earned his bachelor of technology degree in computer engineering from the College of
Engineering, Chengannur, Kerala, India, an institute affiliated with Cochin University of Science and
Technology. He became a lecturer in the Department of Computer Engineering of the Government Model
Engineering College, an institute affiliated with Cochin University of Science and Technology. In June
1998, he joined Atinav as a software engineer. Presently, he is working as a senior technical manager and
is managing the Bluetooth-related Java products from Atinav.
About the Technical Reviewer
Andrew Stringer was educated at the Dublin Institute of Technology in computer science and software
engineering, receiving a bachelor of science degree. Andrew joined Rococo Software in 2001 as a trainer
and consultant in the field of wireless software development. Andrew has great experience in developing
Dedicated to my parents, Prof. Antony Mampilly and Prof. Kochurani Mampilly.
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and delivering courses with J2ME and also with Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JABWT).
Andrew lives in Dublin, Ireland.
Bluetooth for Java
by Bruce Hopkins and Ranjith Antony
Apress © 2003 (352 pages)
The authors of this text describe how to develop wireless Java
applications using Bluetooth for a variety of platforms. This
includes an API overview of the Java library, development of
Bluetooth-based services, highlights of security concerns, and
I personally want to thank all the people who helped me in writing the book that you're holding. Never in a
million years would I have thought that I would be working with Gary Cornell and John Zukowski, both of
whom are very respected Java authors. I'm very grateful that Gary and John accepted my proposal way
back in January of 2002. For that matter, I want to thank the rest of the team at Apress including Tracy
Brown, Ami Knox, Kari Brooks, and Wanshun Tam. More honor, however, goes to Tracy. Many thanks to
Andrew Stringer from Rococo for tech reviewing this book; I never knew that I could have been wrong so
many times. It's good to have an expert at your disposal.
Table of Contents
Bluetooth for Java
Chapter 1 - Introducing Bluetooth
Chapter 2 - Bluetooth 1.1
Chapter 3 - Before You Get Started
Chapter 4 - Understanding the Java Bluetooth API
Chapter 5 - Bluetooth with J2ME MIDP
Chapter 6 - Creating a Bluetooth Print Server with JPS API
Chapter 7 - Java and OBEX
Chapter 8 - Using a Bluetooth Simulator
Chapter 9 - Bluetooth Security
Chapter 10 - Wireless Embedded Systems with the Micro BlueTarget
Chapter 11 - Enterprise Bluetooth Applications with the Ericsson BlipNet
Chapter 12 - Bluetooth and Jini
Appendix A - javax.bluetooth
Appendix B - javax.obex
Appendix C - Java Bluetooth Development on the PalmOS Platform
Appendix D - BlipNet 1.1 API
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
Bluetooth equipment isn't cheap, so I also want to acknowledge all the great companies around the world
(literally) that gave Ranjith and me hardware loans and technical assistance. For instance, Jeff Day and
the rest of the team at 3Com (including Ken Morley, Brent Nixon, and Randy Rollins) were very helpful in
providing us with Bluetooth adapters and tech support. Mahendra Tailor from TDK Systems in the UK was
very helpful in providing us with equipment as well. Rococo was very kind to allow us to have an extended
evaluation period in order to write the chapter on Bluetooth simulation. Thanks to Geraldine, Karl, and the
rest of the team in Ireland. Lim Siong Huat from Mobiwave in Singapore was very helpful in allowing us to
use their protocol analyzer for the security chapter. Peter Duchemin from Smart Network Devices in
Germany was very helpful in getting me the inside scoop on their Micro BlueTarget. I also want to thank
Niels-Christian Gjerrild from Ericsson in Sweden for hardware and documentation on the Ericsson BlipNet
system. North of the border, in Canada, I also received assistance from Dr. Steven Knudsen regarding the
integration of Jini and Bluetooth.
This is my first book, so I definitely have to thank all the wonderful teachers at Grant, Cass Tech, and
WSU who helped me to get here. You'll never forget a good teacher, and I've had many in my lifetime. I
want to thank personally Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Parent, Mr. Walker, and Mrs. Cowan from Grant School. At
Cass Tech, I had the pleasure to study under Mr. Miller, Mr. Raymond, and Mrs. Ashford. Dr. Steve Kahn
was a little disappointed that I didn't finish my degree with the Mathematics Department after I joined the
Emerging Scholars Program, but he deserves to be mentioned. I also want to thank Dr. Chaudhary for
giving me the opportunity to study and research with him in the Parallel and Distributed Computing Lab at
Wayne State. Very few students were eligible to work in the undergraduate research program, and I'm
grateful to Bill Hill for allowing me to be a part of it.
I wouldn't be the person that I am today without the spiritual guidance of my pastors at Bethlehem Temple
Church. Many thanks to the late Bishop Jackson, the late Bishop Porter, Elder Clark, and the whole
church family.
I'm the youngest of seven children, so each one of my siblings played a role in shaping my life and career.
Thanks to Theresa, Valerie, Darlene, Barbara, Mark, and Tyrone. I definitely have to give special thanks to
Mom and Dad, because they've dealt with me for 26 years of my life. They did an excellent job raising all
seven children with college educations. Thanks to Thaddeus Johnson for being a good friend. In order to
stay smart, you have to hang around smart people.
Finally, I want to thank my wonderfully sweet wife, Schrell. She was very patient and understanding while I
wrote this book. She is truly a virtuous woman.
—Bruce Hopkins
Numerous people have provided assistance, advice, and encouragement during the preparation of this
book. Major contributors of material, ideas, insights, solutions, and explanations that have found their way
into this book include James Jose, Salman Ali, Rajesh Rabindranath, Sudhin Latheef, Vaishali Patil, and
Sajith M Nair. Besides them, my teammates at Atinav, especially George Mathew, Cipson Jose, and
Dinkar Raj, have contributed suggestions, fixed program bugs, and made imperceptible contributions too
numerous to mention. I am also grateful to Mr. Lim Siong Huat and his colleagues at Mobiwave for
extending their support by providing timely advice and necessary equipment. Without him, the chapter on
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