First Section.doc

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First Section

        Second Section








































Sue's 5 point Celtic Motif -  Sue Hanson ©1999  ©2001 ©2005
This motif is made in three steps, two separate motifs are worked, and posted through each other, then a final round is worked to tie it all together.
Example worked in No 20 Coats Mercerised Crochet thread

First Section Ball & shuttle, two colours joined.
* RA: 5 - 5 -5 -5 -5 - 5 clr RW
  Ch: 18 RW
    Repeat from* 4 more times joining 2nd p of R’s to 4th p prev R’s + (last Ch to base of 1st R) T & C

Note:  this will come out slightly cupped & does not lay flat but it will be fine when the motif is assembled

Second Section Ball & shuttle, two colours joined.
** RB: 7 – 7 clr RW
  Ch: 4 - 8 - 4 RW join p on subsequent repeats
    Repeat ** 4 more times + (last Ch to base 1st R) Take care not to twist the chain.  T & C

Now lay section one on top of section two then post the "legs" up & through rings A as shown

Final Round Ball & Shuttle Single colour CTM
Commence with right side facing.
Rings are worked under the chains of first section, so fold work out of the way whilst joining.
*** RC: 6 + (last p of RA) 3 + (1st p next RA) 6 clr RW
  Ch 4 - 4 – 4 +LJ (p of RB) 4 – 4 - 4 RW
    Repeat *** 4 more times + (last p to 1st p of 1st RA & Ch to base of 1st RC) T & C

Adjust motif to shape.  The original motif was used as a brooch with a straight pin, as were the original 9th century Celtic brooches

Remember that if you hide the ends the motif becomes reversible.  I cheated & just did a triple knot & cut close.  Glue can be applied to the knot if desired

This is a very flexible motif.  Instead of two colours it can be made of just one or as each round doesn't take much thread use 6 different colours to empty them shuttles!!!  You can make more repeats and even add beads.  Make it bald or increase the number of picots & graduate them.
Most of all have fun with it  :-)  And I’d love to see what you come up with!



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