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  Upper Intermediate Unit 1 Video Podcast Script


P = Pasha              D = Deborah                            T = Tamara                            L = Luke              M = Mairi

C = Chris              Ch = Chaenara              R = Relwyn



P:               Hi. My name is Pasha, I work for the BBC as a producer and I do a lot of DJing in my spare time. I’ve lived in London for many years now with my friends and sometimes I annoy them with my music. What about you? Do you have any annoying habits?


D:                            I bite my nails and I probably talk a bit too loudly.


T:                            I’m really bad at making decisions – that’s one of my annoying habits.


L:                            Er, yes. Basically, taking off clothes when I’m getting changed and leaving them exactly where I am, and not putting them where they should be.


M:                            I’m very messy which is quite annoying, I think, for my boyfriend anyway.


C:                            Yes, I do. I’m told that I snore when I’m in bed.


Ch:                            I would have to say, babbling around the topic sometimes because I think out loud, so, you know, taking a long time to get to the point of something I think would be annoying.


R:                            Erm, not that I know of. Probably talking too much.


P:                            Do you have any experience of flat sharing?


T:                            Absolutely. As a student I shared flats quite a lot, and just, different people have different ways of doing things. I’m someone who likes to keep things clean and tidy and I guess a lot of students are just not fussed about that.


D:                            I’ve always lived with friends so it’s always, we’ve always got on well and had a really nice experience.


L:                            I’ve had some experience of flat sharing about three years ago. People that are basically very untidy. Their habits that I, kind of, could not stand: bad hygiene.


M:                            Yes, when I was a student: two of my flatmates decided to learn the bongos – that was really annoying.


C:                            Yes, when I was a student I shared with five different people, one of whom was very noisy and they would play music early in the morning when I was trying to sleep. So, in rever-, return, I would play music late at night when they were trying to sleep, just to get my own back.


P:                            What habits or qualities in a flatmate would you find most annoying?


D:                             I think if they were messy then that would be very annoying and also maybe if they were a bit too loud: came back partying late at night – I think that would be hard.


L:                            Smoking. Smoking would be, er, definitely up there. I can’t stand smokers. And I can’t stand people that, sort of, leave their washing up.


M:                            Well, I wouldn’t like to live with me because I’m really messy, so if there was two of us sharing a flat that were messy like that it would just be impossible.


T:                            Filth. Someone who, you know, someone who’s untidy, who’s dirty because that impacts on you. Everything else is really not a big deal but when you’re flat sharing, definitely tidiness is, is very important.


R:                            Not tidying up after themselves; leaving a mess after cooking – that sort of stuff.


C:                            I think people that are untidy: in particular people that don’t do the dishes after they’ve cooked a meal and leave them in the sink and don’t clear them up. I find that annoying. So I like tidy people.


Ch:                            I believe if I had a flatmate that was insensitive to my lifestyle needs and didn’t compromise in any capacity, I would think they were very selfish.







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