Chevron Sweater.pdf

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SU08-P18 Chevron Sweater
' 7
4 (5, 5, 5)”
' 8
2 (2, 3, 4)”
needle, 24“/60 cm long
• Stitch marker
Stitch symbol key Visit
Verena Knitting Pattern Shop
at to
download Abbreviations and
Symbols page.
Chevron pat Work according
to chart A. Numbers on right
side of chart indicate RS rows.
On WS rows, work sts as they
appear, purl yo‘s. Beg chart pat
with 1 st before first arrow; rep
12 sts bet arrows across row,
end chart pat with 2 sts after
2nd arrow. Rep chart Rows 1
and WS row for pat.
Brioche rib Work according to
chart B. Work in rnds and rep 2
sts between arrows around.
Work Rnds 1-3 once; then rep
Rows 2-3 for pat.
Stripe pat A Work 2 rows in Mikonos white;
then *2 rows each in petrol, brown, petrol, light
blue, petrol; 10 rows in Mikonos white; 2 rows
each in brown, light blue, brown, petrol, brown;
10 rows in Mikonos white, 2 rows each in light
blue, petrol, light blue, brown, light blue; then 10
rows in Mikonos white; rep from * for pat.
Stripe pat B Work 2 rows each in petrol,
Mikonos white, brown, Mikonos white, light blue,
then Mikonos white. Rep these 12 rows for pat.
25 sts and 20 rows = 4“/10cm in chevron pat
with larger needles and Mikonos yarn; 21 sts and
70 rows = 4“/10cm in brioche rib with smaller
needles and Kira yarn.
With larger needles and Mikonos white, cast on
8 (8, 9, 9)”
8 (9, 9¾, 10¾)”
8 (8, 9, 9)”
Bust 32 (36, 39, 43)“/81.5 (91.5, 99, 109)cm
Length 26 (26½, 27, 27½)“/66 (67.5, 68.5,
Lang Yarns “Mikonos“ (worsted-weight yarn);
81% viscose, 19% linen; 104yd/95m; 1¾oz/50g
• Color #0001 white: 525 (572, 640, 689)yd/481
(524, 586, 631)m
• Color #0023 light blue, #0068 brown, and
#0010 petrol, each: 210 (229, 256, 276)yd/193
(210, 235, 253)m
Lang Yarns “Kira“ (fine-weight yarn); 75% viscose,
25% polyamide; 153yd/140m; 1¾oz/50g
• Color #0001 white: 629 (673, 717, 756)yd/576
(616, 656, 692)m
• Size 7 (4.5mm) needles; size 4 (3.5mm) circular
99 (111, 123, 135) sts. Knit the first (WS) row.
Cont in chevron pat and foll stripe pat A until
piece measures 12¼“/31cm from beg. Cont in
chevron pat and foll stripe pat B for 6¼“/16cm.
Shape armhole Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 4
rows; 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows; then 1 st at beg
of next 4 rows—75 (87, 99, 111) sts. Work even
until armhole measures 7½ (8, 8½, 9)“/19 (20.5,
21.5, 23)cm. Bind off.
Work as for back.
With larger needles and Mikonos white, cast on
99 (99, 111, 111) sts. Knit the first (WS) row. Cont
in chevron pat and foll stripe pat A until piece
measures 15“/38cm from beg. Shape cap Bind
off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows; 2 sts at beg of
next 12 rows; then 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows.
Bind off rem 51 (51, 63, 63) sts.
Waistband With circular needle and Kira yarn,
cast on 150 (160, 170, 180) sts, work in rnds.
Cont in brioche rib until piece measures
9¾“/25cm from beg. Bind off all sts loosely.
Block pieces to measurements. Sew shoulder
seams 2 (2, 3, 4)”/5 (5, 7.5, 10)cm from each
edge. Set in sleeves. Sew sleeve and side seams.
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