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(from MDA):
A solution of 6.55 g of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as the free base
and 2.8 mL formic acid in 150 mL benzene was held at reflux under a Dean Stark trap
until no further H2O was generated (about 20 h was sufficient, and 1.4 mL H2O was
collected). Removal of the solvent gave an 8.8 g of an amber oil which was dissolved in
100 mL CH2Cl2, washed first with dilute HCl, then with dilute NaOH, and finally once
again with dilute acid. The solvent was removed under vacuum giving 7.7 g of an amber
oil that, on standing, formed crystals of N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine. An
alternate process for the of this amide involved holding at reflux for 16 h a solution of
10 g of MDA as the free base in 20 mL fresh ethyl formate. Removal of the volatiles
yielded an oil that set up to white crystals, weighing 7.8 g.
A solution of 7.7 g N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine in 25 mL
anhydrous THF was added dropwise to a well stirred and refluxing solution of 7.4 g
LAH in 600 mL anhydrous THF under an inert atmosphere. The reaction mixture was
held at reflux for 4 days. After being brought to room temperature, the excess hydride
was destroyed with 7.4 mL H2O in an equal volume of THF, followed by 7.4 mL of 15%
NaOH and then another 22 mL H2O. The solids were removed by filtration, and the filter
cake washed with additional THF. The combined filtrate and washes were stripped of
solvent under vacuum, and the residue dissolved in 200 mL CH2Cl2. This solution was
extracted with 3ċ100 mL dilute HCl, and these extracts pooled and made basic with 25%
NaOH. Extraction with 3ċ75 mL CH2Cl2 removed the product, and the pooled extracts
were stripped of solvent under vacuum. There was obtained 6.5 g of a nearly white
residue which was distilled at 100-110  C at 0.4 mm/Hg to give 5.0 g of a colorless oil.
This was dissolved in 25 mL IPA, neutralized with concentrated HCl, followed by the
addition of sufficient anhydrous Et2O to produce a lasting turbidity. On continued
stirring, there was the deposition of fine white crystals of 3,4-methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine
hydrochloride (MDMA) which were removed by filtration, washed
with Et2O, and air dried, giving a final weight of 4.8 g.
(from 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone):
3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylacetone is the key intermediate to all of the MD-series
can be made from either isosafrole, or from piperonal via 1-(3,4-
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To a well stirred solution of 34 g of 30% hydrogen peroxide in 150 g 80% formic
acid there was added, dropwise, a solution of 32.4 g isosafrole in 120 mL acetone at a
rate that kept the reaction mixture from exceeding 40  C. This required a bit over 1 h,
and external cooling was used as necessary. Stirring was continued for 16 h, and care
was taken that the slow exothermic reaction did not cause excess heating. An external
bath with running water worked well. During this time the solution progressed from an
orange color to a deep red. All volatile components were removed under vacuum which
yielded some 60 g of a very deep red residue. This was dissolved in 60 mL of MeOH,
treated with 360 mL of 15% H2SO4, and heated for 3 h on the steam bath. After cooling,
the reaction mixture was extracted with 3ċ75 mL Et2O, the pooled extracts washed first
with H2O and then with dilute NaOH, and the solvent removed under vacuum The
residue was distilled (at 2.0 mm/108-112  C, or at about 160  C at the water pump) to
provide 20.6 g of 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone as a pale yellow oil. The oxime
(from hydroxylamine) had a mp of 85-88  C. The semicarbazone had a mp of 162-163
A suspension of 32 g electrolytic iron in 140 mL glacial acetic acid was gradually
warmed on the steam bath. When quite hot but not yet with any white salts apparent,
there was added, a bit at a time, a solution of 10.0 g of 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-
nitropropene in 75 mL acetic acid (see the of MDA for the preparation of this
nitrostyrene intermediate from piperonal and nitroethane). This addition was conducted
at a rate that permitted a vigorous reaction free from excessive frothing. The orange
color of the reaction mixture became very reddish with the formation of white salts and a
dark crust. After the addition was complete, the heating was continued for an additional
1.5 h during which time the body of the reaction mixture became quite white with the
product appeared as a black oil climbing the sides of the beaker. This mixture was added
to 2 L H2O, extracted with 3ċ100 mL CH2Cl2, and the pooled extracts washed with
several portions of dilute NaOH. After the removal of the solvent under vacuum, the
residue was distilled at reduced pressure (see above) to provide 8.0 g of 3,4-
methylenedioxyphenylacetone as a pale yellow oil.
To 40 g of thin aluminum foil cut in 1 inch squares (in a 2 L wide mouth
Erlenmeyer flask) there was added 1400 mL H2O containing 1 g mercuric chloride.
Amalgamation was allowed to proceed until there was the evolution of fine bubbles, the
formation of a light grey precipitate, and the appearance of occasional silvery spots on
the surface of the aluminum. This takes between 15 and 30 min depending on the
freshness of the surfaces, the temperature of the H2O, and the thickness of the aluminum
foil. (Aluminum foil thickness varies from country to country.) The H2O was removed
by decantation, and the aluminum was washed with 2ċ1400 mL of fresh H2O. The
residual H2O from the final washing was removed as thoroughly as possible by shaking,
and there was added, in succession and with swirling, 60 g methylamine hydrochloride
dissolved in 60 mL warm H2O, 180 mL IPA, 145 mL 25% NaOH, 53 g 3,4-
methylenedioxyphenylacetone, and finally 350 mL IPA. If the available form of
methylamine is the aqueous solution of the free base, the following sequence can be
substituted: add, in succession, 76 mL 40% aqueous methylamine, 180 mL IPA, a
suspension of 50 g NaCl in 140 mL H2O that contains 25 mL 25% NaOH, 53 g 3,4-
methylenedioxyphenylacetone, and finally 350 mL IPA. The exothermic reaction was
kept below 60  C with occasional immersion into cold water and, when it was thermally
stable, it was allowed to stand until it had returned to room temperature with all the
insolubles settled to the bottom as a grey sludge. The clear yellow overhead was
decanted and the sludge removed by filtration and washed with MeOH. The combined
decantation, mother liquors and washes, were stripped of solvent under vacuum, the
residue suspended in 2400 ml of H2O, and sufficient HCl added to make the phase
distinctly acidic. This was then washed with 3ċ75 mL CH2Cl2, made basic with 25%
NaOH, and extracted with 3ċ100 mL of CH2Cl2. After removal of the solvent from the
combined extracts, there remained 55 g of an amber oil which was distilled at 100-110
 C at 0.4 mm/Hg producing 41 g of an off-white liquid. This was dissolved in 200 mL
IPA, neutralized with about 17 mL of concentrated HCl, and then treated with 400 mL
anhydrous Et2O. After filtering off the white crystals, washing with an IPA/Et2O
mixture, (2:1), with Et2O, and final air drying, there was obtained 42.0 g of 3,4-
methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) as a fine white crystal. The actual
form that the final salt takes depends upon the temperature and concentration at the
moment of the initial crystallization. It can be anhydrous, or it can be any of several
hydrated forms. Only the anhydrous form has a sharp mp; the published reports describe
all possible one degree melting point values over the range from 148-153  C. The
variously hydrated polymorphs have distinct infrared spectra, but have broad mps that
depend on the rate of heating.
DOSAGE: 80 - 150 mg.
DURATION: 4 - 6 h.
(with 100 mg) MDMA intrigued me because everyone I asked, who had used it,
answered the question, "What's it like?" in the same way: "I don't know." "What
happened?" "Nothing." And now I understand those answers. I too think nothing
happened. But something seemed changed. Before the "window" opened completely, I
had some somatic effects, a tingling sensation in the fingers and temples a pleasant
sensation, not distracting. However, just after that there was a slight nausea and
dizziness similar to a little too much alcohol. All these details disappeared as I walked
outside. My mood was light, happy, but with an underlying conviction that something
significant was about to happen. There was a change in perspective both in the near
visual field and in the distance. My usually poor vision was sharpened. I saw details in
the distance that I could not normally see. After the peak experience had passed, my
major state was one of deep relaxation. I felt that I could talk about deep or personal
subjects with special clarity, and I experienced some of the feeling one has after the
second martini, that one is discoursing brilliantly and with particularly acute analytical
(with 100 mg) Beforehand, I was aware of a dull, uncaring tiredness that might
have reflected too little sleep, and I took a modest level of MDMA to see if it might
serve me as a stimulant. I napped for a half hour or so, and woke up definitely not
improved. The feeling of insufficient energy and lack of spark that I`d felt before had
become something quite strong, and might be characterized as a firm feeling of
negativity about everything that had to be done and everything I had been looking
forward to. So I set about my several tasks with no pleasure or enjoyment and I hummed
a little tune to myself during these activities which had words that went: "I shouldn`t
have done that, oh yes, I shouldn`t have done that, oh no, I shouldn't have done that; it
was a mistake." Then I would start over again from the beginning. I was stuck in a gray
space for quite a while, and there was nothing to do but keep doing what I had to do.
After about 6 hours, I could see the whole mental state disintegrating and my pleasant
feelings were coming back. But so was my plain, ornery tiredness. MDMA does not
work like Dexedrine.
(with 120 mg) I feel absolutely clean inside, and there is nothing but pure
euphoria. I have never felt so great, or believed this to be possible. The cleanliness,
clarity, and marvelous feeling of solid inner strength continued throughout the rest of the
day, and evening, and through the next day. I am overcome by the profundity of the
experience, and how much more powerful it was than previous experiences, for no
apparent reason, other than a continually improving state of being. All the next day I felt
like "a citizen of the universe" rather than a citizen of the planet, completely
disconnecting time and flowing easily from one activity to the next.
(with 120 mg) As the material came on I felt that I was being enveloped, and my
attention had to be directed to it. I became quite fearful, and my face felt cold and ashen.
I felt that I wanted to go back, but I knew there was no turning back. Then the fear
started to leave me, and I could try taking little baby steps, like taking first steps after
being reborn. The woodpile is so beautiful, about all the joy and beauty that I can stand.
I am afraid to turn around and face the mountains, for fear they will overpower me. But I
did look, and I am astounded. Everyone must get to experience a profound state like this.
I feel totally peaceful. I have lived all my life to get here, and I feel I have come home. I
am complete.
(with 100 mg of the "R" isomer) There were the slightest of effects noted at about
an hour (a couple of paresthetic twinges) and then nothing at all.
(with 160 mg of the "R" isomer) A disturbance of baseline at about forty minutes
and this lasts for about another hour. Everything is clear by the third hour.
(with 200 mg of the "R" isomer) A progression from an alert at thirty minutes to a
soft and light intoxication that did not persist. This was a modest +, and I was at baseline
in another hour.
(with 60 mg of the "S" isomer) The effects began developing in a smooth, friendly
way at about a half-hour. My handwriting is OK but I am writing faster than usual. At
the one hour point, I am quite certain that I could not drive, time is slowing down a bit,
but I am mentally very active. My pupils are considerably dilated. The dropping is
evident at two hours, and complete by the third hour. All afternoon I am peaceful and
relaxed, but clear and alert, with no trace of physical residue at all. A very successful ++.
(with 100 mg of the "S" isomer) I feel the onset is slower than with the racemate.
Physically, I am excited, and my pulse and blood pressure are quite elevated. This does
not have the 'fire' of the racemate, nor the rush of the development in getting to the
(with 120 mg of the "S" isomer) A rapid development, and both writing and
typing are impossible before the end of the first hour. Lying down with eyes closed
eliminates all effects; the visual process is needed for any awareness of the drug's
effects. Some teeth clenching, but no nystagmus. Excellent sleep in the evening.
In clinical use, largely in psychotherapeutic sessions of which there were many in
the early years of MDMA study, it became a common procedure to provide a
supplemental dosage of the drug at about the one and a half hour point of the session.
This supplement, characteristically 40 milligrams following an initial 120 milligrams,
would extend the expected effects for about an additional hour, with only a modest
exacerbation of the usual physical side-effects, namely, teeth clenching and eye
twitching. A second supplement (as, for instance, a second 40 milligrams at the two and
a half hour point) was rarely felt to be warranted. There are, more often than not, reports
of tiredness and lethargy on the day following the use of MDMA, and this factor should
be considered in the planning of clinical sessions.
With MDMA, the usual assignments of activity to optical isomers is reversed
from all of the known psychedelic drugs. The more potent isomer is the "S" isomer,
which is the more potent form of amphetamine and methamphetamine. This was one of
the first clear distinctions that was apparent between MDMA and the structurally related
psychedelics (where the "R" isomers are the more active). Tolerance studies also support
differences in mechanisms of action. In one study, MDMA was consumed at 9:00 AM
each day for almost a week (120 milligrams the first day and 160 milligrams each
subsequent day) and by the fifth day there were no effects from the drug except for some
mydriasis. And even this appeared to be lost on the sixth day. At this point of total
tolerance, there was consumed (on day #7, at 9:00 AM) 120 milligrams of MDA and the
response to it was substantially normal with proper chronology, teeth clench, and at most
only a slight decrease in mental change. A complete holiday from any drug for another 6
days led to the reversal of this tolerance, in that 120 milligrams of MDMA had
substantially the full expected effects. The fact that MDMA and MDA are not crosstolerant
strengthens the argument that they act in different ways, and at different sites in
the brain. A wide popularization of the social use of MDMA occurred in 1984-1985 and,
with the reported observation of serotonin nerve changes in animal models resulting
from the administration of the structurally similar drug MDA, an administrative move
was launched to place it under legal control. The placement of MDMA into the most
restrictive category of the Federal Controlled Substances Act has effectively removed it
from the area of clinical experimentation and human research. The medical potential of
this material will probably have to be developed through studies overseas.
A word of caution is in order concerning the intermediate 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone,
which has also been called piperonylacetone. A devilish ambiguity
appeared in the commercial market for this compound, centered about its name. The
controversy focused on the meaning of the prefix, piperonyl, which has two separate
chemical definitions. Let me try to explain this fascinating chaos in non-chemical terms.
Piperonyl is a term that has been used for a two-ring system (the methylenedioxyphenyl
group) either without, or with, an extra carbon atom sticking off of the side of it. Thus,
piperonylacetone can be piperonyl (the two-ring thing without the extra carbon atom
attached) plus acetone (a three carbon chain thing); the total number of carbons sticking
out, three. Or, piperonylacetone can be piperonyl (the two-ring thing but with the extra
carbon atom attached) plus acetone (a three carbon chain thing); the total number of
carbons sticking out, four. Does this make sense? The three carbon sticking out job gives
rise to MDA and to MDMA and to many homologues that are interesting materials
discussed at length in these Book II comments. This is the usual item of commerce,
available from both domestic and foreign suppliers. But the four-carbon sticking out job
will produce totally weird stuff without any apparent relationship to psychedelics,
psychoactives or psychotropics whatsoever. I know of one chemical supply house which
supplied the weird compound, and they never did acknowledge their unusual use of the
term piperonyl. There is a simple difference of properties which might be of value. The
three carbon (correct) ketone is an oil with a sassafras smell that is always yellow
colored. The four carbon (incorrect) ketone has a weak terpene smell and is white and
crystalline. There should be no difficulties in distinguishing these two compounds. But
unprincipled charlatans can always add mineral oil and butter yellow to otherwise white
solids to make them into yellow oils. Caveat emptor.
A) from piperonal
To a solution of 15.0 g piperonal in 80 mL glacial acetic acid there was added 15
mL nitroethane followed by 10 g cyclohexylamine. The mixture was held at steam-bath
temperature for 6 h, diluted with 10 mL H2O, seeded with a crystal of product, and
cooled overnight at 10  C. The bright yellow crystals were removed by filtration, and air
dried to yield 10.7 g of 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-nitropropene with a mp of 93-
94  C. This was raised to 97-98  C by recrystallization from acetic acid. The more
conventional efforts of nitrostyrene using an excess of nitroethane as a solvent and
anhydrous ammonium acetate as the base, gives impure product in very poor yields. The
nitrostyrene has been successfully made from the components in cold MeOH, with
aqueous NaOH as the base.
A suspension of 20 g LAH in 250 mL anhydrous THF was placed under an inert
atmosphere and stirred magnetically. There was added, dropwise, 18 g of 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-
2-nitropropene in solution in THF and the reaction mixture was
maintained at reflux for 36 h. After being brought back to room temperature, the excess
hydride was destroyed with 15 mL IPA, followed by 15 mL of 15% NaOH. An
additional 50 mL H2O was added to complete the conversion of the aluminum salts to a
loose, white, easily filtered solid. This was removed by filtration, and the filter cake
washed with additional THF. The combined filtrate and washes were stripped of solvent
under vacuum, and the residue dissolved in dilute H2SO4. Washing with 3ċ75 mL
CH2Cl2 removed much of the color, and the aqueous phase was made basic and
reextracted with 3ċ100 mL CH2Cl2. Removal of the solvent yielded 13.0 g of a yellowcolored
oil that was distilled. The fraction boiling at 80-90  C at 0.2 mm weighed 10.2 g
and was water-white. It was dissolved in 60 mL of IPA, neutralization with concentrated
HCl, and diluted with 120 mL of anhydrous Et2O which produced a lasting turbidity.
Crystals formed spontaneously which were removed by filtration, washed with Et2O, and
air dried to provide 10.4 g of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine hydrochloride (MDA)
with a mp of 187-188  C.
B) from 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone
To a solution of 32.5 g anhydrous ammonium acetate in 120 mL MeOH, there
was added 7.12 g 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetone (see under MDMA for its
preparation) followed by 2.0 g sodium cyanoborohydride. The resulting yellow solution
was vigorously stirred, and concentrated HCl was added periodically to keep the pH of
the reaction mixture between 6 and 7 as determined by external damp universal pH
paper. After several days, undissolved solids remained in the reaction mixture and no
more acid was required. The reaction mixture was added to 600 mL of dilute HCl, and
this was washed with 3ċ100 mL CH2Cl2. The combined washes were back-extracted
with a small amount of dilute HCl, the aqueous phases combined, and made basic with
25% NaOH. This was then extracted with 3ċ100 mL CH2Cl2, these extracts combined,
and the solvent removed under vacuum to provide 3.8 g of a red-colored residue. This
was distilled at 80-90  C at 0.2 mm/Hg to provide 2.2 g of an absolutely water-white oil.
There was no obvious formation of a carbonate salt when exposed to air. This was
dissolved in 15 mL IPA, neutralized with 25 drops of concentrated HCl, and diluted with
30 mL anhydrous Et2O. Slowly there was the deposition of white crystals of 3,4-
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