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Egzamin wstępny 

10 września 2002


I.                   Make questions about the underlined words.


Example:  Susan loves flowers.

                  What does Susan love?


1.      He may take Frank’s tie.



2.      My friends like to play tennis.               



3.      I had to telephone my mother on Sunday.



4.     She has had her hair dyed.



5.      Peter is very nice.



6.      It is fifty-seven miles from here.



7.      The train from Leeds leaves from Platform Nine.



8.      I have nothing to declare.



9.      They were drinking tea when I entered the room.



10.  John took a lot of luggage on his trip to Paris.




                                                                                                                               ______/ 10 p



II.               Use the word in brackets (...) to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Write between two and five words.


Example:   I can’t describe people as well as you can.  ( BETTER)

You’re ..... better at describing people than......... I am.


1   .I can’t find my shoes.  ( KNEW)

      I wish ................................................................................ were.

      2.   Too many sweets are bad for you.  ( EAT)

      It is ................................................................................... too many sweets.

3.   The repairs to my roof will be expensive.  ( COST)

      Repairing .......................................................................... a lot of money.



4.   He had to have his door mended.  ( SOMEONE)

      He had to .......................................................................... his door.

5.   Tom was definitely first in the queue.  ( DOUBT)

      There’s .............................................................................. first in the queue.

6.   The fireman had to break the door down.  ( NECESSARY)

      It .................................................................................... to break the door down

7.   The population of Spain is increasing.  ( PEOPLE)

      The ................................................................................. is increasing.

8.   You should join the football club.  ( MEMBER)

      You should ...................................................................... the football club.

9.   ‘Do you know where Tom is staying?’ she asked.  ( WHERE)

  She asked me if ……………………………………………. staying.

10.   If you don’t take care of those shoes, they won’t last for long.  (LOOK)

      Those shoes won’t last for long, unless ..................................................................,. 




III.           Put the verbs in brackets (....) in the correct tense.


Dear Ann

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. So, what .................. I ............................. (do) recently? Well, my friend, Bev .....................……………............. ..................... (stay) with me for the past two weeks. I don’t think you’ve met Bev, have you? I ............................................... (know) her since we were at university together. She is the one that .......................................... (try) to get a job in Africa since she .......................................(graduate) last year. Without success, I’m afraid.

    Anyway, we ................................ ( have) a great time. The weather has been wonderful for weeks now, so we ................................................. (drive) round the countryside. I wonder if you are having such good weather in France. We have visited quite a few of the little villages around Oxford. I didn’t know there................ (be) so many nice places to see round here. Then Bevy said she .................... never ................ (be) to Stonehenge, so we went there, too. On Saturday, Harry ................................. (invite) Bevy and me to dinner. He ............................. (cook) a lovely meal. But I’m a bit worried about him - he .............................. (drink) too much. He .............................(drink) two bottles of wine while we were there on Saturday. He said he .....................(be) under a lot of pressure at work since his last promotion. Bev ...................................... (go back) to London the day after tomorrow. She’s asked me to go with her. I’d love to, but unfortunately I haven’t got time. Take care.

                                                 Love, Mary







IV.              Circle the mistakes in the following sentences. Write the correct versions in the spaces provided. Each sentence contains only one mistake.


1.  The Minoans were being an ancient community of people who   

     lived on the island of Crete.



2.  When he was himself in his teens, his father lost his job.


3.  Bees make honey in spite that of beekeepers


4.  I think I told to you that I got an ant farm for my birthday.


5.  He started to performing in a comedy club when he was only 



6.  It’s hot here-do you mind my open the window.


7.  Her eyes are red. Yes, she is crying for an hour now.


8.  I’m not used to drive on the left.


9.  Fiona asked her little brother to not watch this film.


10. She is not going to come unless you won’t call her.






V.                 Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.


John and Mary are in many ways typical of young entrepreneurs today. They have their ..................................(1) business, a hamburger restaurant in a shopping centre ............................(2) the South of England. They already have a ............................(3) of over 40 people, because ............................(4) the restaurant is quite small, it has to ............................(5) open for long hours. They bought the business a couple of years ...................................(6) and spent the first few months working ...............................(7) hard that they rarely saw any of ...........................(8) friends. But once they had got ............................(9) to the way the restaurant worked, they did not ....................................(10) to work such long hours and were ...............................(11) to take more time ..........................(12).Since then they .............................(13) improved efficiency by installing a new computer system.

            The restaurant has been very successful, and .............................(14) the Competition from another fast food restaurant nearby, the .........................(15) of Customers .............................(16) increased steadily. As a .............................(17), They are planning to enlarge the restaurant ..........................(18) buying the hairdressing salon ................................(19) door and turning it ..............................(20) another seating area.







VI.              Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning(0).

                               Nothing to match it !

There’s nothing to match the (0) __warmth_____ and cosiness of a genuine



log-fire. The luxury and sheer(1) ...................………………………. of sitting back



and watching the progress of fire and flame is almost (2) ...................…………






A log-fire appeals to all the senses. Yes, you can(3) ............................…………



taste and smell the (4) ………….........................of newly cut timber – and then



enjoy the sight and sound of the minor (5) ……… it burns.



Logs hiss for a while before they (6) ..................……………....burst in the heat,



so the moment of (7) ......................comes as a climax after lots of suspense!



All of this is very (8) ....................……………, and the thing that makes it more



(9) ………...........................than ever is that one’s feet are up and one’s whole



Body is being bathed in tropical heat. It’s a (10) ………...................experience.






1. ............................................


6. ..........................................

2. ............................................


7. ..........................................

3. ............................................


8. ..........................................

4. ............................................


9. ..........................................

5. ............................................


10. ........................................




VII.          Choose the right response to the following situations. Only one is correct.

Example   . Let’s have a cup of tea...

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