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DL_Bettwaesche 142 EN
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Instructions – Bed linens 142
Pillow case, 50 x 50 cm (20" x 20")
Pillow case, 80 x 80 cm (32" x 32")
Comforter cover, 200 x 135 cm
(80" x 54")
Baste print fabric piece to top
pillow case piece, with right sides
of both facing up. Baste bias tape
over outer edges of print fabric
piece, laying diagonal folds at
corners. Edgestitch edges of bias
tape in place.
On underlap piece, press allow-
ances on one long edge and both
narrow edges to wrong side, turn
raw edges under, and edgestitch
in place. Stitch underlap piece to
closure edge of top pillow case
piece, catching tie bands in seam.
Press allowances away from under-
lap piece. Topstitch pillow case
piece, catching allowances.
Cotton print fabric, 150 cm (59")
wide: 4.80 m (5 1 4 yds) in light
blue, 0.35 m (14") in pink. Solid
color cotton fabric, 150 cm (59")
wide: 1.70 m (1 7 8 yds) in light
blue, 0.60 m (24") in pink. Bias
tape, pre-folded, 2 cm ( 3 4 ") wide:
2.20 m (2 1 2 yds) in light blue, 1.40
m (1 5 8 yds) in pink.
Fold each tie band piece in half
lengthwise, right side facing in.
Stitch long edge and one narrow
edge closed. Trim allowances nar-
rowly. Turn tie band right side out
and press. Pin bands to closure edge
of top pillow case piece, evenly
spaced – 2 ties on small pillow
case and 3 ties on large pillow case.
On bottom pillow case piece,
press allowance on closure edge
to wrong side, turn raw edge un-
der, and pin. Slide remaining tie
bands under allowance, to match
ties on top. Edgestitch allowance
in place. Turn ties up and stitch to
upper edge.
Seam and hem allowances:
1.5 cm ( 5 8 ") on all seams and
Stitch pillow case pieces to-
gether, right sides facing, leaving
closure edge open. Turn right side
Comforter cover
Large pillow case
Light blue fabric, solid:
a) 2 pillow case pieces, each 80 x
80 cm (31 1 2 " x 31 1 2 "),
b) Underlap piece, 80 x 27 cm
(31 1 2 " x 10 3 4 "),
c) 6 tie bands, each 30 cm (12")
long, 4 cm (1 1 2 ") wide, finished
width, 2 cm ( 3 4 ").
Light blue fabric, print:
d) 1 piece, 50 x 50 cm (20" x 20").
Comforter cover
Light blue fabric, print:
e) Comforter cover piece, 400 cm
(160") long, finished length 200 cm
(80"), 135 cm (54") wide,
f) Underlap piece, 135 x 20 cm
(54" x 8"),
g) 8 tie bands, each 30 cm (12")
long, 4 cm (1 1 2 ") wide, finished
width, 2 cm ( 3 4 ").
Small pillow case
Pink fabric, solid:
h) 2 pillow case pieces, each 50 x
50 cm (20" x 20"),
j) Underlap piece, 50 x 24 cm (20"
x 9 1 2 "),
k) 4 tie bands, each 27 cm (10 3 4 ")
long, 4 cm (1 1 2 ") wide, finished
width, 2 cm ( 3 4 ").
Pink fabric, print:
l) 1 piece, 30 x 30 cm (12" x 12").
Cutting layouts
for 150 cm wide fabric
Pink fabric,
Pink fabric,
Sew tie bands and underlap as
described for pillow case. Pin 4 tie
bands, evenly spaced, to one
closure edge of cover piece. Sew
underlap to this edge, catching
ties in seam.
Finish opposite closure edge,
catching the remaining 4 tie
Fold cover piece in half, right
side facing in, matching narrow
edges. Stitch side edges closed.
Turn right side out.
Light blue fabric, print
Light blue fabric,
Fold fabric as shown in cutting layout. For a double layer, the right
side is facing in. For a single layer, the right side is facing up.
Copyright 2006 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany.
All models, pattern pieces, and illustrations are copyrighted. Commercial use is prohibited.
The publishers cannot be held responsible for damages due to improper use of the pattern or materials,
improper carrying-out of instructions or tips, or improper use of finished models.
Pillow case
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