Hand Cannon 6.pdf

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Hand Cannon 6.indd
- Designed By -
Lucas Smith
- Editors -
Brandon Gromis
Jessica Carl
Matt Kutchins
- Cover Art By -
Matt Wilson
- Hosting By -
Anthony Bouvier
- Special Thanks -
David Carl, David Steussy,
Jason Lang, Christfer Anderson, Zaphod
Zarniwoop , Stephan Thomas,Timothy
Nahm, David Carl, Chris Decker, Jim
Ebert, Tim Hoyt, Timothy Nahm, David
Steussy, and Anthony Woods
and everyone else who has contributed.
Stop Gap Warcasters
pg 4
New Scenarios
pg 9
Iron Kingdoms: World Guide Reviews
pg 12
Jack Handling (d20 Charger stat block)
pg 13
Card Images for Stop Gap Warcasters
(Print Size)
pg 16
Legal Page
pg 20
Stopgap Warcasters
By David Carl and David Steussy
The Brief
The stopgap warcasters are not the
greatest heroes of their nations but neither are
they common wizards, mechanics, or knights.
They have the powers to command warjacks
and the abilities required to lead troops in bat-
tle. They simply are not as adept as the war-
casters you are used to fielding on the tabletops
of battle in Warmachine.
If both players agree, an army may use
a stopgap warcaster in place of a standard war-
caster. While these warcasters’ powers do not
compare to those of Deneghra or Sorscha, their
point cost is significantly lower. In fact, each
stopgap warcaster has a cost of 0 points.
Some readers may wonder how a
warcaster can cost 0 points without being
“borken.” The concept is really not too dif-
ficult to understand when you consider exist-
ing warcasters. The most obvious example
is Goreshade. For 80 points, you receive a
7-focus warcaster capable of summoning an
82-point unit to his location. This model is
obviously worth far more than 80 points. Any-
one who’s been frozen by Sorscha or knocked
down by Kreoss will probably claim that they,
too, are worth more than their point cost alone
would imply. The reason this works is that
only 1 warcaster can be fielded per 500 points.
If the concept of 0-point warcasters
still worries you, you can also think of it this
way – for the same point cost, you can take
Magus Damien Sperling and a Charger, or you
can take Nemo. Nemo has more focus, a bet-
ter spell list, and some spiffy special abilities.
Sperling, on the other hand, leaves you with
enough leftover points to take a “free” Charger.
Which is better? The answer to that question is
entirely up to you.
If you choose to field a stopgap war-
caster, you will need to use your “extra”
points carefully. Taking Lanyssa Ryssyl over
Deneghra could buy you a pair of Deathrip-
pers, but is that enough to make up for Crip-
pling Grasp, The Withering, Stealth, etc.? It is
a difficult choice to make.
Each stopgap warcaster has been designed to
match up with one of the Iron Kingdoms Full
Metal Fantasy miniatures
King Leto shook his head as the young captain
left. This war was really taking a toll, and the
trials facing Cygnar showed no sign of slow-
ing. This new threat from the Protectorate
could not go ignored. He turned to his military
advisors and reviewed their options.
“I realize that we have already deployed the
greatest heroes of our nation, but what of that
loose cannon, Lieutenant Caine? I suppose
we’ll need to pay the soldiers something extra
to serve with him, but…”
Leto’s advisors shook their heads as one.
“Already deployed, sir, and he’ll not return
for weeks. I suppose he may not return at all
after facing the latest abominations of the Lich
Lords.” The members of the council con-
ferred briefly among themselves and offered up
another possibility, “We could send Damien
Leto flinched at the name. “The Journeyman
Warcaster?” he asked incredulously. “You
would send a Journeyman to lead my troops in
“He has learned much in the past year, your
highness. His experience and power have
grown greatly, and he is now deserving of the
title of a full Warcaster. When things quiet
down, we will award him that honor officially,
but, for now, we have little choice.”
King Leto leaned back in his throne and
rubbed his eyes. His advisors waited a long
moment before they dared to speak. “Sire?”
the eldest in the council finally asked.
“What choice do I have?” Leto asked. He
waved his hand noncommittally towards the
east and shrugged resignedly, “Send the Jour-
– Damien Sperling, Sir Ekkrion Ganis, Hugo
Lobanov, and Lanyssa Ryssyl. We have, how-
ever, provided new background information on
these characters to coincide with the flavor we
have developed for the four stopgap warcast-
While these stopgap warcasters can be
played in 500-point games or alongside exist-
ing warcasters in 1000-point games, 350-point
games are a perfect arena for them. Three hun-
dred fifty points of warjacks, troops, and solos
tend to be just right, and that game size makes
for a nice, quick game of Warmachine. These
warcasters are not recommended for Mangled
Metal play, however; and you will likely find
them very lacking in that environment.
Trained as a Journeyman Warcaster
and only recently given full command, Magus
Damien Sperling is one of the new breed of
warcasters. Despite their mortality rate and the
disrespect given them by their superiors, some
journeymen are deemed fit for full command.
Their numbers are growing, and, while the
natural-born warcasters still outnumber these
made men, the flood of young hopefuls seeking
tutelage to become journeymen may see this
change in the future.
Sperling spent most of his tours of
duty as Journeyman under Stryker’s command
on the Cygnar-Khador border, though he was
transferred to Captain Haley for an action
against a Cryx raiding party for a time. He is
fiercely patriotic, and, while he may dream of
being transferred to warmer climes, he will
fervently serve his king wherever he is sent.
Sperling lacks the experience and spell power
of the famed warcasters of Cygnar, but he
relies on military precision and by-the-book
tactical maneuvers to succeed on the battle-
field. This attitude trickles down to the men
under his command – while they may not be
innovative and risk-taking, they are precise,
methodical, and stalwart.
The Crew
Magus Damien Sperling
“I wish I could be there so we could handle
this matter together, but I’m needed urgently
elsewhere. Time to show them you’ve got what
it takes, kid…”
–letter from Cmdr. Stryker to Damien Sperling
regarding the Protectorate insurgents
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