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                                 Half-Life 2 - NO INSTALL

1. extrac the archive with WinRAR an make sure to put the folder you extract in your C:\

2. right click on hl2.exe ( send to ---> desktop (shortcut)

3. the name of the shortcut you just made is hl2 and it is in your desktop.

What you will do is to rename it like this hl2 -steam -console and remember to make som room beetwen each word.

4. now open your steam acount, enlarge it and click on "My Games" then "Add non-Steam Game... then "Browse" and 
chose hl2.exe (NOT THE SHORTCUT YOU MADE BUT THE HL2.EXE IN YOUR INSTALLATION FOLDER) then you have it in your steam.

5. right click on "hl2 -steam -console" located in your steam then take properties. the Target is like that right 
now "C:\Half-Life 2\hl2.exe"    MAKE SURE TO MAKE IT LIKE THAT -----> "C:\Half-Life 2\hl2.exe" -steam -console 

                         MAKE ROOM BEETWEN hl2.exe" and -steam and -console   

                              IF YOU DONE ALL THAT THEN YOU WON THE PRICE

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