05-Get Her Addicted.pdf
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How To Create Lasting
Devotion For All 8 Types
part 5 f 8
Get Her Addicted
of the Pandora’s Ph.D.
Strategy Series
Vin DiCarlo
DiCarlo Coaching
Strategy Guide Written By Brian Burke
The Old Way
When you meet a woman you really like, do you know how to keep her? This
is a major challenge for most guys, probably second to approaching. The
reason for the struggle is that men treat “keeping” a woman as if they were
a running back trying to protect a football. It’s this jealous, hoarding, fearful
mindset that prevents men from being at their best when they get involved
with great women.
We always talk about the
behind mindsets. The belief driving the
mindset of “keeping her” is that she a) doesn’t like you enough, and b) that it’s
your job to earn her time and attention. As you probably know by now, this is
the exact opposite of the dynamic you want with women. You want a woman
to already feel attracted to you so that you don’t have to work for her. You
want a woman to feel like she has to work for YOU.
This mindset reinforces a self-sabotaging belief and perpetuates the problem.
When you constantly try to second guess and pursue women, they run from
you, making you think that you must chase harder or smarter. It’s time to lip
the script.
The New Way
In order for a woman to feel attracted to a man, she must feel like he is the
prize, and that she is lucky to be a part of HIS life. Hearing this, the average
guy’s old beliefs will kick in:
well that means I need to make more money,
wear cooler clothes, be funnier, grow a bigger dick.
This is exactly the kind of thinking that turned the woman off in the irst
Remember, as men are attracted by how women look, women are
attracted to how men
So this is where we make the change. (The Attraction Code discussed this
in-depth so if you have not read it, you’re fucking up. Just kidding. But
You must begin to think like a dominant man, instead of a submissive man.
This applies to the content of your thoughts, but more importantly, the
of your thoughts. For example, let’s say you see a homeless person
on the street. When you pass him by, you can think about how much money
you will give him. This is a content-thought. But you could be giving him the
money because you are scared of looking selish, or because you want to help
a fellow human being. This makes a huge difference in your demeanor and
how others perceive you.
So the “direction” of your thoughts is like the “why.” In other words, your
intention, your meta direction, guides your thoughts, and thus your actions.
It can be hard to change your intention with women when you are lacking in
the dating department. You perceive a lack, and so you chase. This is why it’s
extremely important to take a step back and revamp your lifestyle before you
can expect a drastic change in your results with women.
Let’s say you’re dating a beautiful, fun, smart woman. You want to keep her
in your life. You are dealing with a whole new set of issues beyond “What do
I say to break the ice?” or “How do I get a conversation going?” She is asking
herself questions like, “Where is this going? Am I truly important to him? Do
we have a future? Do I want to be a part of that future?”
Instead of focusing on winning women over, we will now focus on making
women devote themselves to us. This may sound like a large task. How can
you make a beautiful woman, who can date any man she wants, to devote
herself to you? The good news is she
wants to
, but most men
won’t let her
The bad news is you have to be going somewhere. Well actually that’s good
news, unless you want to spend the rest of your days working at Best Buy and
your only hobby is watching cable TV.
When your focus is devotion, you’ll ind you have more attractive women in
your life. This is because women can sense when a man has high standards. It
conveys that you are used to attractive women, and a generally good life.
Also, when you are no longer chasing women, you will ind that your
interactions with women, whether you just met or have been dating for a
while, are much more authentic. Think about how nervous and unnatural you
act when you are trying to get something from someone. Now think about
how conident and happy you are when you feel like you are bringing a lot
to the table.
Now what if what you brought to the table was a thought? The easiest thing
you can have is a thought, and yet that is what attracts women, and the more
powerful your thoughts, the better the women.
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Inne pliki z tego folderu:
01-Advanced Cold Reads - 8 Types.pdf
(820 KB)
02-Approaching Without Rejection.pdf
(799 KB)
03-Conversational Mastery.pdf
(2226 KB)
04-Dating Strategies.pdf
(844 KB)
05-Get Her Addicted.pdf
(837 KB)
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