
(48 KB) Pobierz
{1835}{1894}- Help! Help!|- Is he still alive?
{1938}{1970}Oh, yes.
{1975}{2023}Cut the engine|and get out of the car, please.
{2573}{2630}Good morning, Judge Bertolini.
{2632}{2662}- How are you?|- What do you want?
{2664}{2692}Oh, you don't remember me.
{2708}{2764}But then you must send a lot of|innocent people to prison,
{2766}{2867}and I suppose after a while|we all just blur into one.
{2883}{2919}Tito Spadola.
{2995}{3065}22nd of January, 1994.
{3067}{3112}Milan Central Court.
{3123}{3156}Life imprisonment for murder.
{3192}{3258}Anything? Vaguely?
{3333}{3380}- I remember.|- Oh, good.
{3393}{3443}Because it's important you know|why I'm going to kill you.
{3445}{3485}- No, please, please...|- I told you to your face
{3487}{3567}I didn't kill that kid,|but you didn't believe me.
{3576}{3665}I told you the cops fixed the evidence,|but you just looked at your watch.
{3667}{3741}I told you the witnesses were lying|on the stand, you just smiled.
{3744}{3823}You stole my whole life|and thought it was funny.
{3831}{3902}- Well, now I'm taking yours in return.|- For God's sake, I beg you.
{3904}{3967}But please, don't feel persecuted.
{3977}{4062}I'll be seeing Arcuti tomorrow|and Zen the day after.
{4140}{4183}Say hello from Tito Spadola.
{5670}{5759}Ah, come on, Aurelio.|You know it's always on the house.
{5769}{5807}See you tomorrow.
{6556}{6620}- Miss Moretti.|- Hi, Detective.
{7264}{7300}- Aurelio.|- Hello, Giorgio.
{7306}{7344}- How was your weekend?|- Great, thanks.
{7346}{7383}- How was yours?|- Hey, boys, boys.
{7419}{7480}Listen, Moscati's new secretary,
{7482}{7523}- Tania Moretti.|- Yeah, what about her?
{7525}{7601}All the boys in the murder squad|are putting in ?20 each,
{7603}{7667}and the first one to bed her|gets the lot.
{7669}{7727}If you fancy your chances,|I'm holding the pot.
{7729}{7822}Alternatively, I'll give you odds|on anyone in the building.
{7824}{7867}- Isn't she married?|- That's what I heard, yeah.
{7869}{7962}Boys, 80% of extramarital affairs|start in the workplace.
{7970}{8022}Only fair to warn you|that Vincenzo Fabri's in.
{8024}{8081}And as you know, his record|with the girls here is second to none.
{8083}{8130}Despite being married.
{8197}{8250}I heard a rumour|she's sleeping with him already.
{8399}{8470}I'll bet you Romizi knows as well|and that's why he's taking bets.
{8522}{8619}Now, you can get your arse off that desk|and I don't care who your uncle is.
{8621}{8657}I need a car.
{8840}{8889}- What's up?|- Phone call from the Ministry.
{8891}{8929}- He's not happy.|- Thanks.
{8975}{9012}We've been summoned|by the Ministry.
{9014}{9099}Your pre-trial review|of the Faso investigation,
{9101}{9150}the Minister wants|to hear it for himself.
{9152}{9185}- What?|- You'd better be finished.
{9191}{9260}- More or less.|- "More or less"? Dear God.
{9274}{9373}I hope you found the police work down|in Abruzzo was perfect in every respect.
{9403}{9450}- Um...|- What does that mean, "um"?
{9455}{9536}Look, they got the guy|and, um, he confessed.
{9568}{9667}But between you and me,|it was a bit, um...
{9696}{9742}- slothful.|- Slothful?
{9744}{9781}Negligent. Lax.
{9783}{9885}Naturally, there's no mention|of any of this in your review.
{9895}{9961}Well, like I said, you know,|they got the guy.
{9985}{10065}Well, I don't like this.|There's something going on.
{10067}{10161}They're just dying for a reason|to cut our budget this year.
{10201}{10246}Don't give them one.
{10311}{10396}Now, you're watching a tape|of billionaire construction magnate
{10398}{10506}Oscar Faso, in the living room|of his mountain retreat in Abruzzo.
{10509}{10579}Seems Faso was in the habit|of secretly recording
{10581}{10623}all his assignations with women.
{10625}{10696}In this case,|two prostitutes from Naples.
{10820}{10933}Now, the video clearly shows|the killing of Faso and the girls
{10935}{10984}but not who killed them.
{11256}{11346}Now, this next shot is|from the security cameras
{11348}{11411}which cover the outside of the property.
{11413}{11477}This is Renato Favelloni,
{11501}{11580}the only other guest that evening.
{11582}{11647}And the man who later|confessed to the killings,
{11649}{11715}leaving the building|some 60 seconds later.
{11717}{11790}Now, miraculously, despite the fact that|he was covered in blood,
{11792}{11836}only half-dressed|and out of his mind on drugs,
{11838}{11915}Favelloni managed to get clean away,|triggering as he went
{11917}{12013}the exterior security system|which was primed at the time.
{12022}{12100}Now, Favelloni was Faso's|business partner,
{12102}{12192}but subsequent investigations revealed|that they had argued about money
{12194}{12241}just prior to the murder.
{12243}{12299}His wife then testified to the police
{12301}{12386}that he had in fact talked|of killing Faso.
{12389}{12467}After a lengthy interrogation,|he finally confessed
{12469}{12530}and is now awaiting trial next month.
{12538}{12576}Any questions?
{12590}{12687}So, in fact,|all the evidence is circumstantial?
{12699}{12759}There is no actual proof|that Favelloni is the killer?
{12774}{12811}Well, yes, but Faso had
{12813}{12884}a state-of-the-art|video security system.
{12886}{12928}Nobody left the property
{12930}{13001}before Favelloni exited|directly after the murders.
{13003}{13078}In fact, there are no other|possible suspects.
{13080}{13141}But I remember reading|about some Russian.
{13178}{13264}A Ukrainian estate worker,|Avel Vasko.
{13266}{13360}But at the time of the killings,|he was in a bar
{13362}{13408}with the local policeman.
{13421}{13452}We call that an alibi.
{13459}{13561}Yet we understand there were|some anomalies in the case.
{13570}{13631}- Anomalies?|- Yes, inconsistencies.
{13643}{13707}- Exceptional circumstances.|- Yes.
{13723}{13802}The killings were carried out|with one of Faso's own hunting rifles,
{13804}{13881}which, despite repeated searches|of the house and grounds,
{13883}{13914}has not been found.
{13916}{13980}Secondly, a set of fingerprints|have been identified
{13982}{14050}on the key to the gun cupboard.
{14052}{14159}And these fingerprints have not|been identified or accounted for.
{14161}{14206}So, in your professional opinion,|Detective,
{14208}{14312}has this investigation been|thoroughly and competently carried out?
{14375}{14446}Thoroughly and competently, uh,|carried out?
{14559}{14629}Obviously it wasn't...|It wasn't my case.
{14632}{14701}I wasn't on the original case but...
{14711}{14790}Viewing it from a distance,|from a considerable distance...
{14793}{14872}I think it's important, sir,|to remember that Mr Favelloni
{14874}{14947}has confessed to these murders.
{15049}{15086}Thank you, Detective.
{15111}{15211}I see your reputation for|scrupulous integrity is well-deserved.
{15238}{15271}Thank you.
{15407}{15474}What did he mean my reputation|for scrupulous integrity?
{15480}{15531}I know, a vicious smear.
{15553}{15619}They've obviously done|their homework on you, though.
{15621}{15678}Question is why?
{16012}{16090}- Dear God, I need a cigarette.|- You've given up.
{16115}{16164}I'll have one for you.
{16340}{16413}Can I scrounge one of those off you?|Left mine inside.
{16415}{16452}- Sure.|- Thanks.
{16520}{16580}- That'll do, thank you.|- Let me...
{16866}{16931}Did you hear I'm sleeping|with Vincenzo Fabri?
{16979}{17060}Uh, yeah, I did hear|something about that.
{17062}{17087}Well, I'm not.
{17118}{17197}- No?|- Of course not! He's horrible.
{17215}{17265}Yes. Yes, he is horrible.
{17598}{17632}I want to ask you a favour.
{17654}{17694}Yeah, of course.
{17708}{17785}- But you don't know what it is yet.|- Doesn't matter.
{17922}{17971}I want you to call my flat tonight.
{17988}{18034}My husband will answer the phone.
{18057}{18105}When he does I want you to tell him
{18129}{18204}I have to come back to work|for some reason.
{18231}{18281}Will you do that for me?
{18295}{18321}Yeah, all right.
{18330}{18402}It has to be someone from work and I...
{18404}{18442}I don't know who else I could trust.
{18444}{18485}No, that's fine.
{18568}{18653}- I have a difficult situation at home.|- I understand.
{18744}{18795}- Thank you, Detective.|- Aurelio.
{18829}{18863}My name's Aurelio.
{18917}{18947}I know.
{18962}{19040}{y:i}Early this morning,|a high court judge was brutally murdered
{19042}{19094}{y:i}on his way to Milan Central Court.
{19096}{19177}{y:i}Judge Corrado Bertolini|was shot six times.
{19179}{19255}{y:i}Police have stated there is no apparent|motive for the killing.
{19260}{19337}{y:i}In Milan today,|a big demonstration against...
{19339}{19365}What's that about?
{19367}{19455}Some judge up north.|Bertolini? Something like that.
{19457}{19509}Six blasts at short range.
{19532}{19578}- They had to identify him by his watch.|- Never heard of him.
{19586}{19622}He was a nobody|on the verge of retirement.
{19624}{19700}No public profile.|They can't figure out a motive.
{19719}{19759}Well, it's not our problem.
{19765}{19798}What did the Minister want?
{19862}{19935}- Where'd you hear about that?|- In the toilet.
{19944}{20022}Well, if you hear anything else,|do let me know.
{20452}{20548}{y:i}This is insane.|We can't possibly trust this man Zen.
{20560}{20618}Of course not,|but in so many ways he's perfect.
{20620}{20675}Naturally, if it all goes wrong,|he's quite disposable.
{20694}{20762}It's time to be strong and decisive.
{20849}{20957}This whole thing is risky,|despicable and wrong.
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