(O'Reilly) Windows 2000 Commands (Pocket Reference).pdf

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Microsoft Word - Win2K Command Pocket Reference.doc
Chapter 1. Windows 2000 Commands Pocket
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Entering Commands
1.3 Installing Extra Administrative Commands
1.4 Help Commands
1.5 General-Purpose Commands
1.6 General Administrative Commands
1.7 Working with Files
1.8 Working with Directories
1.9 Working with Disks and Filesystems
1.10 Managing Shares
1.11 Printing
1.12 Networking-Related Commands
1.13 Administering Users and Groups
1.14 Managing Processes
1.15 Managing Services
1.16 Accessing the System Registry
1.17 Active Directory and Domain Management
1.18 Installation-Related Commands
1.19 The Windows 2000 Recovery Console
1.20 Command Equivalents for Program Menu Items
1.21 User Rights and System Privileges
1.22 Script-Related Constructs
1.23 Commands Useful in Scripts
1.24 Windows 2000 GUI Tips and Tricks
1.25 Useful Windows 2000 Web Sites
1.1 Introduction
This desktop reference documents Windows 2000 command mode. It is designed for system
administrators, but will also prove beneficial to many other types of users. It includes most
available Windows 2000 commands, as well as the most useful system administration
command-line utilities from the Resource Kit (space permitting). Resource Kit commands are
marked with an "RK" superscript in their header lines.
1.1.1 What's Not Included
Space limitations have forced us to exclude the following classes of special-purpose
commands from this reference:
Multiuser Terminal Services commands (since this facility is an add-on to the
standard Windows 2000 products)
Clustering-related utilities
Most NetWare-related commands and options
SNMP-related commands
Multicast networking-related commands
Services for Macintosh commands
Java subsystem-related commands
A few additional commands are also excluded, either because they have been deemed
redundant, obscure, obsolete, broken, unacceptably insecure, or because they perform
inadvisable actions or procedures. Lingering unneeded DOS commands (e.g., subst ,
commands used in Config.SYS files, etc.) are likewise omitted.
Finally, whenever several utilities perform essentially identical tasks, only the best of them
are included.
1.1.2 Organization
Commands are arranged in groups related to their purposes and functions; within a group,
commands are arranged alphabetically. Consult the index to locate a desired command.
Command options are grouped by function and ordered by importance. Occasionally,
unimportant options are omitted.
Much of the information in this book not only corresponds to Windows 2000, but also applies
to earlier versions of Windows NT. Some commands are available only with the Server or
Advanced Server version of the operating system.
1.1.3 Typographic Conventions
Bold denotes a Windows 2000 command or option.
Italics denotes variable parameters (i.e., things you must fill in).
Brackets denote optional parts of commands.
a | b
A pipe indicates that either a or b should be selected.
cmd RK
The "RK" superscript denotes a Resource Kit command.
Registry key initial components are abbreviated.
Menu name menu name . . .
The arrow symbol ( ) combined with boldface denotes a Windows 2000 menu path.
1.2 Entering Commands
Commands are not case-sensitive.
Command options are not usually case-sensitive. The few options that are lowercase
only are specified as such in this book. Uppercase and mixed-case options can be
assumed to be case-insensitive.
Command options are generally preceded by a forward slash—for example, /X . In
many cases, a minus sign may be substituted for the slash if desired. A few
commands (mostly originating in the Resource Kit) require that their options be
preceded by a minus sign.
Option placement is not consistent across all commands. Consult the syntax summary
for option placement for a specific command.
Distinct command arguments are separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons.
A command may be continued onto a second (or subsequent) line by placing a caret
( ^ ) as the final character of the initial line.
The caret is also used as the escape symbol, protecting the following character from
being processed by the command interpreter.
Multiple commands may be concatenated by an ampersand: command1 &
command2 . The commands are executed in sequence.
Commands may be executed conditionally, based on the success or failure of a
preceding command, by joining them with && or || (respectively):
command1 && command2
Execute command2 only if command1 succeeds.
command1 || command2
Execute command2 only if command1 fails.
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