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Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to
Protecting Your Internet Site and
Table of Contents:
I Setting the Stage
Chapter 1 - Why Did I Write This Book?
Chapter 2 - How This Book Will Help You
Chapter 3 - Hackers and Crackers
Chapter 4 - Just Who Can Be Hacked, Anyway?
II Understanding the Terrain
Chapter 5 - Is Security a Futile Endeavor?
Chapter 6 - A Brief Primer on TCP/IP
Chapter 7 - Birth of a Network: The Internet
Chapter 8 - Internet Warfare
III Tools
Chapter 9 - Scanners
Chapter 10 - Password Crackers
Chapter 11 - Trojans
Chapter 12 - Sniffers
Chapter 13 - Techniques to Hide One's Identity
Chapter 14 - Destructive Devices
IV Platforms and Security
Chapter 15 - The Hole
Chapter 16 - Microsoft
Chapter 17 - UNIX: The Big Kahuna
Chapter 18 - Novell
Chapter 19 - VAX/VMS
Chapter 20 - Macintosh
Chapter 21 - Plan 9 from Bell Labs
V Beginning at Ground Zero
Chapter 22 - Who or What Is Root?
Chapter 23 - An Introduction to Breaching a Server Internally
Chapter 24 - Security Concepts
VI The Remote Attack
Chapter 25 - The Remote Attack
Chapter 26 - Levels of Attack
Chapter 27 - Firewalls
Chapter 28 - Spoofing Attacks
Chapter 29 - Telnet-Based Attacks
Chapter 30 - Language, Extensions, and Security
VII The Law
Chapter 31 - Reality Bytes: Computer Security and the Law
VIII Appendixes
Appendix A - How to Get More Information
Appendix B - Security Consultants
Appendix C - A Hidden Message About the Internet
Appendix D - What's on the CD-ROM
© Copyright , Angel722 Computer Publishing. All rights reserved.
Maximum Security:
A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your
Internet Site and Network
This book is dedicated to Michelle, whose presence has rendered me a prince among
My acknowledgments are brief. First, I would like to acknowledge the folks at Sams,
particularly Randi Roger, Scott Meyers, Mark Taber, Blake Hall, Eric Murray, Bob
Correll, and Kate Shoup. Without them, my work would resemble a tangled, horrible
mess. They are an awesome editing team and their expertise is truly extraordinary.
Next, I extend my deepest gratitude to Michael Michaleczko, and Ron and Stacie
Latreille. These individuals offered critical support, without which this book could not
have been written.
Also, I would like to recognize the significant contribution made by John David Sale, a
network security specialist located in Van Nuys, California. His input was invaluable. A
similar thanks is also extended to Peter Benson, an Internet and EDI Consultant in Santa
Monica, California (who, incidentally, is the current chairman of ASC X12E). Peter's
patience was (and is) difficult to fathom. Moreover, I forward a special acknowledgment
to David Pennells and his merry band of programmers. Those cats run the most robust
and reliable wire in the southwestern United States.
About the Author
The author describes himself as a "UNIX propeller head" and is a dedicated advocate of
the Perl programming language, Linux, and FreeBSD.
After spending four years as a system administrator for two California health-care firms,
the author started his own security-consulting business. Currently, he specializes in
testing the security of various networking platforms (breaking into computer networks
and subsequently revealing what holes lead to the unauthorized entry) including but not
limited to Novell NetWare, Microsoft Windows NT, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and
Microsoft Windows 95. His most recent assignment was to secure a wide area network
that spans from Los Angeles to Montreal.
The author now lives quietly in southern California with a Sun SPARCStation, an IBM
RS/6000, two Pentiums, a Macintosh, various remnants of a MicroVAX, and his wife.
In the late 1980s, the author was convicted of a series of financial crimes after developing
a technique to circumvent bank security in Automatic Teller Machine systems. He
therefore prefers to remain anonymous.
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Mark Taber
Mark Taber
Comments Department
Sams Publishing
201 W. 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
I want to write a few words about this book and how it should be used. This book is not
strictly an instructional, or "How To" book. Its purpose is to get you started on a solid
education in Internet security. As such, it is probably constructed differently from any
computer book you have ever read.
Although this book cannot teach you everything you need to know, the references
contained within this book can. Therefore, if you know very little about Internet security,
you will want to maximize the value of this book by adhering to the following procedure:
Each chapter (except early ones that set the stage) contains intermittent references that
might point to white papers, technical reports, or other sources of solid, reliable
information of substance (pertaining to the topic at hand). Those references appear in
boxes labeled XREF. As you encounter each source, stop for a moment to retrieve that
source from the Net. After you retrieve the source, read it, then continue reading the
book. Throughout the book, perform this operation whenever and wherever applicable. If
you do so, you will finish with a very solid basic education on Internet security.
I have constructed this book in this manner because Internet security is not a static field;
it changes rapidly. Nonetheless, there are certain basics that every person interested in
security must have. Those basics are not contained (in their entirety) in any one book
(perhaps not even in dozens of them). The information is located on the Internet in the
form of documents written by authorities on the subject. These are the people who either
designed and developed the Internet or have designed and developed its security features.
The body of their work is vast, but each paper or technical report is, at most, 40 pages in
length (most are fewer than 10).
Those readers who want only a casual education in Internet security may read the book
without ever retrieving a single document from the Internet. But if you are searching for
something more, something deeper , you can obtain it by adhering to this procedure.
If you choose to use the book as a reference tool in the manner I have described, there are
certain conventions that you need to know. If the resource you have been directed to is a
tool, consider downloading it even if it is not for your platform. With a proper archive
tool (like Winzip), you can extract the documents that accompany the distribution of that
tool. Such documents often contain extremely valuable information. For example, the
now famous scanner named SATAN (made expressly for UNIX) contains security
tutorials in HTML. These do not require that you have UNIX (in fact, all they require is a
browser). Likewise, many other tools contain documents in PDF, TXT, DOC, PS, and
other formats that are readable on any platform.
TIP: SATAN is a special case. Some of the tutorials are in HTML but have *.PL
extensions. These extensions are used to signify documents that are written in Perl. If you
do not have Perl installed, convert these documents to raw HTML. To do so, open them
in a text editor and replace the first line ( << HTML ) with <HTML> . Then rename the file
with either an *.HTM or an *.HTML extension. From that point on, your browser will
load the pages perfectly.
Also, note that many of the Internet documents referenced in this book are available in
PostScript form only. PostScript is a wonderful interpreted language that draws graphics
and text. It is used primarily in technical fields. To view some of these documents,
therefore, you will require a PostScript reader (or interpreter). If you do not already have
Adobe Illustrator or some other proprietary PostScript package, there are two leading
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