Blender 2.5 Hotshot - Herreño - Packt (2011).pdf

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Blender 2.5
Challenging and fun projects that will push your
Blender skills to the limit
John E. Herreño
Blender 2.5 HOTSH T
Copyright © 2011 Packt Publishing
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Every efort has been made in the preparaion of this book to ensure the accuracy of the
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First published: June 2011
Producion Reference: 2100611
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
32 Lincoln Road
Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.
ISBN 978-1-849513-10-4
Cover Image by John E. Herreño ( )
John E. Herreño
Project Coordinator
Shubhanjan Chaterjee
Rosario Azzarello
Joost van Beek
Ken Beyer
Marian Heddesheimer
Chris Smith
Te j a l D a r u w a l e
Monica Ajmera Mehta
Acquisiion Editor
Steven Wilding
Producion Coordinator
Adline Swetha Jesuthas
Development Editor
Susmita Panda
Cover Work
Adline Swetha Jesuthas
Technical Editors
Aaron Rosario
Pooja Pande Malik
Copy Editor
Krii Sharma
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About the Author
John E. Herreño V. is a 27-year-old who developed a deep curiosity for the "magical"
things that modern digital computers can do, at the early age of 13. He recently graduated
as an Electronics Engineer from the Naional University of Colombia, which helped him
understand how computers are built. He himself studied some principles of sotware
development to get to know how to get the most out of computers.
He became interested in Blender 3D ater inding version 1.72 bundled in a magazine CD
bought for a very diferent reason, and since then has been learning from the awesome
community of users on Internet forums and available tutorials.
Today, he's highly convinced of the power that open source sotware and the business
models around it have to improve the general quality of life in developing countries.
But, above all, he's a just a human being who wants to know and serve Jesus Christ, the
one who died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day.
Currently he spends most of his ime working from home, doing Drupal web development
and Blender training, along with some custom sotware development. He also maintains a
personal website at and can be contacted at .
I want to express my graitude to my parents Ramiro and Lucela, my brother
Wbeimar, and my sister Dayana for being such a great blessing from God and
the greatest encouragement I have found. I would also like to thank the team
at Packt: Steven Wilding for staring this project and providing me with some
good guidance to outline the contents, Rebecca Sawant and Shubhanjan
Chaterjee for their paience on my permanent missing of deadlines, and
Susmita Panda for the very good and clear feedback on the produced material.
Finally, I would like to thank my current employers, García Iguarán Asociados
S.A.S., for their coninued support and encouragement on this project.
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