Jewel Moore - After the Storm(2).pdf

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The persons and events portrayed in this
work of fiction are the creations of the au-
thor, and any resemblance to real persons
living or dead is purely coincidental.
The text of this publication or any part
thereof may not be reproduced or transmit-
ted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, re-
cording, storage in an information retrieval
system, or otherwise, without the written
permission of the publisher or author, except
for brief quotes used in reviews.
Copyright © 2012 by Jewel Moore
All Rights Reserved.
ShadesOfGrey Publishing
Jewel Moore
This is the erotic romance version of the
romance novella, All I’ve Ever Needed .
Natalie Harding can’t believe that her ab-
solutely gorgeous work colleague Stephano
Romano is attracted to her. But after one
unexpected, totally hot Friday evening en-
counter on her office desk of all places, she’s
convinced that maybe he returns the feeling
she’s harbored for him in the fifteen months
they’ve worked together.
Her bubble of euphoria doesn’t last for
long, though. The very next Monday she
watches in shock as he kisses the young wo-
man who drops him off to work at the office
and then saunters in looking as though she’d
kept him up all night.
Is there an innocent explanation for the
Did his father suffer chest pains and
have to be rushed to the hospital where the
doctors kept him in all night for close monit-
oring? Or is it just an excuse Stephano’s us-
ing to cover his night of pleasure with anoth-
er woman?
After the Storm
Natalie Harding stood up, raised her
arms over her head and gave a long, leisurely
stretch to ease the aching muscles she’d held
in the same position for the last three hours.
God, that feels so good!
A choking sound made her whip her head
round and glance in surprise at her colleague
Stephano Romano.
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