Biotechnology - Changing Life Through Science - K. Lerner, B. Lerner (Thomson Gale, 2007) WW.pdf

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Changing Life Through Science
Changing Life Through Science
Volume 1
K. Lee Lerner and
Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Editors
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Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science
K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Editors
Project Editor
Kristine Krapp
Kathleen Edgar, Madeline Harris,
Melissa Hill, Elizabeth Manar,
Kim McGrath, Paul Lewon
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Factiva, a Dow Jones & Reuters Company
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Michael Logusz, Christine O’Bryan,
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Biotechnology : changing life through science / K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-0151-5 (set hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-4144-0151-5 (set hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-0152-2 (vol. 1 hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-4144-0152-3 (vol. 1 hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Biotechnology–Juvenile literature. I. Lerner, K. Lee. II. Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth.
TP248.218.B56 2007
978-1-4144-0151-5 (set)
978-1-4144-0152-2 (vol. 1)
978-1-4144-0153-9 (vol. 2)
978-1-4144-0154-6 (vol. 3)
1-4144-0151-5 (set)
1-4144-0152-3 (vol. 1)
1-4144-0153-1 (vol. 2)
1-4144-0154-X (vol. 3)
This title is also available as an e-book.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-0465-3, ISBN-10: 1-4144-0465-4
Contact your Thomson Gale sales representative for ordering information.
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Introduction ........................................xi
Timeline . . . ........................................xv
Words to Know . ...................................xxv
Antibiotics, Biosynthesized . ............................ 1
Anti-Rejection Drugs . . ................................ 5
Arthritis Drugs . . .................................... 10
Aspirin ............................................ 15
Biochip ............................................ 19
Bioethics . . . ........................................ 24
Bioinformatics . . .................................... 28
Blood Transfusions................................... 33
Blood-Clotting Factors . ............................... 37
Bone Marrow Transplant . . . ........................... 42
Bone Substitutes . .................................... 47
Botox . ............................................ 52
Cancer Drugs . . . .................................... 56
Chemotherapy Drugs . . ............................... 61
Cloning, Human. .................................... 65
Collagen Replacement . ............................... 70
Corticosteroids . . .................................... 74
C-Reactive Protein ................................... 79
Cryonics . . . ........................................ 83
Cystic Fibrosis Drugs . . ............................... 87
Designer Genes. . .................................... 92
Dialysis ............................................ 96
DNA Fingerprinting . . . .............................. 100
DNA Sequencing ................................... 106
DNA Vaccines . . ................................... 111
Enzyme Replacement Therapy. . . ...................... 116
Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science
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Forensic DNA Testing . .............................. 121
Frozen Egg Technology .............................. 125
GenBank .......................................... 129
Gene Banks. . ...................................... 134
Gene Therapy...................................... 139
Genetic Testing, Medical . . . .......................... 144
Genetic Discrimination .............................. 148
Genetically Modified Foods . .......................... 152
Genomics . . . ...................................... 157
Germline Gene Therapy.............................. 161
HapMap Project . . .................................. 164
Heart Disease Drugs . . . .............................. 168
HIV/AIDS Drugs . . .................................. 172
Human Genome Project.............................. 176
Human Growth Hormone . . .......................... 180
Insulin, Recombinant Human ......................... 185
In-Vitro Fertilization . . .............................. 180
Metabolic Engineering . .............................. 195
Multiple Sclerosis Drugs . . . .......................... 200
Nuclear Transfer . .................................. 205
Organ Transplants .................................. 209
Painkillers. . . ...................................... 214
Paternity Testing . .................................. 219
Penicillins . . . ...................................... 223
Pharmacogenetics . .................................. 227
Protein Therapies . .................................. 232
Skin Substitutes . . .................................. 236
Somatic Cell Therapy. . .............................. 241
Stem Cell Lines . . .................................. 247
Stem Cells, Adult . .................................. 252
Stem Cells, Embryonic. .............................. 257
Synthetic Biology . .................................. 262
Therapeutic Cloning . . .............................. 267
Tissue Banks. ...................................... 271
Tissue Engineering .................................. 276
Vaccines .......................................... 281
Xenotransplantation . . . .............................. 285
Agriculture . . ...................................... 291
Alfalfa, Genetically Engineered . . . ..................... 298
Animal Cloning . . .................................. 302
Apiculture (Beekeeping) . . . .......................... 308
Aquaculture . ...................................... 313
Beer-Making . ...................................... 318
Biofuels, Liquid . . .................................. 323
Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science
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