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<!--Copyright 2002  Karna Saleh  All Rights Reserved. This website prototype designed  by 
                   Karna Saleh
	5sec INTERACTIVE Website -   -----   Email ->
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&text=<FONT SIZE="14" COLOR="#000000"> Hi everyone.....
Thank you for previewing and downloading this flash website, you may use and customized these pages to your own need free of charge. I designed these pages in <FONT COLOR="#FF3300"><A HREF=""TARGET="_blank">flash</A></FONT>, but you don't have to know flash.
Window notepad, Microsoft word or any plain text editor will do the job.
<FONT SIZE="16" COLOR="#FF3300"><B>What you can do</B></FONT>
1.Change the company's name.
2.Change the label of the directories to suit your need.
For ex: instead of "your link1?" change to "home" or whatever your need are.
3.Change the contents of each directory to any content that interest you.
4.Change <FONT SIZE="18" COLOR="#6666FF">the font <FONT COLOR="#FF3399">color</FONT> and <FONT SIZE="12" >size</FONT></FONT> or the style of the fonts.
for example:<FONT COLOR="#00CCFF"><B>BOLD and BLUE</B></FONT>  or <U>Underline</U> and <I>Italic</I>
5.<FONT SIZE="14" COLOR="#FF3300"><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><B>Create a link  to any url you want.</B></a></FONT>
clicking to this red text will take you to my page.
6. Email link<FONT SIZE="14" COLOR="#FF3300"><a href=""><B> email me</B></A></FONT>
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="16" COLOR="#FF3300"><B>What you can't do</B></FONT>
The placement of the title, design of the pages,  the graphics or animations if there is any.
If you want to customized the look and  feel of the graphics, please<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#FF3300"><a href=""><B> contact me </B></A></FONT>
In this example, I created 5 pages directories. More designs coming up,  you may be able to choose which prototype best suit your needs and professions.
Be sure to bookmark<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#FF3300"><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><B> my website </B></A></FONT>Join my mailing list for future design update.
I hope you'll find this prototype useful.
I understand that there are a lot of limitations to this prototype for everyone to use.
Any feed back from you will help me to develop better a prototypes.
Let me know where you use them.
Best of Luck
Karna Saleh

<!-Copyright 2002  Karna Saleh  All Rights Reserved.-->
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