(10 KB) Pobierz

INSTALL   EXE - Install utility
UNZIP     EXE - De-archiving program
README    COM - Program to view README file
FILELIST  DOC - This file
   APP       PAS - Application unit source
   COLORSEL  PAS - Color installation unit source
   EDITORS   PAS - Editors unit source
   MSGBOX    PAS - Message box unit source
   OUTLINE   PAS - Outline unit source
   STDDLG    PAS - Standard dialogs unit source
   STRINGS   PAS - PChar support file
   VALIDATE  PAS - Validate objects source
   WINDOS    PAS - PChar based I/O routines

TPC       ZIP - 
   TPC       EXE - Command-line compiler

TPL       ZIP - 
   TURBO     TPL - Runtime library units

TURBO     ZIP - 
   TPX       EXE - High capacity Integrated Development Environment
   TPX       ICO - Icon for TPW.EXE
   TPX       PIF - PIF file for running TPX under Windows
   TPX        TP - Configuration file for TPX.EXE
   TURBO     EXE - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
   TURBO     ICO - Turbo Pascal icon
   TURBO      TP - Configuration file for TURBO.EXE

README        - Product information file

   ARTY      PAS - Borland Graphics Interface demo
   BGIDEMO   PAS - Borland Graphics Interface demo
   BGIDRIV   PAS - Borland Graphics Interface demo
   BGIFONT   PAS - Borland Graphics Interface demo
   BGILINK   MAK - Borland Graphics Interface demo
   BGILINK   PAS - Borland Graphics Interface demo

HELP      ZIP - 
   TURBO     TPH - Online help data file
   TVISION   TPH - Online help data file

   TEMC      DOC - Online document for TEMC utility
   UTILS     DOC - Online document for command line utilities
   MANUAL     TV - Corrections to printed TV documentation

   ATT       BGI - AT&T 6300 driver
   BOLD      CHR - Additional installable BGI font
   CGA       BGI - CGA and MCGA driver
   EGAVGA    BGI - EGA and VGA driver
   EURO      CHR - Additional installable BGI font
   GOTH      CHR - Gothic font
   HERC      BGI - Hercules mono driver
   IBM8514   BGI - IBM 8514 driver
   VESA16    BGI - VESA 16 color BGI driver
   LCOM      CHR - Additional installable BGI font
   LITT      CHR - Small font
   PC3270    BGI - 3270 PC driver
   SANS      CHR - Sans serif font
   SCRI      CHR - Additional installable BGI font
   SIMP      CHR - Additional installable BGI font
   TRIP      CHR - Triplex font
   TSCR      CHR - Additional installable BGI font

DEMOS     ZIP - 
   CRTDEMO   PAS - Demo showing use of CRT unit
   DIRDEMO   PAS - Directory list demo
   EXECDEMO  PAS - Demo showing how to EXEC other programs
   FIB8087   PAS - Demo showing use of 8087
   LISTER    PAS - Source code printing demo
   OVRDEMO   PAS - Overlay demo
   OVRDEMO1  PAS - Overlay demo
   OVRDEMO2  PAS - Overlay demo
   PROCVAR   PAS - Procedure variable types demo
   QSORT     PAS - Quick sort demo
   TEST286   PAS - Shows how to test for 286 (or later) chip

   DPMI16BI  OVL - DPMI Server
   DPMIINST  EXE - DPMI configuration program
   DPMILOAD  EXE - DPMILOAD compatible with RTM
   RTM       EXE - DPMI Runtime manager

   TURBO     EXE - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment for floppy

   ASCIITAB  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   CALC      PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   CALENDAR  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   DEMOCMDS  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   DEMOHELP  HLP - Turbo Vision demo file
   DEMOHELP  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   DEMOHELP  TXT - Turbo Vision demo file
   DEMOSTRS  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   GADGETS   PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   GENRDEMO  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   HELPFILE  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   MKRDEMO   BAT - Turbo Vision demo file
   MOUSEDLG  PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   PUZZLE    PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   TVDEMO    PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   TVEDIT    PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   TVHC      PAS - Turbo Vision demo file
   TVRDEMO   PAS - Turbo Vision demo file

UNITS     ZIP - 
   APP       TPU - Application unit
   COLORSEL  TPU - Color installation unit
   DIALOGS   TPU - Dialogs unit
   DRIVERS   TPU - Drivers unit
   EDITORS   TPU - Editors unit
   HISTLIST  TPU - History list unit
   MEMORY    TPU - Memory management unit
   MENUS     TPU - Menus unit
   MSGBOX    TPU - Messagebox unit
   OBJECTS   TPU - Objects unit
   OUTLINE   TPU - Outline unit
   STDDLG    TPU - Standard dialogs unit
   STRINGS   TPU - PChar support unit
   TEXTVIEW  TPU - Simple text window unit
   VALIDATE  TPU - Validate objects unit
   VIEWS     TPU - Views unit
   WINDOS    TPU - PChar based I/O unit

UTILS     ZIP - 
   BINOBJ    EXE - Convert binary data to an OBJ file
   BRIEF     TEM - Example TEMC script
   DEFAULTS  TEM - Example TEMC script
   DOSEDIT   TEM - Example TEMC script
   EPSILON   TEM - Example TEMC script
   GREP      COM - Borland Grep
   GREP2MSG  EXE - GREP filter program
   GREP2MSG  PAS - GREP filter program source code
   MAKE      EXE - Borland Make utility
   PRNFLTR   EXE - Printer filter program
   PRNFLTR   PAS - Printer filter source code
   RTMRES    EXE - Load RTM resident
   TEMC      EXE - Turbo editor macro compiler
   THELP     COM - TSR to view .TPH files
   TPUMOVER  EXE - Unit mover utility

BGI       ZIP - 
   GRAPH     TPU - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit

   BOUNDS    PAS - Breakout game source code
   BREAKOUT  PAS - Breakout game source code
   BRICKS    PAS - Breakout game source code
   COUNT     PAS - Breakout game source code
   SCREEN    PAS - Breakout game source code
   WALLS     PAS - Breakout game source code

   COLLECT1  PAS - Documentation demo
   COLLECT2  PAS - Documentation demo
   COLLECT3  PAS - Documentation demo
   COLLECT4  PAS - Documentation demo
   COUNT     PAS - Documentation demo
   DRAGS     PAS - Documentation demo
   ENDCMD    PAS - Documentation demo
   HINTER    PAS - Documentation demo
   IMPORT    PAS IMPORT - Documentation demo
   INSWIN    PAS INSWIN - Documentation demo
   ITEMS     DAT ITEMS - Documentation demo
   ITEMS     TXT ITEMS - Documentation demo
   MAKEDAT   BAT - Documentation demo
   MINIMAL   PAS MINIMAL - Documentation demo
   NEWBACK   PAS NEWBACK - Documentation demo
   NORECVER  PAS - Documentation demo
   ORDERS    DAT ORDERS - Documentation demo
   ORDERS    PAS ORDERS - Documentation demo
   ORDERS    TXT ORDERS - Documentation demo
   OUTDIR    PAS OUTDIR - Documentation demo
   PICKLIST  PAS - Documentation demo
   RECOVER   PAS - Documentation demo
   RESOURC1  PAS - Documentation demo
   RESOURC2  PAS - Documentation demo
   STOCKS    PAS STOCKS - Documentation demo
   STREAM1   PAS STREAM1 - Documentation demo
   STREAM2   PAS STREAM2 - Documentation demo
   STRMERR   PAS STRMERR - Documentation demo
   SUPPLIER  DAT - Documentation demo
   SUPPLIER  PAS - Documentation demo
   SUPPLIER  TXT - Documentation demo
   TERMTEST  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTCONST  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR     PAS TUTOR - Documentation demo
   TUTOR01   PAS TUTOR01 - Documentation demo
   TUTOR02A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR02B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR02C  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR03A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR03B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR03C  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR04A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR04B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR04C  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR05   PAS TUTOR05 - Documentation demo
   TUTOR06A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR06B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR07   PAS TUTOR07 - Documentation demo
   TUTOR08A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR08B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR08C  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR09   PAS TUTOR09 - Documentation demo
   TUTOR10   PAS TUTOR10 - Documentation demo
   TUTOR11A  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR11B  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR11C  PAS - Documentation demo
   TUTOR12   PAS TUTOR12 - Documentation demo
   TUTORIAL  TVR - Documentation demo
   TUTRES    PAS TUTRES - Documentation demo
   TUTTYPES  PAS - Documentation demo
   TWOSTAT   PAS - Documentation demo
   WORKERS   PAS - Documentation demo
   WORKLIST  PAS - Documentation demo

   CRT       INT - Interface section of this unit
   DIALOGS   INT - Interface section of this unit
   DOS       INT - Interface section of this unit
   DRIVERS   INT - Interface section of this unit
   GRAPH     INT - Interface section of this unit
   HISTLIST  INT - Interface section of this unit
   MEMORY    INT - Interface section of this unit
   MENUS     INT - Interface section of this unit
   OBJECTS   INT - Interface section of this unit
   OVERLAY   INT - Interface section of this unit
   PRINTER   INT - Interface section of this unit
   SYSTEM    INT - Interface section of this unit
   TEXTVIEW  INT - Interface section of this unit
   VIEWS     INT - Interface section of this unit

TURBO3    ZIP - 
   GRAPH3    TPU - Turbo Pascal 3.0 Graphics compatibility unit
   TURBO3    TPU - Turbo Pascal 3.0 compatibility unit

   CMDNAMER  PAS - TV Debugging example
   KEYNAMER  PAS - TV Debugging example
   SHOWEVNT  PAS - TV Debugging example
   TVDEBUG   PAS - TV Debugging example

TVFM      ZIP - 
   ASSOC     PAS - TVFM demo file
   COLORS    PAS - TVFM demo file
   CYAN      PAL - TVFM demo file
   DEFAULT   PAL - TVFM demo file
   DIRVIEW   PAS - TVFM demo file
   DRAGDROP  PAS - TVFM demo file
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