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Wave II - Threshold


**********brought by ...joeyxspider.. share knowledge please... we should all be saved, let's help each other************

Wave II is an odyssey of self-discovery. It is an extended adventurous voyage, an intellectual or spiritual quest. Until the release of this CD Gateway enthusiasts didn't have an opportunity to work with Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). Most people consider Focus 21 exercises to be profoundly meaningful, if not life-changing.

Learn more Focus 10 "mental tools" and benefit from exercises which take you to a state of expanded awareness known as Focus 12. Threshold opens new perceptual channels for expanding and integrating personal awareness while developing creative insights which assist in dissolving fear barriers.

Rarely is nonphysical energy perceived in the same way we perceive in our physical, waking state. Be receptive to subtle nuances of kinesthetic, auditory, or visual experiences. You may sense a "knowing", a telepathic comprehension that can be later translated into words. You will learn to perceive more clearly. Let go of preconceived notions about how things should unfold. Please preconceived notions in your "Box" at the beginning of an exercise or at any time they intrude.

Wave II Learning:

·         Intro Focus 12 - establish the higher energy state of expanded awareness
Relax as you are guided from Focus 10 to Focus 12 and calmly observe any differences. The distinctions become ore pronounced and you come to appreciate Focus 12 as a powerful and empowering states.

·         Problem Solving - receive creative solution to your questions.
Being to use Focus 12 energy for its many practical applications. Place your question or problem in the center of your consciousness. Then direct it outwards to your total awareness, release it, and wait for the response. Sense subtle changes in energy. Open your perception to the conversations of others, passages in books, synchronicities and the multitude of wondrous ways in which guidance may reveal itself.

·         One Month Patterning - reshape your life in desired directions
Based on the principle that we become what we think, the energy of Focus 12 offer this process a speed and intensity in the manifesting of thought not generally available in ordinary consciousness. Think, feel or imagine the physical, mental or emotional pattern you desire in your life. Use "I" in you patterning statement and perceive yourself as an active part of the pattern. Pattern only for yourself.

·         Color Breathing -link mind and body to energize and support healing
Use the resonance of colors to develop your ability in directing physical and nonphysical energy. Sound, vibration and other sensations are as valid as visualization for the mental perception of color. The exercise guides you through learning to use the following colors: green for reducing excess or harmful emotional energy; red for increasing physical strength, speed and coordination; purple for restoring and normalizing your physical condition. Each time you end this practice perceive your body as well, whole and perfect.

·         Energy Bar Tool (EBT) - direct your nonphysical energies
Gather and direct nonphysical energies. While moving through the exercise, focus on finding or creating your own very personal EBT, one that shares your energy and holds significance for you. Your EBT can be used as a beacon to attract guidance or other intelligence, a vehicle for space travel, or a comforting symbol of safety and security. As you recharge your EBT it recharges you.

·         Living Body Map (LBM) - balance and strengthen the physical self
LBM supports the perspective and detachment useful in healing. In this exercise for influencing physical body energy, you learn a new tool while using your EBT. As the exercise proceeds, you learn to use the LBM to identify where healing energy is needed. Not meant to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. Always consult your physician.



**********brought by ...joeyxspider.. share knowledge please... we should all be saved, let's help each other************

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