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PETER D.M. JONCKHEERE , Physical therapy, Principal Teacher Myofascial Therapy, Belgium.
E-mail: Pejo@glo.be.
JAN A.J. PA YN , Physical therapy, Teacher Myofa sci a I Therapy, Belgium.
To present a handy survey of the myofascial classification of the muscles according to their pain region in
function of their focus and radiation. With this survey the myofascial muscle chains can be consulted
instantly .
In function of the myofascial pain regions, per muscle, painfocus and radiation pain have been visually
presented on the computer, based upon data out of the international myofascial literature .
Out of these findings, for each myofascial region, primary (muscles that give focal pain) and secondary
(muscles that give radiation pain) myofascial muscle chains were determined and charted.
1. Classification of the muscles divided into 61 pain regions according to focality and radiation.
2. Classification of the associated chains in dysfunction according to pain region.
3. Classification of the development of myofascial muscle chains departing from a well-defined muscle.
4. Classification of the myofascial muscle chains where a well-defined muscle occurs in the muscle chain
of another muscle .
The examiner or therapist can easily trace the myofascial dysfunctions with the help of a compact reference
book (practical workbook). The progress of pain can be explained by the development of the myofascial
- muscle chains and so there is a point of application to dissolve myofascial dysfunctions efficiently by
means of these causal muscle chains.
ISBN: 90-804265-1-2
Face - Upper Cheek & Jaw ...... . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .... . . 12
Face - Lower Cheek & Jaw . . ................ . .. . . . .. 13
Eye ................................................................ 14
Ear - TMJ . .......... . ...... ... .... . . .. .. . .... . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . 15
Teeth .... . ....... . ... .... ... . ... .. ..... .. ....... . ........... . .. ... 16
Throat .... . ... . . . . . . . . . .......... .. . .. . ... . . .. . . .. ... . . . .. .... . ... 17
Head - Frontal .... . ........ . . . .............................. . 18
Head - Temporal ...................... . ...... . ....... . ... . . 21
Head - Vertex . . ....................... . .... . ...... . .... . ..... 23
Shoulder Anterior ......................................... .40
Shoulder Lateral. .......................................... .46
Upperarm Anterior. ....... ..... . . . . . . .. . . . ..... . . . . ...... .. 49
Upperarm Lateral .......................................... 53
Elbow - Epicondylus Lateralis ....................... 54
Elbow - Epicondylus Medialis ....................... 56
Elbow - Antecubital ....................................... 58
Forearm - Volar ............................................. 59
Forearm - Radial ........... .. .. ........ . . ...... . . ... . ...... 61
Forearm - Ulnar ......................... . .. . . . ........ . .. . . 62
Hand - Wrist - Radial ......... . .... . . . . . . ....... ..... . .. . 66
Hand - Volar side & Wrist ............................. 69
Hand - Wrist - Ulnar ...................................... 71
Fingers Volar ...... . ................. . ..... . ........ . ... ..... . 75
Chest - Front.. .. .. . ....... . . . . .. .. .. ... . .. . .... . .. .. .. . .. . .. . 76
Chest _ Side . . . .. .. .. ........... . ....... .. .... .. . ... . . .... . .. . 78
Abdomen ....................................................... 79
Groin ............................................................. 83
Hip - Anterior ................................................. 85
Thigh - Medial ............................................... 89
Thigh - Anterior ................................... : ......... 90
Thigh - Lateral. .............................................. 94
Knee - Anterior .............................................. 97
Knee - Medial. . . . . . ....... .. . ... . . . ........... . . . ..... . . . . . .. 99
Knee - Lateral ............................................. 1 00
Leg - Anterior (shank) ................................. 101
Leg - Lateral. ............................................... 1 04
Leg - Medial ................................................ 1 05
Ankle - Malleolus Externus ......................... 106
Ankle - Malleolus Internus ................ .. . . ... .. . 107
Foot - Dorsal ............................................... 11 0
Ear - TMJ ...................................................... 15
Head - Occipital ............................................ 19
Head - Vertex ................................................ 23
Neck - Posterior ............................................ 24
Back - Upper-Thoracic .................................. 25
Back - Mid-Thoracic ...................................... 27
Back - Low-Thoracic ..................................... 30
Back - Lumbar .............................................. 31
Back - Sacral ................................................ 34
Back - SIJ ..................................................... 37
Back - Coccyx ............................................... 39
Shoulder Posterior ........................................ 43
Shoulder Lateral ............................................ 46
Upperarm Posterior ....................................... 51
Upperarm Lateral .......................................... 53
Elbow - Epicondylus Lateralis ....................... 54
Elbow - Epicondylus Medialis ....................... 56
Elbow - Olecranon ........................................ 57
Forearm - Dorsal ........................................... 60
Forearm - Radial ........................................... 61
Forearm - Ulnar ............................................ 62
Hand - Dorsal side & Wrist ........................... 63
Hand - Wrist - Radial .................................... 66
Hand - Wrist - Ulnar ...................................... 71
Fingers Dorsal ............................................... 73
Chest - Side .................................................. 78
Buttock .......................................................... 80
Hip - Lateral .................................................. 87
Thigh - Medial ............................................... 89
Thigh - Posterior ........................................... 92
Thigh - Lateral ............................................... 94
Knee - Posterior ............................................ 95
Knee - Medial ................................................ 99
Knee - Lateral ............................................. 1 00
Leg - Posterior (calf) ................................... 102
Leg - Lateral ................................................ 1 04
Leg - Medial ................................................ 1 05
Ankle - Malleolus Externus ......................... 106
Foot - Plantar .............................................. 1 08
Peter Jonckheere
Jan Pattyn
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