Pavel Tsatsouline - Enter The Kettlebell.pdf

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Copyright ©2006 Power by Pavel, Inc.
All rights under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions.
Published in the United States by:
Dragon Door Publications, Inc
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ISBN: 0-938045-69-5
This edition first published in April 2006
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the
Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
Printed in the United States of America
Book design, Illustrations, logos, photo manipulation and cover by Derek Brigham
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Photographs by Don Pitlik: (612) 252-6797
The author and publisher of this material are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury that may
occur through following the instructions contained in this material. The activities, physical and otherwise, described
herein for informational purposes only, may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader(s)
should consult a physician before engaging in them.
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Table of Contents
Foreword by Dan John
Preface: A Step to the Left and I Shoot XI
“Do it this way!”… the no more guesswork, failure is not an option quick start guide to kettlebell
success… Power to the People! for kettlebells.
Introduction: When We Say “Strength,” We Mean “Kettlebell.”
When We Say “Kettlebell,” We Mean “Strength.”
How the Kettlebell Has Bred
Weakness Out of the Russian Gene Pool XIII
The Russian recipe for doubling or tripling your strength… Sergey Mishin—from 17-year old
weakling to the number-one kettlebell lifter in the world… girevik as the symbol of strength…
Pyotr Kryloff, the “King of Kettlebells”… Russian Olympic weightlifting or “heavy athletics”
and Dr. Vladislav Krayevskiy, the father of kettlebells… the “courage corner”… the toughest
troops… kettlebells as the backbone of Russian military strength training… Russian law
enforcement and kettlebells… prison inmates and kettlebell training… why Soviet scientists gave
the kettlebell two thumbs-up… the Voropayev study—kettlebells boost pull-ups, jumping, and
running… the Vinogradov & Lukyanov study—kettlebells improve fitness across the board… the
studies by Luchkin and Laputin—kettlebells improve coordination and agility… the Lopatin
study—the stronger a soldier is with kettlebells, the faster on the obstacle course… the Soviet
armed forces strength training manual—kettlebell training “one of the most effective means of
strength development… new era in the development of human strength-potential”… the
Shevtsova study—lowering the heart rate and blood pressure naturally… why this hardcore tool
is surprisingly safe… the Gomonov study—consistently low body fat in kettlebell lifters…
Rasskazov—balanced development of all organs and musculature with significant hypertrophy of
shoulder girdle.
Chronicle of the Russian Kettlebell Invasion of America XIX
Kettlebells and the American iron men of old… Bob Peoples and Sig Klein… rise of the
machines… Marty Gallagher, MILO and the subversive Vodka, Pickle Juice, Kettlebell Lifting,
and Other Russian Pastimes , 1998… John Du Cane and the manufacture of the first Russian ket-
tlebell in America, publication of first book and DVD, The Russian Kettlebell Challenge, 2001…
national media explosion, 2002… kettlebells change the face of exercise in America.
Chapter 1: Enter the Kettlebell!
Which Kettlebells Should I Start With? 1
What is a kettlebell? . . . main benefits of kettlebell training… guidelines—choosing the correct
size of kettlebell for men and women of differing backgrounds, strength and skills… do you need
two kettlebells of the same size? … understanding your goals with kettlebells—why higher num-
bers or heavier is not necessarily better.
How to Make Your Hips, Back, and
Shoulders Speak Russian Body Language 5
Stop driving with your parking brake on… developing flexibility in the hip flexors for greater
power… the kettlebell preschool test… the kettlebell Sumo Deadlift checklist… flexibility remedy:
Face-the-Wall Squat—how to make the fastest gains… the Halo for looser shoulders… the Pump
Stretch… the kettlebell Sumo Deadlift Lockout checklist.
“It’s Your Fault”: Kettlebell Safety 101 19
Ten key tips to have your strength and your health too… checking with the correct medical pro-
fessional… managing your environment… Party approved footwear for those who choose to say
no to poor performance, punishment or injury… pleading no contest for space with the kettle-
bell… practicing safety to make safety permanent… why cool-downs, not warm-ups are essential
for your health and safety… what you must know about your heart rate and kettlebell training…
common sense and training loads.
Safety as a Part of, Not the Opposite of, Performance 23
Nine secrets for guaranteeing greater strength and reduced risk of injury in your kettlebell train-
ing… moving from the hips… the special hip-fold… why you must avoid slouching after work-
outs—and what to do instead… staying tight in the waist, to protect the back… when and where
to stay loose in your movement… taming the arc… keeping the shoulders in their sockets… shoul-
der retraction drill… pull-up bar drill… how to avoid hyperextending your wrists… locking out
the elbows—why and when… the secrets of proper hand care—for longevity in your kettlebell
lifting… lotions, potions and other necessary evils for the task in hand… more expert advice from
the hand-abuse-trenches.
Chapter 2: The New RKC Program Minimum
Practice Before Workout: The Break-in Plan 39
The two staples of the Russian Kettlebell Challenge program—Swing and Get-up… building skill
by practicing, not working out.
The Swing—for Legs and Conditioning That Won’t Quit 43
The single most effective strength and conditioning exercise in the world? … mechanics of a good
and a bad Swing… the three essential standards for a perfect Swing … Swing mastery, Step #1, the
Box Squat… powerlifters’ secret for improving squat depth, flexibility, technique, and power…
special tips, techniques and warnings… Swing mastery, Step #2, the Box Squat to a vertical
jump… Swing mastery, Step #3, the Towel Swing… fast-forward your technique with this high-
yield drill… taking the upper body out of the equation… self-correction and quicker feedback for
faster progress… proper timing between hip movement and the arms… Swing mastery, Step #4,
the Swing proper… correct and incorrect breathing… the one-arm swing… the hand-to-hand
The Get-up—for Shoulders That Can
Take Punishment and Dish It Out 61
Miraculous shoulder comebacks… developing shoulder mobility and stability… pressing heav-
ier… the six essential standards for a perfect Get-up… Get-up mastery, Step #1, pick you kettle-
bell up and put it down safely… how to pick up the kettlebell without straining the elbow… the
correct grip and shoulder placement… Get-up mastery, Step #2, keep your elbow straight and
your shoulder in its socket… a great visualization from Iyengar Yoga… Get-up mastery, Step #3,
the Half Get-up… magical fix for many a ruined shoulder… Get-up mastery, Step #4, the Get-up
all the way… a word of caution… a typical mistake and how to avoid it.
The New RKC Program Minimum 71
For the most important and immediate concerns: world-class conditioning, rapid fat loss, a steel
back, muscular, flexible, and resilient shoulders—and a skill base for the rest of the RKC drills…
“simple and sinister” S&C routine.
The Next Step
What to do next, once you are rocking on the RKC Program Minimum.
Chapter 3: The RKC Rite of Passage
The RKC Proven Formula:
Low-Rep Grinds + High-Rep Quick Lifts 77
What is a kettlebell? . . . main benefits of kettlebell training… guidelines—choosing the correct
size of kettlebell for men and women of differing backgrounds, strength and skills… do you need
two kettlebells of the same size? … understanding your goals with kettlebells—why higher num-
bers or heavier is not necessarily better.
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