Power Rangers - 02x04 - The Wanna-be Ranger.txt

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{1}{90}movie info: XVID  512x384 29.969fps 174.4 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1818}{1869}- Come on, Tommy.|- I'll get him.
{2604}{2719}You should have seen|your face, man.
{2686}{2744}Very funny, Zack.
{2769}{2814}Hey, what's with the|monkey suit, Zack?
{2814}{2843}I was performing
{2835}{2892}at my it's cousin's birthday party.
{2897}{2955}Get out of the suit,|and let's go play some b-ball.
{3209}{3238}Come in, Zordon.
{3247}{3299}Jason, you and the others|must teleport
{3299}{3357}to the Command Center|immediately.
{3366}{3410}Guys, there's trouble.|Let's go.
{3543}{3586}Thank goodness you're here.
{3589}{3632}Alpha, we're ready to take on Zed.
{3647}{3733}Ay-yi-yi. It's not Zed,|It's Zordon.
{3785}{3864}due to a galactic imbalance|caused by the linear alignment
{3864}{3926}of the planets in your|solar system,
{3926}{4012}I am about to|temporarily de-ionize.
{4032}{4061}What does that mean?
{4088}{4142}It means that Zordon's|gonna deengergize
{4142}{4199}and lose his powers|for a short time.
{4199}{4257}We really have to be|on guard this time.
{4269}{4341}Jason, you and the others|must return to Angel Grove
{4341}{4442}and be on the alert|for Alpha's signal.
{4441}{4499}We understand, Zordon.
{4503}{4633}Let the Power protect you,|Power Rangers.
{4662}{4719}We're going back|to Angel Grove now, Alpha.
{4728}{4800}Contact us the minute|there's any trouble.
{4800}{4843}Right, Jason.
{4915}{4958}Have fun, Rangers.
{4972}{5058}Don't worry about|poor little old me.
{5058}{5087}I'll be fine
{5087}{5174}all along in this big|scary Command Center.
{5533}{5591}Say good-bye forever, Zordon.
{5591}{5677}Without you,|my primator will soon have
{5677}{5792}those sniveling Power Rangers|destroying each other!
{5792}{5821}Ha ha ha ha!
{5940}{5998}Ahh... the planets|are in alignment.
{5998}{6084}Zordon must be fully|de-ionized by now.
{6082}{6156}Time to bring the primator to life,
{6143}{6244}and I know just which power|to give him!
{6444}{6487}I'm bored.
{6479}{6565}Let's see what's happening|at the park.
{6585}{6671}Mommy, where are you?
{6676}{6762}Mommy! Where are you?
{6777}{6820}Looks like trouble.
{6825}{6868}Better contact the Rangers.
{6892}{6935}Wait, I don't need the Rangers
{6935}{6978}to save a little boy.
{6978}{7021}I can do it by myself.
{7021}{7079}Pasta la pizza, baby.
{7074}{7117}Alpha Ranger to the resuce!
{7242}{7285}Hey! I hear a strange noise.
{7285}{7328}Ai yi yi yi yi yi yi!
{7344}{7430}Hey, you think|it's the Power Rangers?
{7502}{7531}Rough landing.
{7561}{7605}Hey... uh...
{7601}{7648}Well, time to do my thing.
{7785}{7828}Uh, fellas! Guys!
{7833}{7896}Oh, humans! They're so strange.
{8026}{8098}I'm going to need|a wash and wax job.
{8104}{8162}Hi. I'll help you find your mommy.
{8178}{8221}What's your name?
{8259}{8331}I'm Alpha-5,|Command Center Prototype.
{8373}{8445}I'll bet your mommy is looking|for you right now.
{8445}{8541}You know, the best thing to do when|you're lost is to stay put.
{8554}{8612}Let's wait right here|until she arrives.
{8622}{8679}OK. Wanna play soccer?
{8698}{8741}Sock who?
{8746}{8818}No, silly! You kick the ball|with your foot.
{8827}{8856}Like this.
{8950}{9036}Ay yi yi yi yi! Mmm.
{9014}{9086}I don't know about|this sport stuff.
{9287}{9326}First Zordon's out of commission,
{9329}{9373}now Alpha's on the loose, too.
{9373}{9445}I did not ask you to speak!
{9445}{9532}It appears the time is right|to destroy Zordon
{9532}{9604}and then the Power Rangers forever!
{9780}{9823}OK, here goes.
{9913}{9956}I'm afraid my aim is off.
{10023}{10066}Looking for this?
{10050}{10122}Um, uh-oh. Busted.
{10143}{10229}And disgusted.
{10218}{10271}You are a naughty,|naughty little boy,
{10273}{10304}aren't you, Alpha?
{10315}{10387}Who's minding the|Command Center, hmm?
{10386}{10440}Ay yi yi! I just wanted...
{10440}{10488}Just wanted nothing!
{10489}{10518}Now, come on.
{10531}{10589}Let's get back|to the Command Center.
{10595}{10667}Oh, well, I guess...
{10776}{10848}Hey, you're not Billy!
{10894}{10937}Hey! Hey!
{10942}{10970}Let go of him!
{11013}{11042}Run, Dylan! Run!
{11056}{11114}Take me to the|Command Center now.
{11101}{11178}Oh, oh, never, mokey face!
{11198}{11270}There! I've enabled|my self-destruct program!
{11434}{11578}You'll never find the Command|Center now, Banana breath.
{11673}{11745}Leave that metal junk pile alone
{11744}{11816}and go destroy the Rangers!
{11841}{11884}Yes, Lord Zedd!
{12660}{12699}Tommy's in big trouble.
{12703}{12789}He's surround by Zedd's Putties|at the north end of the park,
{12775}{12818}and he's losing his powers.
{12818}{12847}Oh, no.
{12857}{12900}Why didn't Alpha contact us?
{12939}{13011}What about Billy and Jason?
{13009}{13055}Who knows?
{13059}{13131}Look, I'll find Billy and Jason,
{13130}{13188}you guys get to the park.
{13200}{13258}All right. Come on, Trini,|let's hurry.
{13541}{13569}Banana shake.
{13814}{13853}All right, so where's Tommy?
{13864}{13893}I'm don't know.
{13908}{13951}Maybe the others have|found him.
{14056}{14101}Jason, Come in.
{14403}{14460}Now is the perfect time
{14457}{14575}for my Putties to eliminate the|pink and yellow power brats!
{14748}{14791}Watch out! Putties!
{14856}{14913}All right, remember,|go for the "Z."
{15439}{15511}/We'll come runnin'|/to your side
{15518}{15590}/We will protect you|/from your fright
{15603}{15671}/All of us are on your side
{15690}{15748}/We'll take them
{15781}{15896}/We'll take them down
{16043}{16086}- You all right?|- Yeah.
{16304}{16362}Tommy, you're OK.
{16380}{16438}I'm better than OK. I'm great.
{16507}{16593}What was that all|about, Zack?
{16553}{16596}It wasn't funny.
{16614}{16657}What are you talking about?
{16657}{16715}You know exactly what|we're talking about.
{16712}{16808}Remember? Like Tommy|was losing his powers,
{16808}{16866}and we have to hurry up|and get to the park?
{16943}{17001}We got attacked|by the Putties.
{16978}{17002}Where were you?
{17011}{17054}We were in Billy's lab.
{17083}{17112}All of you?
{17129}{17200}Yeah. Zack's been with|us all day.
{17244}{17316}Then something really strange
{17277}{17320}is happening around here.
{17334}{17377}We better contact Alpha.
{17482}{17510}Alpha, come in.
{17553}{17625}Do you read me, Alpha?
{17645}{17689}Where in the world is Alpha?
{17697}{17798}I don't know, but we better|get to the Command Center fast.
{17913}{17956}Alpha, you're getting better.
{17979}{18051}I don't think so, Dylan. Ohh.
{18113}{18200}10 mintues until self-destruct.
{18265}{18308}Hey, look, it's Zordon.
{18325}{18394}He's re-ionized.
{18394}{18452}Rangers, we have a crisis.
{18476}{18519}Where's Alpha?
{18509}{18567}Behold the viewing globe.
{18667}{18739}Alpha is in the arms|of a little boy named Dylan
{18740}{18769}who he tried to resuce.
{18769}{18865}He was attacked by Zedd's monstrous|beast the Primator
{18871}{18943}and has activated his|self-destruct mechanism.
{18953}{18986}Oh, poor Alpha.
{18997}{19026}We gotta save him.
{19136}{19223}I'm afraid|there is no time for that.
{19195}{19267}The Primator is about|to destroy Angel Grove harbor.
{19290}{19391}Rangers, he was the power to|disguise himself as any one of you,
{19400}{19478}making it impossible for you|to know who to fight.
{19501}{19573}I bet you that it was the ape|who turned himself into Zack
{19573}{19630}and told us to go to the park.
{19659}{19717}Zack, I am really sorry|for mistrusting you.
{19739}{19782}It's solid.
{19782}{19825}Let's get this bogus baboon.
{19840}{19868}It's Morphin' time!
{19902}{19959}- Dragonzord!|- Mastodon!
{19969}{20041}- Pterodactyl!|- Triceratops!
{20039}{20113}- Sabretooth tiger!|- Tyrannosaurus!
{20289}{20348}Mmm! Prepare to meet|your doom!
{20354}{20382}I am Primator!
{20397}{20454}You're monkey meat,|and you're going down!
{20467}{20525}That's right|so get down, ape-face!
{20531}{20599}- Let's get him!|- Blue Ranger ready!
{20600}{20653}- Pink Ranger ready!|- Yellow Ranger!
{20664}{20693}Yeah, Yellow Ranger!
{20707}{20751}Huh? Wait a minutes.
{20740}{20783}Hey! I'm the Yellow Ranger!
{20783}{20841}No way! You're an impostor!
{20910}{20977}You guys can tell who the|real Trini is, can't you?
{20983}{21027}Don't listen to her, guys!
{21025}{21094}Remember, it's just Primator|trying to trick us.
{21099}{21170}- Wow. This is a tough call.|- No kidding.
{21170}{21199}I can't tell then apart.
{21198}{21242}Me, neither.
{21240}{21300}Allright, one of you is lying.|Which on is it?
{21300}{21329}Hmm. Puzzling.
{21329}{21386}I know. Both of you|will fight me.
{21391}{21420}Good idea.
{21415}{21444}Well, all right.
{21441}{21489}I'll be able to tell|by both of your styles
{21489}{21530}who's Trini and who's not.
{21545}{21588}All right, when you're ready.
{21609}{21623}Let's go.
{21652}{21681}Let's stay alert, guys.
{21695}{21739}- You got it.|- Affirmative.
{21753}{21782}Come on, then.
{21792}{21854}Jason, you're my friend.|I can't fight you.
{21865}{21922}Well, I can. Watch this!
{22002}{22043}Blasters, guys!
{22210}{22240}That smarts!
{22243}{22286}- Yeah!|- Thanks, guys.
{22316}{22388}Save your breath, brats!
{22377}{22506}I'm not through with|you yet! Hyah!
{22593}{22665}Hold up, guys.|This one's on me.
{22832}{22875}Look sharp, guys, here he comes.
{22892}{22979}You'll pay for that, power brats!
{23275}{23347}Not so fast, furbal...
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