Wake up Sid.2009.txt

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{2786}{2857}Prepare profit and loss|statements after taking..
{2858}{2904}..into account the|following adjustments..
{2965}{3061}Returns outwards Rs.1000|were wrongly included in sales.
{3190}{3356}Returns outwards Rs.1000|were wrongly included in sales..
{3358}{3405}In sales.
{3422}{3456}Included in sales..
{4180}{4277}"Listen to what I have to say.. "
{4364}{4461}"You know what time is. "
{4538}{4669}"The night is sleeping and|a new day has awakened. "
{4726}{4872}"This ambience is still in slumber. "
{4905}{5095}"Wishes are leading my way. "
{5626}{5782}Returns outwards Rs.7000|were wrongly included in sales..
{5880}{5963}"Wake up, Sid! The time says!"
{5966}{6056}"Wake up, Sid! Let's go somewhere!"
{6058}{6146}"Wake up, Sid! Listen if you can.. "
{6148}{6313}"..the voice from all the directions. "
{6314}{6430}"Wake up! Listen. "|- Bhaiyya.. Bhaiyya!
{6466}{6502}Bhaiyya! Open the door.
{6614}{6644}What are you doing in there?|Bhaiyya!
{6646}{6671}Open the door!!
{6749}{6779}Open the door!!
{6802}{6869}Chhotu! Why didn't you|wake me up sooner?!
{6876}{6908}You said you were going to|study all night..
{6910}{6940}..I thought you'd be up by now.
{6950}{6981}Did you fall asleep?
{7108}{7211}You fell asleep! You had 4 cups of coffee|and you still fell asleep!
{7246}{7272}What will you do now?
{7278}{7304}How will you give your exam now?!
{7306}{7331}Just try not to fail, I guess..
{7333}{7391}Shut up! This is all your fault!
{7414}{7477}Now you sit here and|eat this breakfast! I'm off..
{7490}{7546}Move.|- Best of luck!
{7772}{7827}The same bloody situation again, Sid..
{7850}{7917}..you should've at least studied|for this one last exam..
{7948}{8000}Ten questions out of thirty?
{8036}{8085}That's not so bad..|you'll probably pass..
{8132}{8261}Or, maybe you won't..|What are you going to do, Sid?
{8262}{8308}You're never going to do anything,|Sidharth Mehra.
{8350}{8398}You'll definitelyfail in this exam.
{8410}{8435}Because that's what happens..
{8437}{8470}..when you don't attend|a single lecture the whole year.
{8492}{8526}This is just what you deserve!
{8534}{8575}But what do you have to worry about, Sid?
{8588}{8696}Who cares if you fail?|Your father will still be loaded..
{8702}{8806}..and you'll still have the best car|in this college! Right!
{8810}{8855}Shut up!|- Relax.
{8857}{8913}Don't listen to these losers,|Sid.. don't worry.
{8924}{8962}I'm your friend..
{8964}{9022}..and I know that you're going to pass,|like you always do!
{9044}{9117}By the way,|where were you last night?
{9126}{9165}I kept calling..|why didn't you answer?
{9167}{9214}Did you read the notes I gave you?
{9215}{9286}Oh shut up Laxmi..|Can't you at least let him dream in peace?
{9310}{9381}Sid! I'm in the same situation as you.
{9383}{9415}I couldn't study last night either.
{9500}{9527}I was with Neha, dude..
{9553}{9694}She was studying economics and|I was studying her. All night long!
{9726}{9757}Anyway don't worry brother..
{9764}{9791}Ifwe fail, we'll fail together.
{9796}{9837}We've been together since kindergarten.
{9844}{9869}What's one more year, right?
{9873}{9898}Don't worry, pal.
{10180}{10246}Everyone, pens down! Stop writing.
{10270}{10329}Make sure your exam roll numbers|are entered correctly.
{10354}{10397}Come on, stop writi ng.
{10418}{10473}Guys farewell party!|Tomorrow night! Do come, Ok?
{10478}{10509}You can do this dance there!
{10516}{10541}Farewell party tomorrow night!
{10543}{10605}There's going to be food,|dance everything! Do come!
{10607}{10639}Farewell party!|Tomorrow night! Do come, Ok?
{10706}{10750}Students hostel..|Tomorrow night.. Farewell party..
{10752}{10777}Please arrive..
{10822}{10877}Hey Nisha. Stop there!
{10940}{10972}What the hell is Debbie's problem?
{10996}{11040}I don't want to go to her farewell party.
{11046}{11072}It'll be bloody boring anyway..
{11074}{11133}Shut up Sid! We have to go!
{11143}{11237}We might never see these people again.|This is it.
{11238}{11266}College is over.
{11268}{11326}Where did the last 5 years go?
{11350}{11431}Life is going to change now..|there's so much to do!
{11438}{11480}You're right, there's a lot to do!
{11492}{11581}Now that the exams are over,|I can finally start my diet!
{11742}{11806}From tomorrow.. I swear!
{11810}{11879}You don't have to diet.|I'll marry you!
{11886}{11924}Please, don't be silly..
{11926}{11951}Ok, can we go now?|- Yeah let's go.
{11953}{11978}Come Rishi.
{12116}{12141}What is this?
{12150}{12194}Sid! Give it back! Sid!
{12308}{12333}What the hell is this?!
{12358}{12445}He bought it for Neha.|I think her name's engraved in there too..
{12462}{12487}Give it back Sid.
{12524}{12549}Rish, you gotta be kidding me..
{12551}{12577}Sid, I love her!
{12596}{12621}Dude, you're pathetic!
{12623}{12649}Don't be an idiot.
{12692}{12748}Rish.. are you actually|going to propose to Neha?!
{12769}{12826}Put that ring away!|Have you gone mad?
{12836}{12861}Why are you being so serious?
{12874}{12943}You know, everyone has|to get serious after college..
{12962}{12988}..you'll have to do it too.
{13004}{13076}Right, which is why I've made|a really serious plan.
{13078}{13113}What? - Tell me.|- Lets go and get drunk!
{13126}{13174}Sid! Be serious!|- Be serious.
{13175}{13222}Yeah but I don't want to|be serious right now!
{13225}{13318}We've finished our exams today..|who cares about tomorrow..
{13326}{13445}..as long as we can have|some fun.. tonight? Come on!
{13508}{13533}Let's go!
{13591}{13628}Let's go!|- Yes.
{13630}{13711}"What to do, my heart is singing?"
{13724}{13836}"What to do, my Iife is intoxicating?"
{13838}{13946}"What to do, slowly|I am getting intoxicated?"
{13954}{14065}"What to do, I am getting|a Iittle effected by it?"
{14542}{14651}"What to do, my slept|desires have awakened. "
{14660}{14780}"What to do, my Iife is Iost in the way?"
{14782}{14887}"What to do, I have new|dreams in my eyes?"
{14894}{15022}"What to do, I am getting|a Iittle effected by it?"
{15222}{15262}"What to do?"
{15944}{16045}"These days and nights. "
{16062}{16161}"All these talks. "
{16178}{16276}"Fragrant. "
{16296}{16394}"Intoxicated. "
{16414}{16560}"Let this time stand still|and I stay the same way I am. "
{16630}{16739}"What to do, my heart is singing?"
{16748}{16858}"What to do, my life is intoxicating?"
{16868}{16980}"What to do, slowly|I am getting intoxicated?"
{16982}{17112}"What to do, I am getting|a little effected by it?"
{17166}{17229}"What to do?"
{17782}{17844}"What to do?"
{19126}{19154}Is that Rishi, no?
{19172}{19221}Maa! Why don't you knock..?
{19238}{19309}You are being my son..|Why knocking?
{19321}{19346}What do you want, ma?
{19382}{19488}I came to meet you..|So much time not seeing you..
{19502}{19557}Ma please stop speaking in English..
{19559}{19585}You don't know how to..
{19690}{19728}How your exam Siddy?
{19748}{19773}It was Ok..
{19775}{19861}I'm so proud of you..|You're a graduate now.
{19994}{20052}Now you must learn|some organization Siddy..
{20074}{20192}What mess.. Why do you keep|ordering pizza all the time?
{20206}{20254}I make such good food at home.
{20285}{20387}And stop playing videogames all day.
{20422}{20477}You have way too many clothes!
{20500}{20549}Throw them all away now.
{20564}{20626}These tiny-tiny tshirts|don't suit you anymore.
{20670}{20724}You are the man now.. Not boy..
{20741}{20766}You are mature.
{20790}{20867}You should wear shirts..|you'll look handsome..
{20870}{20936}Maa, I always look handsome!|Stop bugging me!
{20990}{21048}And don't touch my things!|I've told you this before!
{21254}{21384}Ma.. Here, you can fold it.
{21422}{21453}And don't feel bad now..
{21476}{21549}Will you eat dinner with us?|I made it myself..
{21556}{21607}Eating? - Yes Ma.
{21694}{21725}What a car man!
{21974}{22045}Sid, you should join the office.
{22100}{22158}Whoa! Where did the office come from?
{22172}{22209}Your college is over, right?
{22249}{22294}And you don't have|classes to skip anymore..?
{22332}{22366}Then you're joining the office.
{22422}{22485}But pa.. what am I going to do there?
{22500}{22534}Work, what else?
{22610}{22658}But pa! Office?!
{22694}{22773}I mean.. our company|manufactures bathroom furnishings!
{22796}{22835}'Flower Showers' for heaven's sake..
{22850}{22901}It's just.. it's just not my thing!
{22926}{22953}Just not your thing?
{22967}{23015}Do you know that 'Bathroom Fittings|and Furnishings Association'
{23017}{23068}Rated those same 'shower heads'|number 1 last year?!
{23078}{23161}Everyone from millionaires to mailmen are|buying our showers!
{23169}{23194}Do you know what that means?
{23207}{23293}Our company has taught lndia|how to shower in style!
{23354}{23410}No! - No!
{23412}{23483}No way! I'm not joining the office!
{23506}{23532}Ok then Sid!
{23534}{23567}Actually, I was thinking that..
{23569}{23613}..this car would look|really good in our garage.
{23668}{23748}You're not serious? Are you?!
{23783}{23830}Just work at the office for 6 months.
{23831}{23857}The car is yours..
{23870}{23949}6 months?!|That's too long, pa.. 1 5 days..
{23974}{24029}Do I look like an idiot?|At least 90 days..
{24073}{24105}No pa.. twenty days..
{24107}{24142}Minimum 60 days..
{24144}{24178}No more than 30 days.
{24212}{24309}Thirty days? Ok done!|You can start work tomorrow.
{24311}{24406}Wake up.|- Tomorrow?! Yeah ok..
{24418}{24443}"Wake up."
{24470}{24605}Pa.. What kind of a deal is this?|A Porsche for a month's work?
{24650}{24729}My son is joining my office.|That's the biggest deal!
{24764}{24822}"Wake up, Sid. Wake up. "
{24990}{25045}Sorry ma, I have to go.|My friends are here.
{25054}{25100}Eat something before you go..
{25102}{25132}Mother I will be going to office|from tomorrow.
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