Power Rangers - 03x12 - Final Face-Off.txt

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{1}{90}movie info: XVID  512x384 29.968fps 175.1 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1893}{2034}According to this map, the|exhibit should be, right up ahead.
{2050}{2106}I got us these pamp lets,|I figured we could use them
{2106}{2160}for our research reports.
{2175}{2226}Where's Kimberly?|Didn't she have this assignment?
{2226}{2333}Yeah, she came during the week.|She's busy today.
{2333}{2371}- Gymnastics!|- Gymnastics!
{2376}{2408}You've got to hand it to her, man,
{2408}{2473}she's really taken the|Pan-Global games seriously.
{2515}{2620}What are we doing here on Saturday?|I'm missing all the cartoons.
{2628}{2698}How many times do I have to explains?
{2698}{2809}Look, we flunk this report,|we are off the force.
{2809}{2869}We're off the force, no uniforms.
{2870}{2979}No uniforms, no babes!|Are you with me?
{2979}{3046}No, just the part about|flunking the report.
{3046}{3074}Forget it.
{3074}{3150}Here it is, guys. The Kahmala exhibit.
{3168}{3263}I'm glad we came together.|This is kind of spooky.
{3266}{3389}Hello, I'm Azina, the cultural|liason for the nation of Kahmala.
{3390}{3479}Welcome to our exhibit|of Anicent Kahmalan culture.
{3480}{3566}Have any of you ever read|the legend of the Face Stealer?
{3577}{3669}Well, according to your anicent|scriptures, the people of Kahmala
{3669}{3719}were terrorised once a year|on the day of the fourth
{3719}{3800}full moon by a creature|called Face Stealer.
{3803}{3859}The Face Stealer would|come down from the sky
{3859}{3932}and terrorise the citizens of|your country by robbing them
{3932}{4022}of their faces and leaving|them without souls.
{4024}{4098}Face Stealer? Oh, please.
{4100}{4154}I take it you are not believers?
{4154}{4216}Hey, we're into facts,|okay, cold hard facts.
{4216}{4294}Show us some evidence|and then we'll talk.
{4294}{4352}Hey, what's in this jar?
{4352}{4422}Isn't that where the spirit|of the Face Stealer is kept?
{4422}{4499}That is the legend.|Using these magical masks
{4499}{4584}for protection, a brave|team of warrios defeated
{4584}{4666}the Face Stealer and captured|his spirit in this urn.
{4666}{4736}This is where it will remain for eternity.
{4756}{4855}Face Stealer, huh?|If I had a monster like that,
{4855}{4962}I could get rid of those pathetic|power prima donna's for good.
{4962}{5122}Oh, brilliant idea, except for|one thing. It's a foolish fairytale.
{5122}{5163}How do you know?
{5163}{5244}You're so gullible you'll believe anything.
{5244}{5337}Say, I've got a crater on|the dark side of the moon
{5337}{5380}I'll sell you cheap.
{5403}{5540}Laugh now, axle face. The fourth|full moon of the year is today.
{5540}{5695}I'll release that wonderful|creature and turn every living thing,
{5695}{5823}including the Power Rangers,|into walking zombies.
{5823}{5891}Then we'll see who's gullible.
{6115}{6194}Hey, sis, here's looking at you, kid.
{6238}{6273}Don't do that!
{6301}{6370}How many times have|I told you not to do that?
{6370}{6448}But you said you wanted|to see me, so I.
{6448}{6516}Don't think.|That's how you get into trouble.
{6550}{6639}Now, take Baboo and|go to that museum
{6639}{6706}and bring me the urn|with the Face Stealer in it.
{6706}{6754}Yes, sir. Ma'am.
{6754}{6813}- And hurry!|- I'm away.
{6978}{7021}At last, there it is.
{7032}{7060}What's the matter?
{7068}{7111}Last time I checked Squatt and Baboo
{7111}{7172}weren't interested in ancient cultures.
{7172}{7198}Come on.
{7359}{7400}Oh, it's only you.
{7400}{7500}Beat it Power Punks we've|got business to attend to.
{7516}{7549}Save it, Rito.
{7549}{7613}Maybe you better save yourself.
{7613}{7661}Get them, bird brains!
{7665}{7712}We need Ninja Power now!
{7825}{7915}I'll take care of you.|Hey, don't do that.
{7993}{8023}Are you done?
{8025}{8114}We're just getting started.|You're the one who's finished.
{8132}{8227}Yeah, yeah, yeah, you guys like|a broken record, you know that?
{8227}{8311}And you should have learned|by now that you can't beat us.
{8315}{8365}There's always a first time, buddy.
{8411}{8465}White Ninja Power now!
{8488}{8548}Red Ninja Power now!
{8570}{8605}Blue Ninja Power!
{8650}{8705}Black Ninja Power!
{8737}{8791}Yellow Ninja Power!
{8887}{8961}Crush them, my feathered fiends!
{8961}{9027}Ninja attack mode, let's go!
{9296}{9375}That should keep those rotten|Rangers busy for a while.
{9376}{9443}Now, let's go find this|Face Stealer thing.
{9488}{9535}Come and get me!
{9570}{9643}No, I'm over here now!
{9671}{9779}Oh, I think you are trying|to hit me. That's not nice.
{9809}{9876}I can't keep giving you these free lessons.
{9884}{10000}Careful, nitwits, don't drop it.|Push it from the other end.
{10030}{10119}Where were you when|they were handing out the brains.
{10252}{10310}- Let's tag team!|- You got it!
{10551}{10585}Get them!
{10803}{10847}Hey, someone's coming.
{10860}{10894}Oh, what'll we do?
{10894}{10965}Oh, ah, let's see, ah.
{11237}{11345}Man, they had some ugly|looking monsters back then.
{11345}{11413}Who's he calling ugly.
{11552}{11640}You? Why do I bother?
{11665}{11711}That was close.
{11980}{12011}Everybody okay.
{12019}{12084}But we better get inside and|see what Zedd's goons are up to.
{12084}{12120}Right, let's do it!
{12373}{12424}What's the matter, Azina?
{12424}{12477}The Face Stealer is gone.
{12477}{12559}I just went away for a|moment, when I came back.
{12566}{12608}This is terrible.
{12608}{12647}We have to do something.
{12647}{12715}Look, Azina, we'll start|looking for clues,
{12715}{12785}you stay here and see|if anything turns up.
{12788}{12828}Come on, let's go.
{12899}{12996}Just once I wish she'd have|dinner ready when I get home.
{12996}{13077}You got the urn! I can't believe it!
{13077}{13138}Did you expect anything less?
{13142}{13212}You don't really want me|to answer that, do you?
{13212}{13262}Ah, no.
{13262}{13397}I didn't think so. Now, if this|works how I think it will,
{13401}{13516}we'll have ourselves owes|very own Face Stealer.
{13774}{13889}Who dares awaken me from my slumber?
{13889}{13956}What's all the racket in here?
{13956}{14015}And who in the galaxy, are you?
{14015}{14079}I am Face Stealer.
{14079}{14179}Woken from my silence|after five thousand years.
{14179}{14317}You call that a deep sleep.|That's a nap where I come from.
{14324}{14456}Well, hubby dear, I think someone|around here owes me an apology.
{14485}{14548}Are you telling me that, that filth...
{14591}{14719}Let me present to you the|one and only Face Stealer.
{14738}{14788}Thank you. Thank you.
{14899}{14955}Well, you don't suppose|it's possible, Zordon.
{14955}{15047}Can Rita and Zedd really unlock|the spirit of the Face Stealer?
{15052}{15121}Unknown, Billy. It has|never been determined
{15121}{15219}if this legend has any basis in reality.
{15224}{15309}Guys, this is the day of the|fourth full moon of the year.
{15309}{15405}If the legend is true,|Face Stealer will appear.
{15405}{15520}Ai yi yi! I don't even|want to think about it.
{15586}{15701}Rangers, it appears your fears|have indeed been realised.
{15701}{15798}They did it. They released the|Face Stealer on Angel Grove.
{15934}{15978}Zordon, does this monster have
{15978}{16035}the power to steal faces|like in the stories?
{16035}{16162}We must assume that it does.|Clearly it is a dangerous monster.
{16162}{16248}You will need the added|power of Titanus to defeat him.
{16248}{16324}Alpha have you made all|the necessary modifications
{16324}{16390}to accomodate the Ninja Ultrazord?
{16390}{16448}I'm still completing them, Zordon.
{16448}{16549}We can't wait. Face Stealer|must be intercepted immediately.
{16549}{16624}You're right, Zordon. It's Morphin Time!
{16640}{16757}- White Ranger Power!|- Black Ranger Power!
{16757}{16862}- Pink Ranger Power!|- Blue Ranger Power!
{16886}{17000}- Yellow Ranger Power!|- Red Ranger Power!
{17162}{17208}Let's mash him!
{17217}{17276}Stand aside, pathetic humans,
{17276}{17366}I must enter your village|and steal faces.
{17370}{17456}Alright, nobody move,|we got a report of trouble here.
{17456}{17498}Yeah, nobody.
{17498}{17548}Get back, let us handle this.
{17548}{17599}My first victims.
{17605}{17704}Bulk, ah, maybe we should let|the Power Rangers handle this.
{17704}{17816}A very good idea, Skull. This is|way out of our area of expertise.
{18035}{18100}I just love stealing faces.
{18100}{18149}So you really can steal faces.
{18149}{18198}We're going to shut you down, clown.
{18198}{18260}I don't think so, foolish ones.
{18511}{18568}Man, he's stronger than he looks.
{18890}{18942}Time to face the music.
{19016}{19048}That was a close one.
{19048}{19074}I need faces.
{19074}{19103}You guys okay?
{19111}{19145}Watch out for that beam.
{19351}{19389}Adam, are you okay?
{19472}{19513}Hang on, I'll get you out of there.
{19513}{19553}I don't think so.
{19809}{19861}Now for the rest of you.
{19890}{19986}I'll take all of your faces|and turn you all into zombies.
{20030}{20087}No use running away from|me, Power Rangers.
{20087}{20184}I'll get you and your|faces sooner or later.
{20220}{20276}Laugh now, Face Stealer,|but you haven't seen
{20276}{20350}the last of the Power Rangers.|To the Command Centre.
{20350}{20380}- Right!|- Right!
{20415}{20530}Hey, come back, you cowards!|I want more faces!
{20675}{20751}Ai yi yi! This is terrible!
{20771}{20837}The Face Stealer got|Adam and Aisha, Zordon.
{20837}{20912}And unfortunately Bulk and Skull|are in the same condition.
{20932}{20964}What do we do now?
{20991}{21052}There's something on the Viewing Globe.
{21052}{21110}We can't just go after him.
{21130}{21182}Or we'l...
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