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Issue Number 10
April 2007
% In Lair....................................................................................................................................... 1
The Arcane Knight by Mike Riley............................................................................................. 2
Complete Attack and Saving Throw Table by Antonio Eleuteri........................................... 9
Death From Above! a mini-module by Michael Haskell.....................................................12
Tordell’s Wonderful Road of Transfiguration by Alphonso Warden.....................................18
Beginning Magic-User Spell Table by Joel Bishop............................................................... 19
Gaining Non-Weapon Proficiency Slots by Cyrus Ayers.....................................................20
Stat This Monster Contest!....................................................................................................... 21
Dark Huntsmen by John A. Turcotte...................................................................................... 23
Caravans: Cost and Guarding by David Havard................................................................. 25
The Nightstalkers by David Ednie...........................................................................................26
Wall of Bones/Wave of Fatigue by Stuart Marshall...............................................................28
Create Food & Drink................................................................................................................ 29
The Staff
Steve Yates
Chief Editor
John A. Turcotte
Associate Editors
Michael Haskell and Scott Sutherland
Cover Art
Joe Calkins
Title Graphics
Jim Lassiter
Interior Art
Sir Clarence, Brant Bollman, and Elizabeth Stewart
Chris Gonnerman
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% in Lair
Welcome to the tenth issue of Footprints. It seems incredible to me now that
forty months ago, the idea of a “Best of Dragonsfoot” e-zine was first bandied
about. Here we are with another issue chock-full of material for your old-school
game. We have a module from Michael Haskell, new spells from Stuart Marshall
and discussions of non-weapon proficiencies, caravans, a new NPC class and
the winners of Dragonsfoot’s “Stat that Monster” competition.
It should go without saying at this juncture, but the OOP gaming community
could not survive but for the tireless contributions of gamers like yourselves.
Please keep the submissions coming.
Game on and game well!
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Number 10
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The Arcane Knight
A New Class by Mike Riley
The Arcane Knight is a sub-class of Fighter with
the code of honour of a cavalier. All Arcane
Knights must begin their career with a Lawful
alignment. If for any reason the Arcane
Knight loses this alignment, they will lose all
their special powers and abilities and
become a normal fighter. Such fallen Knights
will still have to use the Arcane Knight
experience tables, which will slow their
advancement as a fighter. To become an
Arcane Knight, a candidate must be human
with the following minimum attributes: a
Strength of not less than 12, an Intelligence of
13 or more, a minimum Wisdom of 9, a
minimum Constitution of 9 and a Charisma of
not less than 17. If the Arcane Knight has a
strength and intelligence of more than 15,
they are entitled to a 10% experience point
bonus awarded by the Dungeon Master.
taught the basics of the Arcane or Phantasm
magics. In addition to their normal schooling,
these squires are taught how to look after the
horses and equipment that are the trademark
of the two orders. The squire starts with –1500
experience points at “0” level and 1d4 + 1 hit
points. The squire becomes a Prefect at –500
experience points and gains a further 1d4 + 1
hit points. Upon reaching 0 experience
points, the character becomes a 1 st Level
Arcane Knight and gains full membership of
one of the orders and obtains another d4 + 1
of hit points (and any constitution) bonus to
their total.
The Arcane Knights are all Lawful (both the
official and unofficial orders) in alignment
and prefer uniformity and order. As such,
they are limited to the following weapons:
lance, long sword, broad sword, bastard
sword, short sword, horseman’s mace,
horseman’s flail, horseman’s military pick,
dagger and scimitar. The Arcane Knight will
not use any other weapons as it calls their
personal honour into question. Ranged
weapons are not allowed. Ranged spells are
not considered to be a dishonourable
practice as spell casting is considered an art
form. An Arcane Knight can choose one type
of lance and one other weapon to become
their “weapons of choice.”
Arcane Knights are an elite fighting class from
a far away and relatively unknown area of
any campaign world. The Arcane Knight is a
knight who has the ability to cast a limited
number of spells. In their home kingdom,
magical ability is commonplace with most
peasants knowing how to cast simple non-
aggressive spells.
The Orders of the Arcane Knights form the
core of the Kingdom’s armed forces. They
were formed to guard the citizens from an
abuse of magic and to protect the interests of
the Mage King. There are two official Orders
of Arcane Knights: the Order of the Arcane
and the Order of the Phantasm. The Order of
the Arcane can cast magic-user spells while
the Order of the Phantasm utilizes illusionist
spells. Unofficially, there are rumours of
renegade knights who have rebelled against
the Mage King and formed their own dark
order of Knights, the Order of the
Necromancer, who cast necromancer spells
(see Dragonsfoot’s M ANUAL OF P ROFESSIONS II).
The Arcane Knight can make multiple attacks
with their weapons of choice and fight as
though they were five levels higher than their
actual experience as far as attacks per round
are concerned, e.g., a 3 rd level Arcane Knight
can attack 3 times every 2 rounds, as
opposed to 1 per round with other weapons.
At 16 th level and above, the Arcane Knight
can attack 3 times per round with such a
An Arcane Knight can parry more effectively
with their weapon of choice than ordinary
fighters. They may use their attacks to parry
an attack from an opponent; e.g., an Arcane
Knight with 2 attacks per round can parry two
The Arcane Knight begins his career as a
squire. A squire is usually a magically
talented child (more than normal) and is
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Number 10
attacks per round. Should the Knight have
more attacks per round than their opponent,
they may parry an attack and then return a
blow. A successful “to hit” roll against the
opponent’s armour class must be made to
parry an attack. The parry is used to combat
physical attacks; the knight will use the parry
attack to deflect the opponent’s sword,
claws, etc., by using either their weapon or
shield. “Area of effect” spells and attacks
may not be parried in this manner.
made to the Mage King’s coffers to pay
for their training and upkeep.
2. They must wear the most prestigious
armour available, even if it means using
normal plate mail above splint mail +5 .
3. They never accumulate men at arms,
unless they are granted a commission by
the Mage King to establish a stronghold.
In this case, all Arcane Knights (of lower
level than the character) in the area are
obliged to donate their 90% tithe to the
character. The character is then
responsible for operating and maintaining
a stronghold, training young Squires, and
providing support and shelter for travelling
Arcane Knights. The commissioned
character is also charged with the
responsibility for keeping their area
pacified and safe to travel.
All Arcane Knights are virtually born in the
saddle and as such are 75% unlikely to be
thrown from their horse. This chance
increases by 1% per level above first. The
Knight’s horsemanship improves with level
and their abilities are as follows:
● At 3 rd level, the Arcane Knight can
vault into the saddle with bulky
● At 5 th level, the Arcane Knight can
urge their mount to a charge. This
charge is made when assaulting
enemy lines. The Arcane Knight
will cause additional damage
equal to their level when using a
lance, e.g., a 5 th level character
would have a +5 bonus when
charging with the lance.
● At 7 th level, the Arcane Knight can
summon a phantom steed as the
3 rd level illusionist spell. This ability is
meant to assist the Arcane Knight if
their living horse is killed. The
duration of the spell is one turn per
level of the Knight.
● At 11 th level, the Arcane Knight can
ride a griffon or similar creature as
a steed.
● At 16 th Level, the Arcane Knight
can ride a dragon as a steed if the
dragon is willing.
The Arcane Knights use the Bard spell
progression table to determine the number of
spells that can be memorised. See Arcane
Knight Table II. The Arcane Knights may only
use armour made of adamantite. This metal
is actually classed as a material component
for their spells. If they wear any other type of
armour, their memorized spells will always fail.
Refer to spell failure table for any side effects
caused by particular spells cast when not
wearing adamanite armour.
Knights can draw upon funds and materials
from the Order’s coffers, although it has to be
for a good reason and they must be near a
stronghold of the Orders to make a
withdrawal. How much a Knight can claim
depends on their personal honour.
Each Arcane Knight has a personal honour
rating. This honour is measured by what
actions they take during play time. For
example, a 1 st level character starts with a
personal honour of 0 and as they progress
through play they will gain honour points for
their actions. If the Arcane Knight acts
outside their code of honour then they can
lose honour points. Should the Knight slip into
negative honour points, then actions are
taken by the ruling elite. An Arcane Knight
who slips too far into negative honour points
The following restrictions apply to Arcane
1. They can never retain more than 10% of
their treasure. A mandatory 90% tithe is
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Number 10
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