Introduction to the game of Go - By British go association.pdf

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Go - The most challenging game in the world
The most challenging
board game in the world
An introduction to this ancient and fascinating game
The British Go Association © 1999
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Introduction to the game of Go
Go is unique among games
The history of Go stretches back
some 3000 years and the rules have
remained essentially unchanged
throughout this very long period.
The game probably originated in
China or the Himalayas and
mythology has it that the future of
Tibet was once decided over a Go
board when the Buddhist ruler
refused to go into battle; instead he
challenged the aggressor to a game
of Go to avoid bloodshed.
In the Far East, where it originated,
Go enjoys great popularity today
and interest in the game is growing
steadily in Europe and America.
Like Chess, Go is a game of skill –
it’s been described as being like four
Chess games going on together on
the same board – but it differs from
Chess in many ways. The rules of
Go are very simple and though, like
Chess, it is a challenge to players’
analytical skills, there is far more
scope in Go for intuition.
Go is a territorial game. The board,
marked with a grid of 19 lines by 19
lines, may be thought of as a piece of
land to be shared between the two
players. One player has a supply of
black pieces, called stones, the other
a supply of white. The game starts
with an empty board and the players
take turns, placing one stone at each
turn on a vacant point. Black plays
first and the stones are placed on the
intersections of the lines rather than
in the squares. Once played, stones
are not moved although they may be
surrounded and so captured, in
which case they are removed from
the board as prisoners.
The players normally start by staking
out their respective claims to
different parts of the board which
they intend eventually to surround
and thereby make into territory.
However, fights between enemy
groups provide much of the
excitement in a game and can result
in dramatic exchanges of territory.
At the end of the game the players
count one point for each vacant
intersection inside their own
territory and one point for every
stone they have captured. The one
with the larger total is the winner.
Capturing stones is certainly one
way of gaining territory but one of
the subtleties of Go is that aggression
doesn’t always pay. The strategic and
tactical possibilities of the game are
endless, providing a challenge and
enjoyment to players at every level
and the personalities of the players
emerge very clearly on the Go board.
The game reflects the skills of the
players in balancing attack and
defence, making stones work
efficiently, remaining flexible in
response to changing situations,
timing, analysing accurately and
recognising the strengths and
weaknesses of the opponent.
In short, Go is a game it is
impossible to outgrow.
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What makes Go so special
A brief history of the game
As an intellectual challenge Go is
extraordinary. The rules are very
simple yet attempts to program
computers to play Go have met with
little success; even the best programs
fail to avoid making simple mistakes.
Apart from beating the computer,
Go offers major attractions to
anyone who enjoys games of skill:
Go is probably the oldest board
game in the world. It is said that the
first Emperor of China – himself a
mythological figure – invented the
game in order to improve the mind
of his slow-witted son.
Although originating in central
Asia, historically it was in Japan
that the game really flourished.
Introduced into Japan around 740
AD, Go was initially confined to
court circles but gradually spread to
the Buddhist and Shinto clergy and
among the Samurai. From this
auspicious beginning, Go took root
in Japanese society. The Japanese
call the game Igo which has been
shortened to Go in the West.
The Japanese government recognised
the value of the game and in 1612
the top Go playing families were
endowed with grants and constituted
as Go schools. Over the next 250
years, the intense rivalry between
these schools brought about a great
improvement in the standard of play.
A ranking system was set up which
divided professional players into 9
grades or dans of which the highest
was Meijin , meaning ‘expert’. This
title could be held by only one
person at a time and was awarded
only if one player outclassed all his
The most significant advances in Go
theory were made in the 1670's by
the Meijin Dosaku who was the
fourth head of the Honinbo School
and possibly the greatest Go player
in history. The House of Honinbo
was by far the most successful of the
There is great scope for intuition
and experiment in a game of Go,
especially in the opening. Like
Chess, Go has its opening
strategies and tactics but players
can become quite strong knowing
no more than a few basic patterns.
A great advantage of Go is the
very effective handicapping
system. This enables players of
widely differing strengths to play
each other on equal terms without
distorting the character of the game.
The object in Go is to make more
territory than the other player by
surrounding it more efficiently or
by attacking the opponent’s
stones to greater effect. On such a
large board, it’s possible to do
somewhat badly in one area but
still to win the game by doing
better on the board as a whole.
Every game of Go quickly takes
on a character of its own – no two
games are alike. Since a player
needs only to have more territory
than the opponent in order to win,
there are very few drawn games
though the outcome may hang in
the balance until the very end.
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four Go Schools, producing more
Meijins than the other three schools
put together.
The whole structure of professional
Go in Japan was undermined in 1868
when the Shogunate collapsed and
the Emperor was restored to power.
The Go colleges lost their funding as
the westernisation of Japanese
society took hold. Today, the main
organisation of professional Go
players in Japan is the Nihon Kiin,
which increasingly fosters interest in
the game throughout the world.
introduced, the most important being
the Meijin and Kisei tournaments.
More recently, young people have
turned away from Go as they have
from other traditional elements of
Japanese culture. In spite of this
there are still about 10 million
Go players in Japan, some 500 of
whom are professional.
China In its original home
Go in the Far East today
The most important Go-playing
countries in the Far East are Japan,
China and Korea all of which
maintain communities of professional
players. Major tournaments in these
countries attract sponsorship from
large companies and a following akin
to big sporting events here. Until
relatively recently, the strongest
players from Korea and China tended
to go to Japan as professionals. Today
they are more likely to remain in their
own countries where they become
national heroes. There are perhaps 50
million Go players in the Far East and
many people who don't play still
follow the game with keen interest.
Japan On his retirement in
Wei Qi – the Chinese
characters for Go
1938, Honinbo Shusai
ceded his title to the
Nihon Kiin for an annual tournament
between all leading players. Since
then other major contests have been
throughout the country. There is also
the annual match between China and
Japan which is followed with great
interest. With the opening up of
China, Chinese professionals are
now frequent visitors at European
Go tournaments. Go is also played
professionally in Taiwan.
Korea Here Go is known as
Igo – the Japanese
Kanji for Go
Go is known as Wei
Qi which means ‘surrounding game’.
Go in China developed more slowly
than in Japan and during the Cultural
Revolution the game suffered through
being regarded as an intellectual
pursuit. As a result, it is only recently
that Chinese players have matched
the strength of the Japanese. Today,
Wei Chi is being re-introduced in
schools and tournaments are held
Baduk and is very
popular. Koreans have a reputation
for playing very fast. Fast or not they
are also producing some of the world’s
strongest players. Both China and
Korea have a growing population of
very strong young players, a
phenomenon which bodes well for
the future development of the game.
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