Ścigani Crossing Over (2009) DVDRip.XviD.Napisy ENG 2.txt

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{3518}{3579}Let's go, let's go.
{3580}{3617}Ready for them?
{3618}{3698}Rosie, open up.
{3751}{3845}/Vamos. Afuera. Vamos.
{3896}{3976}Okay, let's go.
{3998}{4104}- Just give me five.|- What?
{4260}{4309}What do you want me to do?
{4310}{4372}Look, it's not my problem.
{4373}{4418}All I'm asking, Stevens...
{4419}{4484}...is did the old man get seen to?
{4485}{4549}He was sweating and shaking|when I put him on the bus.
{4550}{4589}He said his arm felt numb.
{4590}{4641}Jesus Christ, Brogan.
{4642}{4699}Everything is|a humanitarian crisis with you.
{4700}{4781}You signed off on more|orders of recognizance...
{4782}{4840}...than the rest of your unit combined.
{4841}{4874}Don't give me that shit.
{4875}{4932}The man's about to have|a goddamn heart attack.
{4933}{5021}I want him seen to.
{5083}{5120}Here he is.
{5121}{5197}Your guy was given|a clean bill of health by Doc Sturgess.
{5198}{5253}He bused out three hours ago.|You happy now?
{5254}{5344}Yeah, I'm happy now.
{5839}{5896}Hey, Max, you're coming|on Wednesday, right?
{5897}{5963}For my dad's nationalization party?
{5964}{6017}Max, it's an important thing|in my culture...
{6018}{6050}...to make my father proud.
{6051}{6096}You know they've been|wanting to meet you.
{6097}{6148}I give you my word,|they're not as scary...
{6149}{6203}...as I made them out to be, okay?
{6204}{6264}You better do it before|they blow the lunch whistle.
{6265}{6329}All right, let's go,|compadres. Let's do it.
{6330}{6398}Get down!
{7123}{7237}- Over there.|- I got it. Sorry.
{7456}{7545}Where did you buy this?|Alvarado Street?
{7546}{7650}Sorry, my friend. Let's go.
{8076}{8116}What you waiting for, Brogan?
{8117}{8175}A marriage proposal?
{8176}{8242}Come on.
{8448}{8516}Hey, hey! Gene.
{8517}{8570}Sir... There is no one|to take care of my son.
{8571}{8599}I got her. Thanks.
{8600}{8654}I must give you his information.
{8655}{8719}He is upstairs with the neighbor.|- It's not possible.
{8720}{8802}If she doesn't get her money today,|she'll put him out on the street.
{8803}{8851}I can't.
{8852}{8918}Sorry, se?ra. I can't.
{8919}{8980}Apartment 21.|- It's not possible.
{8981}{9029}No, no, no.
{9030}{9060}/No es posible.
{9061}{9145}Help me. Help me.
{9158}{9238}Please help me.
{9507}{9621}/Muy bonita. You get her number?
{9634}{9674}I smell an O.R.
{9675}{9720}Yeah, he's always giving|the pretty ones a pass...
{9721}{9780}...sometimes even|the not-so-pretty ones.
{9781}{9825}- Oh!|- Okay?
{9826}{9928}Now knock it the fuck off.
{10701}{10774}Okay, everybody say,|"Thank you, Mr. Kossef...
{10775}{10824}...for singing that beautiful song. "
{10825}{10919}Thank you, Mr. Kossef.
{11092}{11162}You know, that was actually|a pretty tough crowd.
{11199}{11253}Well, was I shit?
{11254}{11304}No, actually.
{11305}{11366}No, and for somebody|who just learned the song last night...
{11367}{11433}- I thought you did a very good job.|- Oh, good.
{11434}{11508}'Cause I had absolutely no idea...
{11509}{11565}- what I was singing about.|- Yeah.
{11566}{11628}- Oh, you could tell?|- Yeah, and also...
{11629}{11687}...please don't take|this the wrong way...
{11688}{11815}...but what kind of Jew gets|hired at a Jewish day school...
{11816}{11867}...who doesn't speak any Hebrew...
{11868}{11931}...or even really, like, know|the first thing about Judaism?
{11932}{12020}Well, I guess, the atheist kind.
{12021}{12053}Excuse me?
{12054}{12090}No, I'm sorry.
{12091}{12153}It's just- I just needed a job.
{12154}{12232}And it was actually my manager's mom...
{12233}{12361}- is the principal of the school.|- Ah.
{12368}{12510}- You didn't completely suck.|- Oh, thank you.
{12713}{12808}I do not want you to say|a word about this to anyone.
{12809}{12858}I mean anyone.
{12859}{12908}It could be very serious|trouble for the school...
{12909}{12974}- And for me.|- No, I'm not gonna say anything.
{12975}{13034}I want you to know...
{13035}{13113}I am only doing this|because of my son...
{13114}{13205}...because he says to me, "Mom, Gavin|is going to be an important musician. "
{13206}{13254}- Oh, yeah?|- Yeah.
{13255}{13393}Otherwise, I wouldn't|do anything like this.
{13475}{13572}Well, thank you. Thank you, Rachel.
{13573}{13693}Honestly, I can't thank you enough.
{14041}{14086}She'll be right along, ma'am.
{14087}{14157}Thank you.
{14742}{14810}Mmm. Mmm.
{14843}{14901}Hold on just a second.
{14902}{14964}Would you like to draw?
{14965}{15026}Here you go, honey.
{15027}{15153}I have something else|for you this week, too.
{15154}{15189}Your teacher, Madame Ntende...
{15190}{15258}...sent this to me in the mail.
{15259}{15316}She said that you lost it|right before you left...
{15317}{15366}...and that you were really sad.
{15367}{15483}And she found it a few weeks ago.
{15711}{15765}Honey, it's gonna be|a little while longer...
{15766}{15875}...and we are working very hard|to find you a good mommy.
{15876}{15962}She won't ever replace|your real mommy...
{15963}{16018}...but she will love you.
{16019}{16153}And I promise that|she'll never leave you.
{16285}{16334}The men|involved in this terrorist attack...
{16335}{16409}...have been vilified,|demonized, and condemned...
{16410}{16489}...by the Western world.
{16490}{16604}But we never want to talk|about the 9/11 Jihadists as real people.
{16605}{16666}The media and our leaders|are quick to label them...
{16667}{16772}...as terrorists and monsters|and murderers.
{16773}{16849}But shouldn't we try|to understand them as human beings?
{16850}{16918}Fuck, no.
{16926}{16983}Everybody calls them cowards...
{16984}{17042}...for murdering helpless passengers...
{17043}{17120}...and causing the deaths|of thousands of innocent lives.
{17121}{17174}- What would you call them?|- Hey.
{17175}{17230}It's the truth.
{17231}{17329}But cowards do not knowingly|sacrifice themselves...
{17330}{17375}...for a greater cause.
{17376}{17471}- I don't agree at all.|- The cause is to kill us?
{17472}{17524}You may not agree with their cause-
{17525}{17574}I don't understand why she's up there.
{17575}{17647}But I do not believe their actions...
{17648}{17718}...were either cowardly or irrational.
{17719}{17772}You know you don't want|to hear this shit, Ms. B.
{17773}{17817}She's talking.
{17818}{17918}I feel that, like the oppressed|Palestinian people...
{17919}{17968}...or the Iraqi citizens...
{17969}{18034}...under occupation|in their own homeland...
{18035}{18098}...that they found|themselves without a voice.
{18136}{18202}And that the only|way for them to be heard...
{18203}{18283}...is to scream with|the might of tons of steel...
{18284}{18381}...and thunderous jet engines|behind them upon impact.
{18382}{18427}Okay, okay.
{18428}{18500}Their voices were heard.
{18501}{18562}You may not like what they had to say...
{18563}{18625}...or how they got|their message across...
{18626}{18684}...but for the first time, we heard it.
{18685}{18730}We gotta listen to this shit?
{18731}{18786}- What we heard was a cry for justice.|- Hold on, hold on, hold on.
{18787}{18874}Okay, okay. Yes, thank you.
{18875}{18919}Hey, Ms. B., thank you.
{18920}{18980}I am- I am not sure...
{18981}{19032}...that that was the point|of the assignment, Taslima...
{19033}{19126}...but, uh, yes, it was|certainly thought-provoking.
{19127}{19175}- Bullshit.|- Yeah, bullshit.
{19176}{19202}You can sit down now.
{19203}{19234}College is hungry for her.
{19235}{19268}Fucking traitor.
{19309}{19349}Why don't you get|the fuck out of our country...
{19350}{19399}...and go back to camel-humping|Saudi Arabia...
{19400}{19468}- where the fuck you camel-humpers live.|- Brian. Brian.
{19469}{19506}I know you're upset...
{19507}{19573}...but I'm not going to condone|an outburst like that.
{19574}{19651}Yo, what's your name? Taslima bin Laden?
{19652}{19711}Hey, yo, I just got one question, Ms. B.
{19712}{19752}Did you frisk her? What if the bitch...
{19753}{19816}...be strapped with dynamite|or TNT or something?
{19817}{19862}She going to get a grenade!
{19863}{19914}- Yo, take us all out.|- Boom!
{20372}{20417}Sure, I'm up for that.
{20418}{20513}Oh, shit, it's my brother.
{20551}{20594}I thought I told you not to come.
{20595}{20642}Javier's giving me a ride home.
{20643}{20720}It's on my way.
{20721}{20771}I just need five minutes to finish up.
{20772}{20815}I'm in the middle of an order.
{20816}{20865}Look at you. Cover yourself up.
{20866}{20932}Just go.
{20939}{20991}I'll meet you in the car.
{21334}{21388}- Um, Heavy-eye?|- Javier.
{21389}{21454}Hi, I'm Claire.|We spoke on the phone, remember?
{21455}{21521}Right. Yeah.
{21609}{21649}Is that okay?
{21650}{21693}Yeah, it's good.|Come back on Friday.
{21694}{21781}Friday. Is that the soonest?
{21818}{21922}Okay. See you Friday. Okay.
{21999}{22028}I'll teach you.
{22029}{22095}Shut up.
{22099}{22199}What are you laughing at?
{22227}{22295}Yong, take out the garbage please.
{22296}{22378}I did it yesterday. It's Seung's turn.
{22379}{22440}Go do it.
{22441}{22497}He's lying. I did it last night.
{22498}{22568}Yong. Now.
{22916}{22995}Oh, mama's boy taking out garbage.
{22996}{23038}Who made you the bitch of the family?
{23039}{23105}- You got no sister to do your grunt work?|- We take turn.
{23106}{23154}You gotta keep that shit|under control, motherfucker.
{23155}{23243}Tomo. Let's hit it.
{23313}{23381}Where to?
{23452}{23502}Oh, shit, I got this|little Glock, homie.
{23503}{23586}Okay, check it out.|Wan's uncle's into hi...
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