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Junior Astrology Course
Lessons 1 - 9
The Rosicrucian Fellowship
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should be made to the publisher.
PO BOX 713
Telephone: (760) 757-6600
Fax: (760) 721-3806
Compiled at Mount Ecclesia
October 2001
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Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................ 3
LESSON 1............................................................. 5
LESSON 2............................................................. 9
LESSON 3........................................................... 13
LESSON 4........................................................... 17
LESSON 5........................................................... 23
LESSON 6........................................................... 26
LESSON 7........................................................... 29
LESSON 8........................................................... 34
LESSON 9........................................................... 38
Review and Test to continue lessons................... 42
Answers to Lessons ............................................ 43
Junior Astrology Course, Lessons 1 - 9
Dear Friend,
We are happy to have your request for our Astrology course. Our three courses in Astrology are
based on the Teachings as given to humanity by the Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order through The
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception and the personal investigations of Max Heindel, their messenger.
In order to realize the most benefit from our Astrology courses we suggest you study our
Preliminary Philosophy Course consisting of twelve lessons. The Preliminary Philosophy Course must
be completed by regular mail one lesson at a time. We hope that the understanding of life and its
problems offered by this course will bring you much comfort and joy.
A New Age is dawning, and wonderful opportunities await those who understand and cooperate
with the cosmic forces operating to break humanity's bond of materialism and usher in a new order
with higher spiritual concepts. As we bring ourselves into harmony with these forces, we not only
greatly hasten our own progress, but make it possible for us to aid in the great work of uplifting all
These lessons are not sold. The Rosicrucian Teaching is free, but the expenses incidental to
their production and website distribution are met by free-will offerings from students "as the heart
dictates and the means permit." However, all receive the same teaching and attention even though
circumstances may be such that some are unable to assist in supporting the work.
We would love to be able to provide personal one-on-one instruction to all who are interested in
our courses, but our resources do not allow this. Therefore, this study course is set up as a college-
type self-study course where the student becomes his own teacher. Answers to all questions are
given in the back of the booklet. Please do not send your individual lesson answers to us.
Please feel that we are your friends, and that we consider it a pleasure and a privilege to assist
you in any way possible to live the higher life, which leads to true happiness and spiritual unfoldment.
We send our best wishes for your spiritual progress.
Yours in service,
The Rosicrucian Fellowship,
Education Department
Materials You Can Buy for Our Courses in Astrology
Note: The Information for Astrology Course booklet (AI), available online, contains all of the
required course reference materials found in the books below. With the exception of the required chart
calculation worksheets (HDD or HDP), it contains all of the reference materials needed for the Junior
and Senior Astrology Courses.
1] Simplified Scientific Ephemeris for 1911, 1912, and 1932 computed for noon (order Information
for Astrology Course booklet [AI] or E1911, E1912, and E1932).
2] Simplified Scientific Tables of Houses (TBH).
3] Simplified Scientific Astrology - Complete textbook on the art of erecting horoscopes, with
dictionary of astrological terms (ASP). Available online.
4] The Message of the Stars - An esoteric exposition of Natal and Medical Astrology explaining
the arts of reading and progressing the Horoscope and diagnosing diseases (MSP). Available online.
5] Horoscope Data Sheets (one pad of 50 - HDP) noon .
All of the above can be obtained from our Order Department.
Junior Astrology Course, Lessons 1 - 9
Junior Astrology Course, Lessons 1 - 9
Astrology Letter No. 1
Dear Friend,
You have before you the first lesson in Spiritual Astrology, but we feel that it would be incomplete
if only the mathematical side were elucidated and the spiritual side neglected, for the latter part of
Astrology is the kernel, the essence, while mathematics is only the terms of the outer expression.
The hands of the clock show the time of events in daily life, but they would remain inert and
motionless were they not propelled onward by a force in the hidden spring. Their stoppage might
cause us to miss an appointment. The visible planets also mark events of life like the hands of a
clock; they also are propelled in their courses by an unseen force analogous to the spring in a clock,
except that the Great Spirits whose bodies they are never stop, and therefore we never miss an
appointment registered upon the clock of destiny, although we may cancel it — under certain
circumstances — as we do engagements in ordinary life.
It is said of Edison that when he was night operator in a railway telegraph office, he put a pail
upon a shelf, led a hose from a faucet into it, turned on a small stream of water calculated to fill the
pail before the next train was due, placed his chair under the pail, and went to sleep. The overflowing
water compelled him to waken and attend to business as no alarm could have done. We are all
turning a constant stream of actions for good or ill into the reservoir of time, and the overflow is always
coming back to us and impelling us to new deeds. It does not matter if we have gone to sleep as
Edison; even the sleep of death cannot abrogate the deeds of the immortal spirit. A new birth brings
each back exactly when his pail of time is full, so that he may reap what he has sown.
It is of the greatest importance that you should understand this viewpoint very thoroughly. We do
not have a certain fate because we are born at a certain moment and impelled by stellar rays then
prevailing. If so, we should then have a right to rail at fate for being born under an evil star without
choice or prerogative. We should then hate God for making us subject to such a fate. Edison would
have had a right to be provoked if any one had awakened him in the manner described, but knowing
that his own act before going to sleep had caused the wetting and realizing the benefit of the heroic
treatment, he probably felt well pleased. So with us, if we realize that our own past acts are the
determinators of our conditions and that the stars simply mark the most favorable time for harvesting
what we have sown, we shall be more contented and seek to learn the lessons of life instead of railing
because of what we lack in faculty or fortune.
Hoping that you will ponder over these important distinctions and always maintain that we were
born at a certain time because the positions of the stars were then such as would bring us the fate we
had earned and the lessons to be learned, I am,
Yours in Fellowship,
Astrology Lesson No. 1
In commencing such a course of instruction where the teacher has no means of knowing to what
extent a pupil is informed upon the subject of study, the only safe method is to assume that he knows
absolutely nothing thereof, otherwise the teacher may omit instruction upon rudimentary matters
which he thinks are common knowledge, to find later that his neglect has given the pupil wrong ideas
which may be difficult to eradicate.
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