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Black plate (15,1)
Driving tips
New vehicle break-in driving
the first
1,000 miles (1,600 km) ..................................... 8-2
Fuel economy hints ............................................ 8-2
Engine exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)............ 8-2
Catalytic converter .............................................. 8-3
Periodic inspections ........................................... 8-4
Driving in foreign countries ............................... 8-4
Driving tips for AWD models.............................. 8-5
On-road and off-road driving.............................. 8-6
Winter driving ...................................................... 8-8
Operation during cold weather............................. 8-8
Driving on snowy and icy roads ......................... 8-10
Corrosion protection .......................................... 8-11
Snow tires ......................................................... 8-11
Tire chains......................................................... 8-11
Rocking the vehicle............................................ 8-12
Loading your vehicle.........................................
Vehicle capacity weight......................................
GVWR and GAWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
and Gross Axle Weight Rating) ........................
Roof rail (if equipped) ........................................
Roof molding and crossbar (if equipped) ............
Trailer hitch (dealer option)...............................
Connecting a trailer ...........................................
When not towing a trailer ...................................
Trailer towing .....................................................
Warranties and maintenance ..............................
Maximum load limits ..........................................
Trailer hitches....................................................
Connecting a trailer ...........................................
Trailer towing tips ..............................................
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Black plate (402,1)
8-2 Driving tips/New vehicle break in driving the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km)
New vehicle break-in driving
Fuel economy hints
Engine exhaust gas (carbon
the first 1,000 miles (1,600
The following suggestions will help to save
. Select the proper gear position for the
speed and road conditions.
. Avoid sudden acceleration or decelera-
tion. Always accelerate gently until you
reach the desired speed. Then try to
maintain that speed for as long as
. Do not pump the accelerator and avoid
racing the engine.
The performance and long life of your
vehicle are dependent on how you handle
and care for your vehicle while it is new.
Follow these instructions during the first
1,000 miles (1,600 km):
. Do not race the engine. And do not
allow engine speed to exceed 4,000 rpm
except in an emergency.
. Do not drive at one constant engine or
vehicle speed for a long time, either fast or
. Avoid starting suddenly and rapid
acceleration, except in an emergency.
Never inhale engine exhaust gas.
Engine exhaust gas contains
carbon monoxide, a colorless
and odorless gas which is dan-
gerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.
Always properly maintain the en-
gine exhaust system to prevent
engine exhaust gas from enter-
ing the vehicle.
Avoid unnecessary engine idling.
Keep the engine properly tuned.
Never run the engine in a closed
space, such as a garage, except
for the brief time needed to drive
the vehicle in or out of it.
Keep the tires inflated to the correct
pressure shown on the tire placard, which
is located under the door latch on the
driver’s side. Low pressure will
Avoid hard braking, except
in an
Avoid remaining in a parked
vehicle for a lengthy time while
the engine is running. If that is
unavoidable, then use the venti-
lation fan to force fresh air into
the vehicle.
tire wear and fuel consumption.
. Use the air conditioner only when
. Keep the front and rear wheels in
proper alignment.
The same break-in procedures should be
applied to an overhauled engine, newly
mounted engine or when brake pads or
brake linings are replaced with new ones.
Avoid carrying unnecessary luggage or
Always keep the front ventilator
inlet grille free from snow, leaves
or other obstructions to ensure
the ventilation system al-
ways works properly.
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Black plate (403,1)
Driving tips/Catalytic converter 8-3
Catalytic converter
reduce HC, CO and NOx in exhaust
gases, thus providing cleaner exhaust.
To avoid damage to the catalytic conver-
exhaust fumes are entering the
vehicle, have the problem
checked and corrected as soon
as possible. If you must drive
under these conditions, drive
only with all windows fully open.
Use only unleaded fuel. Even a small
amount of leaded fuel will damage the
catalytic converter.
Keep the rear gate closed while
driving to prevent exhaust gas
from entering the vehicle.
Never start the engine by pushing or
pulling the vehicle.
Avoid racing the engine.
. Never turn off the ignition switch while
the vehicle is moving.
. Keep your engine tuned-up. If you feel
the engine running rough (misfiring, back-
firing or incomplete combustion), have
your vehicle checked and repaired by an
authorized SUBARU dealer.
. Do not apply undercoating or rust
prevention treatment to the heat shield of
catalytic converter and the exhaust sys-
Due to the expansion and contraction
of the metals used in the manufacture
of the exhaust system, you may hear a
crackling sound coming from the ex-
haust system for a short time after the
engine has been shut off. This sound is
Non-turbo models
Do not drive with an extremely low fuel
Avoid fire hazards. Do not drive
or park the vehicle anywhere
near flammable materials (e.g.,
grass, paper, rags or leaves),
Turbo models
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Black plate (404,1)
8-4 Driving tips/Periodic inspections
Periodic inspections
Driving in foreign countries
operates at very high tempera-
Keep everyone and flammable
materials away from the exhaust
pipe while the engine is running.
The exhaust gas is very hot.
To keep your vehicle in the best condition
at all times, always have the recom-
mended maintenance services listed in
the maintenance schedule in the “War-
ranty and Maintenance Booklet” per-
formed at the specified time or mileage
When planning to use your vehicle in
another country:
. Confirm the availability of the correct
fuel. Refer to “Fuel requirements” F 7-3.
. Comply with all regulations and re-
quirements of each country.
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Black plate (405,1)
Driving tips/Driving tips for AWD models 8-5
Driving tips for AWD models
You must install four tires that are
of the same size, circumferences,
construction, manufacturer,
brand (tread pattern), degree of
wear, speed symbol and load
index. Mixing tires of other sizes,
circumferences or constructions
may result in severe mechanical
damage to the drive train of your
vehicle and may affect ride,
handling, braking and speed-
ometer/odometer calibration. It
also may be dangerous and lead
to loss of vehicle control.
. Always maintain a safe driving
speed according to the road and
weather conditions in order to
avoid having an accident on a
sharp turn, during sudden brak-
ing or under other similar condi-
. Always use the utmost care in
driving – overconfidence be-
cause you are driving an All-
Wheel Drive vehicle could easily
lead to a serious accident.
. When replacing a tire, you must
use a tire that is of the same size,
circumference, speed symbol
and load index as the original
tires listed on the tire placard.
Using tires of other sizes, cir-
cumferences or constructions
may result in severe mechanical
damage to the drive train of your
vehicle and may affect ride,
handling, braking, speedometer/
odometer calibration, and clear-
ance between the body and tires.
It also may be dangerous and
All-Wheel Drive distributes the engine
power to all four wheels. AWD models
provide better traction when driving on
slippery, wet or snow-covered roads and
when moving out of mud, dirt and sand.
By shifting power between the front and
rear wheels, SUBARU AWD can also
provide added traction during acceleration
and added engine braking force during
Therefore, your SUBARU AWD vehicle
may handle differently than an ordinary
two wheel drive vehicle and it contains
some features unique to AWD. For safety
purposes as well as to avoid damaging
the AWD system, you should keep the
following tips in mind.
If you use a temporary spare tire to
replace a flat tire, be sure to use the
original temporary spare tire stored
in the vehicle. Using other sizes may
result in severe mechanical damage
to the drive train of your vehicle.
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