Techniques for controlled drinking.doc

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Techniques for controlled drinking

Techniques for controlled drinking





1.     Decide how many units you want to drink in an evening and stick with it.


2.     Reduce your units by choosing drinks that are not so strong.


3.     Avoid “top-ups” so you can keep track of your units.


4.     Drink water before you go out. Then drink either water or a soft drink between each alcoholic drink.


5.     Eat before you go out and while you are drinking. (avoid salty foods as it makes you more thirsty)


6.     If you think you may be drinking too much, set aside specific datys in the week when you do not drink.


7.     If you spend all your money on drink, take out less cash. Leave the credit card at home.


8.     Before you go out, think about how you are going to get home. If you are in a group, designate a non-drinking driver. Otherwise take a taxi.


9.     Don’t drink in rounds if possible as you’ll tend to drink more.


10. Try not to go out too often with friends who drink heavily.

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