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Verily, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help and ask for
His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our own souls and from our
sinful deeds. Whoever Allah guides, no one can mislead. whoever Allah allows to
go astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship
except Allah, the One, having no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His
servant and messenger. 0 believers! Have fear of Allah according to His right and die
not save as Muslims. 0 mankind! Have fear of your Lord, the One who created you
from one soul and created from it its mate and from them spread many men and
women. fear Allah from whom you demand your mutual rights and [do not cut
ties of kinship. Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you. 0 Believers! Have
fear of Allah and always speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and
will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed
achieved a great achievement.
To proceed: Verily, the truest speech is the Book of Allah. The best guidance
is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst affairs are the innovated ones. Every
innovated matter is a heresy. every heresy is misguidance. every
misguidance is in the Hell-fire.
In the work before you, Dr. Umar a well-known contemporary
scholar of Islam, has attempted to tackle two important topics. The first topic is that
of the characteristics of the jinn. The second topic is the characteristics and
methodology of Satan himself.
The first topic concerning the characteristics of the jinn is a topic
for many reasons. Foremost among those reasons is that humans, in general, do not
have much contact with the jinn and, therefore, it is to gather much
information about them. Secondly, the devils are known to be liars. Thus, even when
a person does encounter them, he cannot put much trust in what they claim about
themselves. Therefore, one must virtually rely only on the of the Quran
and the authentic hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him). In this work,
has done a good job of bringing together the texts of the Quran and sunnah
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The second topic concerning Satan himself is a most important topic
concerning which every believer should be knowledgeable. It is no coincidence that
Allah has mentioned Satan, his goals, his plots and his allies throughout the entire
Quran. This is because Satan is mans greatest enemy. The believer must know the
key to defending himself from Satan. Once again, Dr. has done an excellent
job of presenting the information concerning Satan as derived from the Quran and
authentic hadith.
I thank Allah for the opportunity and ability to complete this work. I pray
that He accepts this work from me and forgives me for any mistakes and errors that
have occurred herein.
I completed the translation of this work in the late Unfortunately, I
have not had the opportunity to publish this work until now. I must express my
thanks to Br. Homaidan al-Turki whose encouragement and assistance has helped
this book finally see its published form.
Obviously, I must express my thanks to Dr. Umar for giving me
permission to translate and publish this book. That permission was given to me
by taking too long in
finally getting this book published.
After Dr. gave me the permission to publish this book, a number
of its chapters were published in the now defunct magazine al-Basheer. I must also
express my thanks to the publishers of al-Basbeer magazine for giving us the
permission to publish those articles in this book.
I would also like to express my thanks to my wife Zainab for reviewing the
manuscript and consistently encouraging me to publish this work due to its overall
Many people also assisted in the translation of the work itself. They include
Fauzi al-Hesadi, Faraj Sherrima, Mahmoud Misbah, Bashir Shabah, Solaiman
Shebani and Faleh al-Sulaiman. I ask Allah to reward them all greatly.
There are numerous others who are always deserving of mention in any of
my books. Allah has blessed me by their company, encouragement, help and
guidance throughout the years. I pray that Allah rewards all of them greatly. These
people include but are not limited to: Nahar al-Rashid, Humaidan Said
Muhammad al-Osimi, Fahd al-Yahya, al-Shaikh, al-Teraiqi,
Muhammad Tahlawi and Jaafar Sheikh Idris. Of course, my wife deserves special
mention for all of her years of encouragement, help and patience.
such that the reader will have a proper conception of this species that lives in our
I pray that I have not disappointed the
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pray that this work is beneficial to those who read it. always, if anyone
has any comments, corrections or suggestions for this work, they should feel free to
contact me through the publisher.
Jamaal Zarabozo
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