Head First Algebra. A Brain-Friendly Guide - T.Pilone, D.Pilone, OReilly Media, 2009.pdf

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Advance Praise for Head First Algebra
Head First Algebra is a clear, easy-to-understand method to learn a subject that many people find
intimidating. Because of its somewhat irreverent attitude in presenting mathematical topics for beginners,
this book inspires students to learn algebra at a depth they might have otherwise thought unachievable.”
— Ariana Anderson
“The way this book presents information is so conversational and intriguing it helps in the learning
process. It truly feels like you’re having a conversation with the author.”
— Amanda Borcky
“What do punk bands need to know about algebra? How will quadratics make your listening experiences
better? Crack the spine on this to find out in a fun and engaging way!”
— Cary Collett
“This has got to be the best book out there for learning basic algebra. It’s genuinely entertaining.”
— Dawn Griffiths, author of “Head First Statistics”
“I wish I had a book like Head First Algebra when I was in high school. I love how the authors relate math
concepts to real-life situations. Not only does it make learning Algebra easy, but also fun!”
— Karen Shaner
Head First Algebra is an engaging read. The book does a fantastic job of explaining concepts and taking
the reader step-by-step through solving problems. The problems were challenging and applicable to
everyday life.”
— Shannon Stewart, Math Teacher
“The book is driven by excellent examples from the world in which students live. No trains leaving
from the same station at the same time moving in opposite directions. The authors anticipate well the
questions that arise in students’ minds and answer them in a timely manner. A very readable look at the
topics encountered in Algebra 1.”
— Herbert Tracey, Instructor of Mathematical Sciences, Loyola University
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Head First Algebra
Wouldn’t it be dreamy if Algebra
was useful in the real world? It’s
probably just a fantasy...
Tracey Pilone M.Ed.
Dan Pilone
Beijing • Cambridge • Kln • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo
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