Drawing the Process.pdf

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DrawingCover.Qrk 15/2/05 10:57 am Page 1
Drawing - The Process is a collection of papers, theories
and interviews based on the conference and exhibition
of the same name held at Kingston University.
Jo Davies is an illustrator and
author of work for children.
Working generally as a
freelance illustrator since
1985, and included in
exhibitions nationally and
internationally, she is editor-
in-chief of ‘the journal’
published by the Association
of Illustrators, and was Head
of Illustration at Exeter
School of Art and Design (the
University of Plymouth).
A wide range of approaches, both practical and
theoretical, and their varied contexts within the field of
drawing, are re-examined and in many cases
introduced as totally new methodology to the reader.
All contributors are practicing designer-artists and all
are in empathy with the ethos of interdisciplinary
thinking and investigation as part of their profession.
Subjects discussed include;
• Three Dimensional, Textile, Fashion and Graphic
• Figure Drawing
• Illustration and Animation
• Fine Arts
• Architecture and the environment
• Communication
• Challenges of existing theory
Leo Duff trained as an
illustrator. As well as working
to commission, she exhibits
regularly. Alongside being
course director of the MA
Drawing as Process at
Kingston University, she has
built up the Drawing Projects
Research Centre,
investigating how drawing is
used by artists and designers
in the development of their
This book is recommended reading for practitioners
from any area using drawing in any form, students,
researchers, teachers, as well as those interested in
working processes.
ISBN 1-84150-076-3
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First Published in 2005 by
Intellect Books, PO Box 862, Bristol, BS99 1DE, UK
First Published in USA in 2005 by
Intellect Books, ISBS, 920 NE 58th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, Oregon 97213-
3786, USA
Copyright ©2005 Intellect Ltd
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permis-
Book and Cover Design: Joshua Beadon – Toucan
Copy Editor: Wendi Momen
With special thanks to Peter Till for use of cover illustration.
The CD ROM Drawing -The Process , containing edited works and associated texts
of the fifty artist-designers who took part in this exhibition, is available from:
Leo Duff, Drawing Research, Kingston University, Knights Park, Kingston Upon
Thames, Surrey KT1 2UD
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Electrionic ISBN 1-84150-907-8 / ISBN 1-84150-076-3
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd.
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Leo Duff
Only Fire Forges Iron:
The Architectural Drawings of Michelangelo
Patrick Lynch
Old Manuals and New Pencils
James Faure Walker
‘A Journey of Drawing: an Illustration of a Fable’
John Vernon Lord
Visual Dialogue: Drawing Out ‘The Big Picture’ to
Communicate Strategy and Vision in Organisations
Julian Burton
The Beginnings of Drawing in England
Kevin Flynn
Electroliquid Aggregation and the Imaginative
Disruption of Convention
Russell Lowe
What Shall I Draw? Just a Few Words
Phil Sawdon
Towards a Life Machine
Stuart Mealing
In Discussion with Zandra Rhodes
Leo Duff
Algorithmic Drawings
Hans Dehlinger
Drawing a Blank
Peter Davis
A Dialogue with Joanna Quinn
Ian Massey
Drawing – My Process
George Hardie
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