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Pressing Papers
Pressing Papers
By Mary Crooke
I was watching a television program about
making jewellery when I realised that with some
adaptation and a little experimentation a similar
process could be used to make pretty papers
from plain tissue paper. I think I have come up
with some interesting results.
Materials Required:
Sheets of tissue paper.
P. V.A. Craft Adhesive and a 25mm paintbrush.
Wire cake cooler or similar.
Old papers to protect your work surface – shiny
magazine papers are best, not newspapers.
Sheet of Silver foil.
An iron (set on wool).
See also: additional materials at the start of the
instructions for each paper.
To Make The Papers:
Orange Dot Paper:
Yo u will need pieces of white tissue paper
a little bigger than aperture size, an orange wax
crayon, a sheet of coarse glass paper, an old
folded cloth and some clean white paper.
Cover the paper on the work surface with a
folded cloth. Remove the wrapper from round
the crayon and rub it liberally over the glass
paper. Place a piece of tissue paper on the folded
cloth and the glass paper, crayon side down, onto
this. Put a piece of plain white paper over the top
to protect the iron, press the iron down onto the
papers and hold perfectly still for a few seconds.
Remove the iron and allow the paper to cool a
little. Lift the glass paper up off the tissue, don’t
drag it or it will smudge.
You may need to experiment to get the
desired result which is why it is best to work on
small pieces of tissue rather than a large sheet. If
there is not enough crayon on the tissue rub
some more onto the glass paper and try again on
a new piece of tissue. If there is too much, try
again on another piece of tissue as there will be
less crayon left on the glass paper.
Two Colour Dot Paper:
You will need white tissue
paper, yellow and green cray-
ons, a craft knife and an old
folded cloth.
With the tip of the knife cut
off small pieces of green and
yellow crayon. Fold the tissue
paper in half, crease and unfold
it again and place on the folded
cloth. Spread the pieces of cray-
on over one half of the tissue
and fold the other half back
over again. Press the iron down
on the tissue and hold for a few
seconds before lifting it off
again. Repeat until you have
pressed the whole sheet of
tissue. The melted crayon will
have joined the top and bottom
layers of tissue together.
Flower, Leaf
Or Punched
Shape Paper:
You will need
white tissue
paper, pressed
flower petals or
pressed leaves
(some ideas to
try are Maiden-
hair Fern, Violet,
flower stamens
or grass seeds).
Alternatively use
paper punched
shapes such as
small hearts or
Fold the white tissue in half, crease it and
unfold again then place onto a sheet of foil.
Scatter the petals, leaves or punched shapes onto
half of the tissue, make sure any pressed leaves
or flowers are ’best side’ up. Using the paint-
brush cover the other half of the tissue with
P. V.A. and fold carefully back over the first half
pressing firmly. Leave to dry on a wire tray.
Dark Blue &
Silver Paper:
You will need
two pieces of
dark blue tissue,
a number 4 or 5
artists brush and
silver paint.
Start with
one piece of tis-
sue paper placed
onto the work
surface with the
foil beneath.
Take the second
piece of dark
blue tissue and screw it up into a ball. Straighten
the paper out again using the flat of your hand,
some creasing will remain and the paper will be
a little smaller than it was.
Using the large brush, gently spread the
P. V. A. all over the first piece of blue tissue (the
one on the foil), lay the crumpled piece on top
and press together. Lay onto the wire tray and
allow to dry thoroughly.
Shake and stir the silver paint really well, dip
the small brush into the paint and dab on some
spare paper to remove the excess. Starting at
the top corner with the brush almost flat on the
tissue, drag the brush across the paper and back
again. Work down the paper until all the high
creases are covered. Great for Christmas cards,
allow to dry before using.
Red Paper:
You will need two pieces of red tissue and
some fine gold thread, I used Madeira No 40
in Gold.
The thread needs to be snipped into some-
thing like 1cm lengths, it won’t notice if they
vary a little. An easy way of doing this is to wind
the thread ten times round four fingers of your
hand, slip it off and cut at one end. Hold all
the threads together and snip into 1cm lengths
letting them fall onto a clean sheet of paper. A
dessert spoonful of snipped thread will cover
a piece of tissue about 30cm square.
Start with one piece of red tissue paper on the
sheet of silver foil. Using the large brush, gently
spread the P.V.A. all over the tissue. Place the sec-
ond piece on top and press together, place on the
wire tray to dry. Brush the top of the red tissue
with P.V.A. and scatter the gold thread evenly all
over. Press the pieces firmly down using the back
of a spoon, add a little more glue under any that
keep popping up and press down again.
We hope you enjoy this article, it was taken from a back issue of the Craft
Creations Magazine.
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